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Pharmaceutics Articles

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  • Anti-inflammatory activity oflic extract of R Methanooot of Cissampelos pareira on Carragenin induced rat paw edema

    About authors:
    Gourab Saha*1, Pankaja Senapati1, Narahari Sahu2, Dr. Sambit Parida3
    1. Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mohuda, Berhampur – 2, Orissa, India.
    2. Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mohuda, Berhampur – 2, Orissa, India.
    3. Department of Pharma analysis, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mohuda, Berhampur–2, Orissa, India.


    This study investigated the anti-inflammatory activity of the methanolic extract of Cissampelos pareira (Abuta) in male albino rats after intramuscular administration. This was done using the carragenin-induced paw edema method. Methanolic extract of Cissampelos pareira showed significant anti-inflammatory activity similar to ibuprofen and indomethacin.


    About Authors:
    Chauhan M.K., Kawadkar J., Kishore R.*, Pathak A.M.
    Department of Pharmaceutics
    DIPSAR, New Delhi

    This paper discussed the problems associated with nasal drug delivery and how it is possible, sometimes by means of quite simple concepts, to improve transport across the nasal membrane. It also described the advantages, barriers, physicochemical factors, and formulation related parameters that affecting the nasal drug delivery and the applications of nasal route for delivery of peptides, proteins, non-peptide drugs, and vaccines.  In this way it is feasible to deliver efficiently challenging drugs such as small polar molecules, peptides and proteins and even the large proteins and polysaccharides used in vaccines or DNA plasmids exploited for DNA vaccines. The transport of drugs from the nasal cavity directly to the brain is also described. Nasal vaccines offer several benefits, such as low enzymatic degradation compared to oral vaccines, and greater acceptability to patients. Nasal vaccines, however, have to overcome several limitations, including mucociliary clearance. Therefore, nasal vaccines require potent adjuvants and delivery systems to enhance their immunogenicity and to protect their antigens.


    About Authors:
    *Sunil kumar, Amit kumar shahi, Ravi shanker, R. singh, Dr. R. ParthSarthy, Dr S.K. Prajapati
    Kamla Nehru institute of technology and management, Sultanpur.
    Bundelkhand university, Department of pharmacy, Jhansi


    The purpose of this research is to design proniosomal powder drug delivery system of flurbiprofen in a trial to overcome the adverse effects associated with oral administration of the drug. Conventional chemotherapy for the treatment of intracellular infection is no more effective due to limited permeation of drug into cell. This can be overcome by the use of vesicular drug delivery system. Encapsulation of a drug in vesicular structure can be predicted to prolong the existence of the drug in the systemic circulation and thus enhance penetration into target tissue and reduce toxicity.Proniosomal powder are generally present in transparent, translucent or white texture, which makes them physically stable during storage and transport. Due to the limited solvent system present, the proniosomes formed were the mixture of many phases of liquid crystal, viz. lamellar, hexagonal and cubic phase liquid crystals.The potential of proniosomes as a transdermal drug delivery system for flurbiprofenwas investigated by encapsulating the drug in various formulations of proniosomal powder composed of various ratios of sorbitan fatty acid esters, cholesterol, prepared by slurry method. The formulated systems were characterized in vitro for size, vesicle count, drug entrapment, drug release profiles and vesicular stability at different storage conditions. Stability studies for proniosomal powder were carried out for 4 weeks. The method of proniosome loading resulted in an encapsulation yield of 30.6 – 75.4%. Proniosomes were characterised by transmission electron microscopy. In vitro studies showed prolonged release of entrapped flurbiprofen. At refrigerated conditions, higher drug retention was observed. It is evident from this study that proniosomes are a promising prolonged delivery system for captopril and have reasonably good stability characteristics.


    About Authors:
    Mubarak Patel*, Suresh. V. Kulkarni,
    Department of Pharmaceutics,
    Sree Siddaganga College of Pharmacy,
    B. H. Road, Tumkur-572102, Karnataka, India.


