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Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc as Junior Research Fellow at Osmania University

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Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc as Junior Research Fellow at Osmania University

Osmania University is named after its founder, Nawab Osman Ali Khan, the seventh Nizam of Hyderabad who rather through a farman or Royal Charter, brought the University into existence in 1918. It is the seventh oldest in the Country and third oldest in South India. Though the need for the University for the Hyderabad State was felt, both by the intelligentia and the people for a long time, the initiative came from a civil servant, Sir Akbar Hydari, who was then the Home Secretary to the State Government.

Post : Junior Research Fellow - 01-Post

Applications are invited for a post of Junior Research Fellow to work in the research project entitled “Transient over-expression of human CD-200 gene in Nicotiana model plant and biochemical characterization of purified protein for immunotherapy”, funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Science & Engineering Research Board (DST SERB - SERB/F/11311/2018-19) Govt. of India. The post is purely temporary and co-terminates with the project.

Eligibility Qualifications & Desirable
Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science or Professional Graduate (MBBS or equivalent Degree)/ Post Graduate Degree in (Pharmacy & M. Tech. in Biotechnology) course selected through a process described as any one of the following: Qualified CSIR-UGC-NET including lectureship /ICMR/DBT/GATE/any national eligibility test. Masters with minimum of 55% of aggregate marks or equivalent CGPA from any UGC recognized University.

Desirable : Candidate should have minimum experience in the field of Cloning, Transient expression in plants, Antibody purification, Inhibitor design, Chemical synthesis and Bioinformatics

Age Limit : Below 28 years as on closing date of advertisement (Age relaxation will be given as per DST-SERB, Govt. of India rules)

Duration : 18 Months

Fellowship guidelines DST-SERB :
Rs. 25000+30 % HRA=Rs.32500 (as per central govt) -first two years
Rs. 28000+30 % HRA=Rs.36400 – (as per central govt)-third year
*TA & DA will be provided for project field trips

How to Apply : Interested and eligible candidates are required to apply in the prescribed format that is available in Osmania University Press, along with a DD of Rs. 50/- drawn in favor of Registrar, Osmania University. Scanned copy of the duly filled application form with photograph to be sent to the E-mail: on or before 16th October 2020. Shortlisted candidates will be intimated through Email/phone and will be called for interview in person with original certificates, one set of photocopy of all certificates. No TA/DA will be paid to attend interview.

Address for Correspondence:
(Principal Investigator)
Dr. Someswar Rao Sagurthi
(M. Sc & PGD (JNU, New Delhi), Ph. D (IISc, Bangalore), PDF I & II (USA))
Department of Genetics & Biotechnology,
Osmania University, Hyderabad – 500 007

Application Form & More Info>>

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