Labour Organization was set up in Tripura in 1951 under one Labour Officer. This was upgraded to Labour Directorate in 1965 under the control of Chief Labour Officer. The Labour Commissioner started functioning as Head of Department since 1978. Subsequently, in 1982 the Organization of Factories and Boilers was separated from the Labour Directorate.
Post : Pharmacist
An Expression of Interest (EOI) is being invited from the bonafide Indian citizens having permanent resident of Tripura for tilling up the following vacant posts in Employees' State Insurance Dispensaries under Tripura Employees State Insurance Society’ on purely contract basis for a period of 1(one) year.
No of posts : 03 (ST-01, SC-01, UR-01)
Qualification : i) H.S (+2 stage) passed with science
ii) Diploma / degree in Pharmacy
Salary per month : 9500/- Fixed
Upper Age Limit : Not exceeding 65 years
The Engagement shall be made through a process of Walk in Interview against Academic performance Index- 100 marks and Interview - 10 marks- Moreover, 5 marks wilt be given to the Degree holder in pharmacy, in addition.
Terms & Conditions of appointment
1. The service conditions, during the service tenure shall be governed by the relevant rules issued by the "Tripura Employees' State Insurance Society" from time to time.
2. The appointment is completely temporary for requirement of Tripura Employees' State Insurance Society for a period of l(one) year from the date of joining in the present post.
3. The service period may be extended by the "Tripura Employees' State Insurance Society1' subject to satisfactory performance & requirement of the Society.
4. The Appointee shall be entitled for casual leave of 1 (one) day for every completed month i.e. 12 days for 1 complete year with pay. In case of woman employee, the Appointee shall be entitled for Maternity leave of 180 days for 2(two) occasions with pay.
5. No other allowance shall be admissible within the service tenure, except the Salary / Honorarium.
6. Salary / Honorarium shall be provided from Tripura ESI Society's Fund.
7. The Appointee may submit his/her resignation from service subject to giving 3 months' prior intimation to the Appointing Authority.
8. The appointee may be engaged in any ESI Dispensaries under Tripura Employees' State Insurance Society'. No TA / DA shall be admissible for first time 'joining.
9. The Tripura Employees' State Insurance Society' reserves the right to terminate the service, at any time without citing any reasons, if service of the employee is found to be dissatisfied to the Society or in any way detrimental for smooth functioning of ESI dispensary.
10. The Appointee shall have no right to claim whatsoever for regularization of the service in the Tripura Employees' State Insurance Society' in future.
Interested candidates may apply in the prescribed application format along with duly filled API calculation sheet prescribed by this office and self attested necessary documents of their age proof, educational qualification, cast certificate etc. to this office of the undersigned within 14-03-2025.
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