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Job for Senior Research Fellow/Research Associate at Osmania University

Clinical research courses

Osmania University, established in 1918, is the seventh oldest in India, the third oldest in south India and the first to be established in the erstwhile princely state of Hyderabad. Through out its existence of over eight decades, it has shown remarkable progress and sustained an integrated deve- lopment of all faculties. It has significantly contributed to the academic and economic development of not only the region but also of the Country. Its alumni have distinguished themselves nationally and internationally in various spheres of life and are spread far and wide around the world.

Post : SRF/RA

Applications are invited for the post of SRF/RA in the CSIR, New Delhi funded research project entitled “Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of Nuclear Factor-Y (NF-Y) transcription factor genes in response to abiotic stresses in Sorghum bicolor: Cloning and overexpression of SbNF-YB2 in rice for terminal drought stress”. The post is purely temporary and will be for a period of one year ten months or co-terminus with the project (31-5-2020).

Qualifications and Experience
M.Sc in Genetics or Biotechnology or Biochemistry with a minimum of 55% marks. Qualification in the NET/GATE examination is preferred. Candidates with a minimum of 2 years of research experience in any research lab are preferred.

Candidates, having required qualification, may apply to the undersigned on prescribed application forms available from the Director, Osmania University Press, Osmania University, Hyderabad 500 007 along with a DD for Rs.50/ drawn in favour of the Registrar, Osmania University on or before 19th May, 2018.

Candidates are requested to attend the interview in the office of Dean, Faculty of Science, Osmania University. The date of interview would be intimated to the candidates. No TA or DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.

Prof. P.B. KaviKishor
CSIR-Emeritus Scientist
Principal Investigator, CSIR Project
Department of Genetics, Osmania University
Hyderabad 500 007

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