    The purpose of the research work was to prepare and evaluate the microspheres of metoclopramide hydrochloride as a model drug by solvent evaporation method with carbopol and HPMC polymers in various proportions. A total of six formulations were prepared i.e. F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 and F6. The microspheres were evaluated for micromeritic properties, particle size, % yield, Drug content and Drug release. The size or average diameter of prepared microspheres were recognized and characterized by scanning electron microscopic methods. Microspheres were found discrete, spherical and free flowing. They ranged in particle size from 45.6- 52.2 μm. Metoclopramide hydrochloride release from these microspheres was slowed, extended and depended on the type of polymer used. The formulation F2 and F5 showed consistent drug release for up to 12 h time period. Among all the formulations, F2 contains carbopol 934 and F5 containing HPMC showed the reproducible results with best release profile and good surface morphology. Release data were analyzed based on Highuchi kinetics and Korsmeyer/Peppa’s equation and all the selected formulations showed good fit to Peppa’s equation. The work has demonstrated that among all the formulations of microspheres, particularly those of formulation F2 are promising candidates for the sustained release of metoclopramide hydrochloride in the gastrointestinal tract.


    About Authors:
    Neha Sharma*, Dr. Rajinder Kaur
    Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan


    Main source of sugar has long been cane sugar with beet sugar contributing a very less percentage. But these sugars alongwith sweetening qualities have been found to contribute calories, which can lead to various chronic diseases. Stevia rebaudiana is one such medicinal plant which have made possible to offer consumers the sweet taste without calories. Stevia alongwith sweetner offers anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-yeast, cardiotonic, diuretic and hypoglycaemic properties. Hence there is need to study this medicinal plant to promote this natural sweetener and create product awareness. Its genetic diversity study provides better knowledge of the herb and hence its production and so that it can be used more and more by the pharmaceutical industries to serve the mankind.

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    About Authors:
    S.R.Edwin Singh*
    Department of Pharmaceutics, Seshachala College of Pharmacy,
    Tirupathi – Chennai High way,   Puttur-517 583, 
    Chittoor (dist), A.P., India

    This article aims to review the recent developments in the buccal adhesive drug delivery systems to provide basic principles to the young scientists, which will be useful to circumvent the difficulties associated with the formulation design. The Rapid developments in the field of molecular biology and gene technology resulted in generation of many macromolecular drugs including peptides, proteins, polysaccharides and nucleic acids in great number possessing superior pharmacological efficacy with site specificity and devoid of unwanted and toxic effects. The oral cavity is highly acceptable by patients.  The mucosa is relatively permeable with a rich blood supply, it is robust and shows short recovery times after stress or damage.  The virtual lack of Langerhans cells makes the oral mucosa tolerant to potential allergens. Buccal drug delivery leads direct access to the systemic circulation through the internal jugular vein bypasses drugs from the hepatic first pass metabolism leading to high bioavailability. Buccal route is an attractive route of administration for systemic drug delivery. Buccal bioadhesive films, releasing topical drugs in the oral cavity at a slow and predetermined rate, provide distinct advantages over traditional dosage forms for treatment of many diseases.


    About Authors:
    1*Ajeet, 2Shelly Singh
    1Department of Medicinal Chemistry, S. D. College of Pharmacy and Vocational Studies,
    Bhopa Road, Muzaffarnagar, U.P., India, PIN-251001
    2Department of Pharmaceutics, Mahatma Gandhi College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
    Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

    Iontophoresis, a 250 years old technology for delivering the drug is simply based on the use of electrical potential. Being so old, it is still having too popped up just because of its unlimited aspects to work with. In the present review, I tried to compile the vast aspects of a drug delivery system termed as iontophoresis. Iontophoresis is one of the most interesting and challenging endeavors facing the pharmaceutical scientist. The systemic drug delivery systems often require large dose and are associated with gastrointestinal side effects, while topical application of solutions, suspensions, and ointments show variability in absorption patterns. Iontophoresis technique is capable of expanding the range of compounds that can be delivered through ocular, transdermal, ural, transungual, buccal or by nasal route.


