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Osmania University

Clinical research courses

  • Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc as Junior Research Fellow at Osmania University

    Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc as Junior Research Fellow at Osmania University

  • Job for Senior Research Fellow/Research Associate at Osmania University

    Osmania University, established in 1918, is the seventh oldest in India, the third oldest in south India and the first to be established in the erstwhile princely state of Hyderabad. Through out its existence of over eight decades, it has shown remarkable progress and sustained an integrated deve- lopment of all faculties. It has significantly contributed to the academic and economic development of not only the region but also of the Country. Its alumni have distinguished themselves nationally and internationally in various spheres of life and are spread far and wide around the world.

    Post : SRF/RA

  • Wanted Faculty at MNR College of Pharmacy

    MNR College of Pharmacy is committed to delivering quality education to its students. The college also pursues Biomedical and Pharmaceutical research through its faculty. Students go through intensive training programs to meet quality standards of the industry.

    Post : FACULTY

  • Job as Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors in Mesco College of Pharmacy

    The Mesco College of Pharmacy was establised in 2002 by the Mesco educational Trust for Bachelor Pharmacy Course. The college is housed in a campus with an imposing building and most conducive atmospheres for academic excellence. Post-graduate programme was introduced in 2004.

    Invites Applications for the Posts of Professors, Associate Professors & Assistant Professors in Pharmacy

    Post: Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors

  • Research opportunity at Gokaraju Rangaraju College of Pharmacy | M.Pharmacy/ MS (Pharmacy) may apply

    Gokaraju Rangaraju College of Pharmacy (GRCP) creates an environment that opens up new worlds of opportunity. The institute is a DSIR recognized Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO), accredited by NBA, affiliated to Osmania University and approved by AICTE. Having four research departments such as pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis and quality assurance and pharmacology, many research staff and research scholars are contributing immensely to the scientific community.

  • University with Potential for Excellence- Project Fellowship in Osmania University

    The University Grants Commission, New Delhi has conferred the status of "University with Potential for Excellence” to Osmania University, Hyderabad. According to Action Plan of UPE document approved by the UGC, New Delhi certain identified interdisciplinary areas of research activities have Project Fellowships. The Applications are invited for the project fellowship in the Dept, of Genetics, UCS, OU in the prescribed form available at University Press, Osmania University. Hyderabad - 500 007 from the eligible candidates of the Genetics & Biotechnology disciplines in lieu of the earlier candidate resignation.

    Name of the Fellowship: UPE - Project Fellowship

  • Career as JRF/PF in Osmania University

    Osmania University established in 1918, is the seventh oldest in the Country, third oldest in South India and the First in the princely state of Hyderabad. The establishment of Osmania University symbolizes a renaissance in the Indian Educational System and has shown a remarkable resilience throughout its existence. The university is instrumental in propagation of Higher Education to cater the needs of community in the region over nine decades and has grown into one of the major Universities of India. It has a vast sprawling green campus of 500 hectares set in picturesque and idyllic surroundings. It owns number of buildings of great architectural elegance and variety to enhance the beauty of the campus. The university is an autonomous institution created through an act of legislature and most part of funding is from the State Government. The university holds the flagship for Higher Education of Government of Andhra Pradesh and has played a key role in planning, initiating and implementation of various development programs.

  • Application are invited for Project Fellow in Osmania University

    Osmania University established in 1918, is the seventh oldest in the Country, third oldest in South India and the First in the princely state of Hyderabad. The establishment of Osmania University symbolizes a renaissance in the Indian Educational System and has shown a remarkable resilience throughout its existence. The university is instrumental in propagation of Higher Education to cater the needs of community in the region over nine decades and has grown into one of the major Universities of India.

  • Osmania University open for Junior Research Fellow for cervical cancer project

    Osmania University established in 1918, is the seventh oldest in the Country, third oldest in South India and the First in the princely state of Hyderabad. The establishment of Osmania University symbolizes a renaissance in the Indian Educational System and has shown a remarkable resilience throughout its existence. The university is instrumental in propagation of Higher Education to cater the needs of community in the region over nine decades and has grown into one of the major Universities of India. It has a vast sprawling green campus of 500 hectares set in picturesque and idyllic surroundings. It owns number of buildings of great architectural elegance and variety to enhance the beauty of the campus. The university is an autonomous institution created through an act of legislature and most part of funding is from the State Government. The university holds the flagship for Higher Education of Government of Andhra Pradesh and has played a key role in planning, initiating and implementation of various development programs.

    Post: Junior Research Fellow

  • Job for Project Assistant in Osmania University

    Osmania University established in 1918, is the seventh oldest in the Country, third oldest in South India and the First in the princely state of Hyderabad. The establishment of Osmania University symbolizes a renaissance in the Indian Educational System and has shown a remarkable resilience throughout its existence. The university is instrumental in propagation of Higher Education to cater the needs of community in the region over nine decades and has grown into one of the major Universities of India. It has a vast sprawling green campus of 500 hectares set in picturesque and idyllic surroundings. It owns number of buildings of great architectural elegance and variety to enhance the beauty of the campus. The university is an autonomous institution created through an act of legislature and most part of funding is from the State Government. The university holds the flagship for Higher Education of Government of Andhra Pradesh and has played a key role in planning, initiating and implementation of various development programs.

    Post: Project Assistant

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