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Clinical research courses

  • Vacancy for Junior Research Fellow at NIT

    NIT Rourkela is one of the premier national level institutions for technical education in the country and is funded by the Government of India. Government of India has elevated the Regional Engineering College, Rourkela to a deemed university under the name of National Institute of Technology, Rourkela.  The main objective of the Institute is to produce quality Engineers and Scientists in Graduate and Post-Graduate levels in various branches of Engineering and Science. The Institute is managed by the Board of Governors of National Institute of Technology (Rourkela) Society and vested with significant degree of administrative and financial autonomy. Government of India have recognized the Institute as a premier institution of repute and have developed it as a center of excellence under plan funding.

    Post : Junior Research Fellow

  • Applications are invited for Senior Research Fellowships, Research Associateships at Human Resource Development Group - CSIR

    The Human Resource Development (HRD) Group of COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH (CSIR), New Delhi, provides opportunities to bright young men and women in the form of direct Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs) and Research Associateships (RAs) for training in methods of research under the expert guidance of faculty members/scientists working in universities, laboratories and institutes of Government Departments and recognised laboratories of industry in various fields of science and technology.

  • Applications are invited for Business Development Manager, Technical Assistant at RCB

    Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), an institution of national importance established by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, with regional and global partnerships synergizing with the programmes of UNESCO. The primary focus of RCB is to provide world class education, training and conduct innovative research at the interface of multiple disciplines to create high quality human resource in disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas of biotechnology in a globally competitive research milieu.

    The Centre invites online applications from suitably qualified, dynamic, result-oriented and dedicated Indian candidates for the following posts on Direct recruitment/ deputation/ contract basis:

  • Applications are invited for Consultant in Healthcare Technology at NHSRC

    National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC) has been set up under the National Health Mission (NHM) as an autonomous registered society, to channelize technical assistance and capacity building support to the states for strengthening the public health system. The NHSRC is also mandated to contribute towards National strategic health planning and programme design. Work at NHSRC is organized around multiple divisions, namely Community Processes, Quality Improvement, Public Health Administration, Healthcare Financing, Healthcare Technology and Human Resources for Health.

    Post : Consultant – Healthcare Technology (Health Technology Assessment)

  • Recruitment for Pharmacopoeial Associates (09 posts) at PCIM&H - Govt. of India

    Pharmacopoeia  Commission  for  Indian  Medicine  &  Homoeopathy  (PCIM&H) is an  autonomous  body  under  Ministry  of  AYUSH,  Govt.  of  India,  with  an  objective  to develop Pharmacopoeial Standards for Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathic drugs and to publish Ayurvedia, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India  for  the  promotion  of  Quality  and  Safety  of  ASU & H  Drugs.

  • Vacancy for Consultant in Healthcare Technology at NHSRC

    National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC) has been set up under the National Health Mission (NHM) as an autonomous registered society, to channelize technical assistance and capacity building support to the states for strengthening the public health system. The NHSRC is also mandated to contribute towards National strategic health planning and programme design. Work at the NHSRC is organised around seven divisions, namely – Community Processes & Comprehensive Primary Care (CP-CPHC), Quality Improvement, Public Health Planning, Public Health Administration, Healthcare Financing & Healthcare Technology and Human Resources for Health.

    Post : Consultant – Healthcare Technology (Health Technology Assessment)

  • Job for Graduate in Pharmacy as Specialist in AMPS at Pfizer

    Pfizer is the world's premier biopharmaceutical company taking new approaches to better health.  We discover, develop, manufacture and deliver quality, safe and effective prescription medicines to treat and help prevent disease for both people and animals. We also partner with healthcare providers, governments and local communities around the world to expand access to our medicines and to provide better quality health care and health system support. At Pfizer, colleagues in more than 90 countries work every day to help people stay happier and healthier longer and to reduce the human and economic burden of disease worldwide.

    Post : Specialist - AMPS

  • Multiple Vacancies in CLRI for the posts of Research Associate, SRF, JRF, Project Assistant

    Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), Chennai a National Laboratory under the aegis of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) and one of the world’s premier Institute engaged in Research & Development in the area of Leather Science & Technology and associated with several National & International program, desires to engage talented candidates as Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow (Project), Junior Research Fellow (Project) & Project Assistants of various levels under different projects tenable at CLRI as per qualification, age etc.

  • Job Openings in Research and Development at IIT

    Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, the sixth member of the IIT fraternity, was established in 1994. The academic programme of IIT Guwahati commenced in 1995. At present the Institute has eleven departments and three inter-disciplinary academic centres covering all the major engineering, science and humanities disciplines, offering BTech, BDes, MA, MDes, MTech, MSc and PhD programmes.

    Post : JRF

  • Vacancy for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Sc as Key Account Manager at Merck Limited

    Merck Limited (formerly E. Merck Limited) was set up in India as the first Merck subsidiary in Asia in 1967.  The Company operates both its Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals businesses in the country. Merck was also the first Merck Group Company to go public in the year 1981.  The Merck Group now holds 51% of the share capital in Merck Limited, while the remaining 49% is traded on the Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. and National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.  Merck Specialities Pvt. Ltd., the wholly owned Indian subsidiary of Merck KGaA, was incorporated in 2005.

    Post : Key Account Manager

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