    About Authors:
    Pavitra Solanki1, Satyaveer Singh Solanki2
    1- Research Scholar, KIET school of Pharmacy, Ghaziabad.
    2- Asstt. Professor, Nehru Mahavidhyalaya, Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh

    The goal in designing controlled floating delivery system to reduce the frequency of dosing and / or to increase effectiveness of drug by localization at the site of action, reducing the dose required or providing uniform drug delivery with high bioavailability of buoyant drugs and also reduce the severity and frequency of side effects by maintaining patient blood levels of the drug above the minimum effective level and below the minimum toxic level.
    Oral route has been the commonly adopted and most convenient route for drug administration. Oral route of administration has been received more attention in the pharmaceutical field because of the more flexibility in the designing of dosage form than drug delivery, design for other routes.  For sustained drug delivery dosing interval can be extended either by manipulating the drug molecule to reduce the rate of elimination or by altering the release rate of a dosage form to retard the rate of absorption. Both these approaches decrease fluctuating in plasma level in case of multiple dosing extending the dosing interval without under or over dosing.

  • Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agencies and Organizations around the World: Scope and Challenges in Drug Development

    About Authors:
    Geetanjali Sengar*, Pranab Tripathy

    Drug Regulatory Affairs Dept.
    Belco Pharma, 515, Modern Industrial Estate,
    Bahadurgarh-124507(Haryana), India.

    As the pharmaceutical industries throughout the world are moving ahead towards becoming more and more competitive, regulatory agencies are being established in various countries across the globe. Regulatory agencies and organizations play a vital role to meet the requirements of legal procedures related to drug development process in a country.

    In the present scenario, pharmaceuticals are considered as the most highly regulated industries worldwide. The regulatory body ensures compliances in various legal and regulatory aspects of a drug. Every country has its own regulatory authority, which is responsible to enforce the rules and regulations and issue the guidelines to regulate drug development process,licensing, registration, manufacturing, marketing and labeling of pharmaceutical products. USFDA(USA), MHRA(UK), TGA(Australia), CDSCO(India), HEALTH CANADA(CANADA), MCC(South Africa),ANVISA (Brazil) , EMEA (European Union), SFDA (China),NAFDAC(Nigeria), MEDSAFE(Newzeland), MHLW(Japan), MCAZ(Zimbabwe), SWISSMEDIC(Switzerland), KFDA(Korea), MoH (Sri Lanka) are the few regulatory  agencies and organizations established in respective countries.


    About Authors:
    H. S. Sawwalakhe*, J. M. Maidankar, M. A. Channawar, Dr. A. V. Chandewar
    P. W. College of Pharmacy, Yavatmal,
    Amravati university


    Occular drug delivery is one of the most interesting and challenging endeavors facing the pharmaceutical scientists, the major problem encountered to pharmaceutical scientist is rapid precorneal elimination of the drug, resulting in poor bioavailability and therapeutic response, because of high tear fluid turnover and dynamics. In situ-forming gels are liquid upon instillation and undergo phase transition in the ocular cul de-sac to form visco-elastic gel and these gels provides a response to environmental changes. In the past few years, an impressive number of novel temperature, pH, and ion induced in situ-forming systems have been reported for sustained ophthalmic drug delivery. Each system has its own advantages and drawbacks. The choice of a particular gel depends on its intrinsic properties and envisaged therapeutic use. This review includes various temperature, pH, and ion induced in situ-forming polymeric systems used to achieve prolonged contact time of drugs with the cornea and increase their bioavailability Now a days in situ gel have been used as vehicles for the delivery of drugs for both local treatment and systemic effects. Different administration routes other than ocular have been explored, and these cutaneous and subcutaneous delivery, dental, buccal delivery and delivery to the esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum and vagina.

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