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Multiple Vacancies in CLRI for the posts of Research Associate, SRF, JRF, Project Assistant

Clinical research courses

Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), Chennai a National Laboratory under the aegis of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) and one of the world’s premier Institute engaged in Research & Development in the area of Leather Science & Technology and associated with several National & International program, desires to engage talented candidates as Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow (Project), Junior Research Fellow (Project) & Project Assistants of various levels under different projects tenable at CLRI as per qualification, age etc.

Research Associate -1 (01 post)
Qualifications : Essential: Ph.D in Science from recognized University/lnstitute Desirable Candidates having work experience, having publications related to dissemination of science and technology and preparation of course materials in audio and video will be given preference   
Tenure* : 06 months
Stipend : Rs.36,000/- per month (Consolidated
Upper age limit : 35 years

Senior Research Fellow (Project) (01 post)
Qualifications : M.Tech (Chemical Engineering/ Leather Technology) or equivalent degree in Engineering/ Technology with atleast 60% marks from recognized University/lnstitute
Tenure* : 1 year
Stipend : Rs.35,000/- plus HRA per month
Upper age limit : 32 years

Junior Research Fellow (Project) (01 post)
Qualifications : Essential: M.Tech in Biotechnology/ Biopharmaceutical (OR) M.Pharm from recognized University/lnstitute
Desirable : Candidates having prior training/ experience in handling nematodes/ worms will be given preference
Tenure* : 1 year
Stipend : Rs.31,000/- plus HRA per month
Upper age limit : 28 years

Project Assistant Level - III (01 post)
Qualifications : Essential: MBA (any specialization) with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute plus 02 years of relevant experience
Desirable 02 years of experience in Project Management Activities (OR) Preparation of Project Reports (OR) Documentation Maintenance and Handling (OR) Administrative work (OR) Back office support
Tenure* : 1 year
Stipend : Rs.28,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 35 years

Project Assistant Level - III (01 post)
Qualifications : Essential: M.Tech in Biotechnology/ Bio- Pharmaceutical Technology with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute
Desirable : Candidates having research experience in antimicrobial studies will be given preference
Tenure* : 06 months
Stipend : Rs.16,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 35 years

Project Assistant Level - III (01 post)
Qualifications :
Essential: M.Sc in Chemistry with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute plus 02 years of relevant experience
Desirable : Candidates having experience in synthesis of polymers will be given preference
Tenure* : 01 year
Stipend : Rs. 16,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 35 years

Project Assistant Level - III (01 post)
Qualifications :
Essential: B.Tech in Leather Technology with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute plus 02 years of relevant experience
Desirable: Candidates having experience in co-ordinating activities of Sector Skill Council and NSDC activities of NSDA
Tenure* : 01 year
Stipend : Rs.28,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 35 years

Project Assistant Level - III (01 post)
Qualifications :
M.Tech (Biotechnology) with minimum 55% marks from recognised University/ Institute
Tenure* : 06 months
Stipend : Rs.16,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 30 years

Project Assistant Level - II (01 post)
Qualifications :
Essential: M.Sc (Biochemistry/ Biochemical Technology/ Chemistry) with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute Desirable Candidates having 02 years research experience will be given preference
Tenure* : 01 year
Stipend : Rs.22,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 30 years

Project Assistant Level - II (01 post)
Qualifications :
Essential: B E (CSE)/ B.Tech (IT)/ MCA/ M.Sc Computer Science with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute Desirable Candidates having minimum 01 year work experience in Scientific projects and experience in handling PFMS Portal will be given preference
Tenure* : 06 months
Stipend : Rs 25,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 30 years

Project Assistant Level - II (01 post)
Qualifications :
Essential: B.Tech (Chemical Engineering/ Biotechnology/ Environmental Technology) with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute Desirable Candidates having exposure in handling Chemical Engineering experimental projects and computer knowledge will be given preference
Tenure* : 06 months
Stipend : Rs. 14,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 30 years

Project Assistant Level - II (01 post)
Qualifications :
Essential: M.Sc Chemistry (any specialization) with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute
Desirable : Candidates having 1st class and good knowledge in physical chemistry aspects will be given preference
Tenure* : 01 year
Stipend : Rs.25,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 30 years

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Project Assistant Level - II (02 posts)
Qualifications :
Essential: B.Tech Leather Technology/ Mechanical Engineering with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute Desirable Candidates having 1st class will be given preference
Tenure* : 01 year
Stipend : Rs.14,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 30 years

