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Opportunity for M.Pharm, MS or MTech Pharm as Research Scientist at IIT (BHU), Salary Rs. 67,200 pm

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Opportunity for M.Pharm, MS or MTech Pharm as Research Scientist at IIT (BHU)

The institute completed its 100 years in 2019, and we wish to take forward the legacy with rejuvenated vigor and sheer dedication with a commitment to nation building. The Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi owes its existence to Bharat Ratna Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya, the founder of the first residential University of modern India, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), who could foresee the vital role of technical education in strengthening independent India. Engineering education in BHU started in 1919 with the establishment of Banaras Engineering College (BENCO). The next stage of development saw the establishment of College of Technology (TECHNO) and College of Mining & Metallurgy (MINMET).

Post : Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical)

Applications are invited for the post of Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical) at a fixed stipend amount of Rs. 56,000 + 20% HRA per month in a ICMR Sponsored Project entitled “Rational design, synthesis and evaluation of novel nitrogen-bearing heterocyclic hybrids as allosteric SH-2 domain- containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-2 inhibitors for cancer therapy” sanctioned up to three years. The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.

Project number : IIRPSG-2024-01-04886 

Project title & Funding agency : Rational design, synthesis and evaluation of novel nitrogen-bearing heterocyclic hybrids as allosteric SH-2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-2 inhibitors for cancer therapy” funded by ICMR, New Delhi. 

Principal Investigator : Prof. Senthil Raja A, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology, IIT (BHU) Varanasi-221005, UP, India;

Duration : The initial appointment will be for 1 year. The contract will be renewable subject to satisfactory performance and project requirements. The total project duration is 3 years. 

Fellowship / Salary : The candidate will be paid a stipend of Rs. 56,000 + 20% HRA per month for the first two years and a 5% hike in salary for the third year. Selected candidate will be required to join immediately.

Educational qualifications & experience : Essential: (i) First class M.Pharm / MS (Pharm) / M. Tech in Pharmaceutical / Medicinal Chemistry with GATE/GPAT/CSIR UGC-NET qualification or equivalent examination; OR (ii) Second class M. Pharm/MS (Pharm)/M. Tech in Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry with PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry and GATE/GPAT/CSIR UGC- NET qualification or equivalent examination; 
Desirable : Candidates with previous experience in multistep organic synthesis, spectral characterization, molecular modelling, animal handling, in vitro screening, cell culture assays and experience in scientific writing as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications will be preferred. 

Upper age limit : 35 years (relaxation will be given as per the GoI rules). All things being equal, SC/ST candidates will be preferred as per GoI rules.

General Instructions
1. The PI has the discretion to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience. 
2. Only shortlisted candidates will be communicated to appear in the interview and no other communications in this regard will be entertained. 
3. The shortlisted candidates must submit the self-attested copies of all certificates by email, before the date of interview, for verification. 
4. Last date for submission of application online is 02 April 2025. Please refer to the institute website : for updates if any. 
5. The venue of the interview will be Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology, IIT (BHU) Varanasi-221005. 
6. The selected candidate possessing Master degree may have the chance to pursue PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry while serving as a Project Research Scientist, in the Pharmaceutical Engineering department, IIT (BHU) Varanasi.

Interested candidates fulfilling the above mentioned criteria are requested to apply through the link within 21 days of the advertisement (on or before 02 April 2025). The shortlisted candidates will be intimated by email ONLY. No TA/DA will be paid, if called for interview.

Apply Online (on or before 02 April 2025)

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