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Clinical research courses

  • Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at JIPMER

    Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research originated as École de Médicine de Pondichérry established by the French Government in the year 1823. This medical school was converted into Dhanvantari Medical College at the time of de facto transfer of Pondicherry to Government of India. This Medical College was later upgraded into Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER).

    Post : Junior Research Fellow

  • Vacancy for Project Assistant at Indian Institute of Technology

    The history of the IIT system dates back to 1946 when a committee was set up by Hon'ble Sir Jogendra Singh, Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council, Department of Education, Health and Agriculture to consider the setting up of Higher Technical Institutions for post war industrial development in India. The 22 member committee headed by Sri N.R.Sarkar, in its report, recommended the establishment of four Higher Technical Institutions in the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern regions, possibly on the lines of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, with a number of secondary institutions affiliated to it.

    Post : Project Assistant - Technical

  • Walk in interview for Junior Research Fellow at Indian Institute of Technology | B.Pharm, M.Sc

    Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, the sixth member of the IIT fraternity, was established in 1994. The academic programme of IIT Guwahati commenced in 1995. At present the Institute has eleven departments and three inter-disciplinary academic centres covering all the major engineering, science and humanities disciplines, offering BTech, BDes, MA, MDes, MTech, MSc and PhD programmes.

    Post : JRF

  • Job for B.Pharm, B.Sc as Key Account Manager at Novo Nordisk

    Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with 89 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. The company also has leading positions within Haemophilia care, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Headquartered in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately 33,300 employees in 75 countries, and markets its products in more than 190 countries Novo Nordisk’s B shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen (Novo-B).

    Post : Key Account Manager for Nursing Homes

  • Merck Limited Looking for Area Sales Manager

    Merck Limited (formerly E. Merck Limited) was set up in India as the first Merck subsidiary in Asia in 1967.  The Company operates both its Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals businesses in the country. Merck was also the first Merck Group Company to go public in the year 1981.  The Merck Group now holds 51% of the share capital in Merck Limited, while the remaining 49% is traded on the Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. and National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.  Merck Specialities Pvt. Ltd., the wholly owned Indian subsidiary of Merck KGaA, was incorporated in 2005.

    Post : Area Sales Manager

  • Job Openings for M.Pharm, M.Sc in Research at NITM | Salary upto Rs Rs. 48,000/-

    The Centre has taken up research on scientific validation of Herbal and Traditional Medicine, through studies in phytochemistry, efficacy, safety, mode of action and clinical evaluation of herb, its ingredients and traditional formulations, as the thrust area. NITM is also involved in studies on prevalence of various diseases at regional level, and lending active support to the State health authorities in investigation of outbreaks, laboratory confirmations, as well as providing infrastructural support and expertise in the relevant fields of interest. Furthermore, NITM Belagavi is serving as a nodal Centre for execution of various Task Force projects and Schemes of the ICMR and DHR.

  • Recruitment for General Manager at Central Medical Services Society | Emoluments Rs. 1,50,000/- pm

    Central Medical Services Society (CMSS) has been established with the approval of Cabinet on 24.08.2011 as a Central Procurement Agency (CPA) to streamline drug procurement and distribution system of Department of Health & Family Welfare (DoHFW), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and to eliminate existing deficiencies. The Mission of the Society is to procure high quality health sector goods in a transparent and cost-effective manner in line with the directives of the Government of India and ensure timely and un-interrupted supply of health sector goods & services for State Government and Union Territories.

    Central Medical Services Society (CMSS), a Central Procurement Agency of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India, has opening for the following position on contract basis/by deputation.

    Post : General Manager (Procurement)

  • Require Sales Representative at Medtronic

    Together, They can change healthcare worldwide. At Medtronic, They push the limits of what technology can do to help alleviate pain, restore health and extend life.  We challenge ourselves and each other to make tomorrow better than yesterday.  It is what makes this an exciting and rewarding place to be.

    Post : Sales Representative I - STI

  • Walk in interview for Junior Research Fellow at NIT Rourkela | M.Pharm, B.Pharm

    NIT Rourkela is one of the premier national level institutions for technical education in the country and is funded by the Government of India. Government of India has elevated the Regional Engineering College, Rourkela to a deemed university under the name of National Institute of Technology, Rourkela.  The main objective of the Institute is to produce quality Engineers and Scientists in Graduate and Post-Graduate levels in various branches of Engineering and Science. The Institute is managed by the Board of Governors of National Institute of Technology (Rourkela) Society and vested with significant degree of administrative and financial autonomy. Government of India have recognized the Institute as a premier institution of repute and have developed it as a center of excellence under plan funding.

    Post : Junior Research Fellow

  • Vacancy for Assistant Professor at Nirma University

    The Institute of Pharmacy established in year 2003 is a leading institutein the western region of the country imparting quality pharmacy education at Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Doctoral levels. Institute of Pharmacy - Nirma University hasbeen ranked 18th Top Pharmacy Institute among Pharmacy Institutions of the country by Ministry of Human Resource Development in its National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) in India Rankings 2018.  Institute of Pharmacy prepares the students to meet the challenges in thearea of pharmaceutical manufacturing and research and development. The Institute houses state-of-art researchfacility and infrastructure to support pharmaceutical education and research. The Institute offers B. Pharm, M. Pharm and Full timeand External Ph.D. Programmes in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 

    Post : Assistant Professor

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