Project Assistant Level - II (02 posts)
Qualifications :
Essential: B E/ B.Tech in Civil Engineering with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute
Desirable Candidates having knowledge in surveying, IS codes, AUTOCAD, design of structures, preparation of bill of quantities and estimates, site supervision will be given preference. This job involves field works
Essential: M.Sc. Chemistry/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute
Desirable Candidates having knowledge in analysis of liquid and solid waste samples, computer operation for preparation of technical reports and statistics analysis of the data
Tenure* : 31.03.2020
Stipend : Rs.25,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 30 years

Project Assistant Level - II (02 posts)
Qualifications :
Essential: B.Tech in Chemical Engineering (OR) M.Sc in Chemistry with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute Desirable Candidates having exposure in handling experimental projects/ Computer Knowledge will be given preference
Tenure* : 06 months
Stipend : Rs.14,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 30 years

Project Assistant Level - II (02 posts)
Qualifications :
Essential: M.Sc in Organic Chemistry/ General Chemistry with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute Desirable Candidates having experience in synthesis of monomer and polymer synthesis will be given preference
Tenure* : 01 year
Stipend : Rs.14,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 30 years

Project Assistant Level - II (01 post)
Qualifications :
B.E in Biomedical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering (OR) M.Sc in Sports Biomechanics and Kinesiology/ Exercise Physiology and Nutrition
Tenure* : 6 months
Stipend : Rs.14,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 30 years

Project Assistant Level - I (02 posts)
Qualifications :
Essential: B.Sc. with Chemistry/ Physics as one of the subjects with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute Desirable Candidates having 1st class and sound knowledge on Microsoft tools with knowledge on instrumental techniques for analysis will be given preference
Tenure* : 1 year
Stipend : Rs. 15,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 28 years

Project Assistant Level - I (01 post)
Qualifications :
Essential: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute Desirable Candidates having 1st class and knowledge in the field operation of mechanical equipment preferably pumps, motor and other mechanical equipment of Bio-gas plant will be given preference
Tenure* : 07 months
Stipend : Rs.10,000/- per month (Consolidated) 
Upper age limit : 28 years

Project Assistant Level - I (01 post)
Qualifications :
Essential: B.Sc (Computer Science)/ BCA with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute Desirable Candidates having minimum 6 months experience as Data Entry Operator will be given preference
Tenure* : 6 months
Stipend : Rs.15,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 28 years

Project Assistant Level - I (01 post)
Qualifications :
Essential: B.Sc Chemistry with PG Diploma in Plastic Processing Technology/ Polymer Composite with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute Desirable Candidates having hands on experience in Polymer processing such as injection molding, extrusion molding, calendar processing will be given preference
Tenure* : 1 year
Stipend : Rs.15,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 28 years

Project Assistant Level -1 / Level - II (01 post)
Qualifications :
Level - 1 Essential: Diploma in Leather Technology with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute (OR)
Level - II Essential: BE/ B.Tech in Leather Technology with minimum 55% marks from recognized University/ Institute
Tenure* : 066 months
Stipend :
Level -1 Rs. 10,000/- per month (Consolidated) ; Rs.14,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Upper age limit : 28 years & 30years

Tenure mentioned above may be extendable. In any case, it is co-terminus with the project or till such time this requirement exists whichever is earlier.

Candidates fulfilling the above mentioned qualification, age etc., may attend the Walk-in Interview scheduled on Friday, the 21st June, 2019 at CLRI at 09.00 AM onwards along with application form available in below link duly filled with photocopies of necessary certificates along with original certificates for verification and 02 passport size colour photographs.

Terms & Conditions
1. Number of positions required is indicative in nature, there may be increase/ decrease in the number based on requirement.
2. Candidates found suitable for selection will be empaneled in addition to the positions required. Empaneled candidates may be selected for future project requirements.
3. Relaxation of upper age limit:
• Project Assistants -A 5 years in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ Women/ PwD and 3 years for OBC applicants
• Senior Research Fellow (Project)/ Junior Research Fellow (Project) -> 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Schedule Castes/ Schedule Tribes/ OBC/ Physically Flandicapped and female applicants
4. The date of determining the qualification and age shall be the date of Walk-in Interview.
5. Final year/ Semester students those who are awaiting results are not eligible to be considered.
6. Tenure mentioned above may be extendable. In any case it is co-terminus with the project or till such time this requirement exists whichever is earlier.
7. Candidates are requested not to send their applications in advance. Original certificates must be produced for verification at the time of Walk-in Interview
8. Candidates coming after 11.00 AM shall normally not permitted for interview.
9. No travelling allowance will be paid for attending Walk-in Interview.

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