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Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at JIPMER

Clinical research courses

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research originated as École de Médicine de Pondichérry established by the French Government in the year 1823. This medical school was converted into Dhanvantari Medical College at the time of de facto transfer of Pondicherry to Government of India. This Medical College was later upgraded into Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER).

Post : Junior Research Fellow

Department of Medicine, JIPMER, Puducherry will conduct Walk-in interview for the Post of JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW on PURELY TEMPORARY BASIS for the DST-SERB funded Project “Effect of Colchicine in Septic Shock (COLISEPS Trial) – A Pilot Study”

Details of the Project :
Title : Effect of Colchicine in Septic Shock (COLISEPS Trial) – A Pilot Study Duration : 3 years
Principal Investigator : Dr. R. Venkateswaran, Associate Professor of Medicine.

Essential Qualifications : M.Sc in Medical Biotechnology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry or Equivalent degree. BE or B. Tech in Biotechnology or Equivalent Degree

Emoluments : Rs.25,000/- + HRA (Rs.5,000/-)

Desirable Qualifications and Experience
• Good Communication skills in Tamil and Proficiency in English
• Basic computer knowledge required for data entry and data analysis.
• Experience: Animal (Mice) handling, ELISA and Western Blot techniques
• Any Publication in Science Citation Indexed Journal
• National Eligibility Test Qualified (like ICMR-JRF, CSIR-UGC, JGEEBILS)

Upper Age Limit : Not exceeding 28 years as on 28th August 2019. However, can be relaxed for OBC/SC/ST candidates as per norms.

1. The appointment is PURELY on TEMPORARY BASIS (co-terminus with the project) will be initially for a period of ONE YEAR and the extension may be granted up to THREE YEARS based on the performance with effect from the date of joining. If the period is not extended further, the same will be lapsed automatically.
2. If performance of the appointee is not found satisfactory by the Principal Investigator, then appointment can be terminated at any time without assigning any reason.
3. If the appointee wishes to resign, it can be done by giving one month’s notice or by paying one month’s salary.
4. The appointee is not entitled to any T.A. for attending the interview and joining the appointment.
5. Qualification, experience, other terms and conditions may be relaxed / altered at the discretion of the Principal Investigator. Decision of the Competent authority will be final.

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6. The appointee shall perform the duties as assigned to him/her. The competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/additional allowances will be admissible in case of such assignment.
7. The appointee shall be on the whole time appointment of the JIPMER and shall not accept any other assignment, paid or otherwise and shall not engage himself/herself in a private practice of any kind during the period of contract.
8. The appointee shall not be entitled to any benefit like Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity, Medical Attendance Treatment, Seniority, Promotion etc. or any other benefits available to the Government Servants, appointed on regular basis.
9. The appointee will not be eligible to get official accommodation/quarters allotment within the campus as applicable to the other regular employees of this Institute.
10. The Income Tax or any other tax liable to be deducted, as per the prevailing rules will be deducted at source before effecting the payment, for which the Department will issue TDS Certificate/s.

Selection procedure:
Registered applicants will be screened and eligible candidates will be intimated by email, on 15th August 2019 to attend the interview. On 28th August 2019, after certificate verification, all candidates found eligible will have to appear for the written test. Based on the performance in the written test, the top 5 (Five) candidates will be shortlisted to appear for personal Interview. List of Shortlisted Candidates will be displayed in the Departmental Notice Board at 2 PM on the same day. The final merit list will be drawn after the Interview, with the Selected candidate and Wait listed candidates. The same will be valid for one year from the date of Publications of results.

Interested Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria and agree to the terms & conditions for appointment (as mentioned below) may apply. Candidates who receive the confirmation email (to participate in the interview) may report for the walk-in-interview on 28th August 2019 (Monday) by 8.00 AM with his/her application in the prescribed proforma available in the Institute’s website appending therewith self-attested certificates / reference letters / résumé and other relevant documents (as mentioned below) at the above designated venue for verification of documents before appearing for written test and personal interview.

List of Documents and Enclosures
• Filled-in Application form
• Certificate of Academic qualifications
• Birth certificate / Proof of DOB
• Scientific Publications
• Valid Photo ID and Address proof
• Experience certificate (Work and Research)
• Community certificate (SC/ST/OBC)
• Résumé and Reference letters

Online Registration (Last date for Registration)
14th August 2019 (Wednesday). 6:00 PM

Certificate Verification (Reporting Time)
08.00 AM onwards (of 28th August 2019) The candidates, who report after 9:30 AM will not be considered.

Written Test (Screening test)
Date and Time : 28th August 2019 (Monday). 11:00 AM onwards
Venue : Department of Medicine, III Floor, Hospital Block, JIPMER
Questions : MCQs and Short Notes (from Sepsis, Colchicine, Mouse Experiments, Neutrophil function, Inflammation, Informed Consent Process, Research Methods and Biostatistics)

Walk- in Interview
Date and Time
28th August 2019 (Monday). 02:30 PM onwards
Department of Medicine, III Floor, Hospital Block, JIPMER

Application Form>>

Online Registration>>

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