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University with Potential for Excellence- Project Fellowship in Osmania University

Clinical research courses

The University Grants Commission, New Delhi has conferred the status of "University with Potential for Excellence” to Osmania University, Hyderabad. According to Action Plan of UPE document approved by the UGC, New Delhi certain identified interdisciplinary areas of research activities have Project Fellowships. The Applications are invited for the project fellowship in the Dept, of Genetics, UCS, OU in the prescribed form available at University Press, Osmania University. Hyderabad - 500 007 from the eligible candidates of the Genetics & Biotechnology disciplines in lieu of the earlier candidate resignation.

Name of the Fellowship: UPE - Project Fellowship

Number of Fellowships: 01

Title of the Project: Programme 1-4 "Preparation, characterization, photocatalytic and biological studies of metal complexes, pyrochlores and fast ionic conductors”.

Eligibility for Fellowships: The candidates, who are interested in the said area of research with prescribed Post Graduate qualification in Genetics & Biotechnology and experience in animal cell culture are eligible to apply.

Nature of Assistance: Fellowship = Rs. 14,000/- p. m (Consolidated)

Tenure of Fellowship: 1 Year and/or coterminus of the UPE-FAR program.

Other Conditions of Fellowship: The research fellow, with the consent of the coord inator/head of the department, may assist the university in its academic work, including tutorials, evaluation of test papers. laboratory demonstration, supervision of field work, library' activities like group seminars and symposia, provided such work is not likely hinder the research program. The total amount of time to be spent on such activities should not exceed 10 hrs a week.

Cancellation of Fellowship: Fellowship is liable to cancellation in case of i) Misconduct, ii) Unsatisfactory progress of research work, or iii) Fellow is found ineligible later.

Duly filled Prescribed Application Form with relevant enclosures along with the Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- and Rs. 50/- (SC/ST) (Non Refundable) of any nationalized bank drawn in favor of Registrar, Osmania University, Hyderabad should reach to The Project Coordinator. Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 500 007 on or before 16th March 2015.

Ref. No. 51/G/UGC-UPE/2015


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