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pharma courses



  • Career for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Sc as Associate Research Analyst at Clarivate Analytics

    Clarivate Analytics is the global leader in providing trusted insights and analytics to accelerate the pace of innovation. Building on a heritage going back more than a century and a half, we have built some of the most trusted brands across the innovation lifecycle, including Web of Science, Cortellis, Derwent, CompuMark, MarkMonitor and Techstreet. Today, Clarivate Analytics is a new and independent company on a bold entrepreneurial mission to help our clients radically reduce the time from new ideas to life-changing innovations.

    Post : Associate Research Analyst

  • Recruitment for M.Pharm, M.Sc in Reseach at IHBT | 10 posts

    Govt. of Himachal Pradesh took up initiative in early seventies to set up a CSIR lab to make prudential use of the natural resources of the region. After several levels of discussions a formal request was made by then Chief Minister of HP to Vice President, CSIR in 1982 for initiating the matter, and giving final shape to the proposal. The dream of HP government finally came true in 1983 when the foundation stone of this National lab was laid as CSIR Complex Palampur by Prof. Nurul Hasan, former Vice President of CSIR, with then Chief Minister of HP chairing the function.

    Walk-in-Interviews are scheduled to be held on the date(s) as mentioned below against the position(s) in the respective column for the selection of suitable candidate(s) in the following areas under the following project(s) on purely temporary basis for the duration of the project or till completion of the project whichever is earlier.

  • Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at Indian Institute of Technology

    Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, the sixth member of the IIT fraternity, was established in 1994. The academic programme of IIT Guwahati commenced in 1995. At present the Institute has eleven departments and five inter-disciplinary academic centres covering all the major engineering, science and humanities disciplines, offering BTech, BDes, MA, MDes, MTech, MSc and PhD programmes. Within a short period of time, IIT Guwahati has been able to build up world class infrastructure for carrying out advanced research and has been equipped with state-of-the-art scientific and engineering instruments.

    Applications are invited for a Walk in interview for the following post(s) in the project entitled, "To investigate how Apoptosis and Splicing associated Protein complex interface with splicing and connects Exon Junction Complex" at the department of Biosciences & Bioengineering, IIT Guwahati.

    Post : JRF (GATE)

  • Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistant at NCL

    National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune, established in 1950, is a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). CSIR-NCL is a science and knowledge based research, development and consulting organization. It is internationally known for its excellence in scientific research in chemistry and chemical engineering as well as for its outstanding track record of industrial research involving partnerships with industry from concept to commercialization.

    Applications are invited in the prescribed Proforma for filling up of position of Project Assistant II on a purely temporary basis. The detail of the Sponsored Project under which engagement is proposed to be made is as given below.

    Post : Project Assistant II

  • Job for Senior Research Fellowship at IIT

    The history of the IIT system dates back to 1946 when a committee was set up by Hon'ble Sir Jogendra Singh, Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council, Department of Education, Health and Agriculture to consider the setting up of Higher Technical Institutions for post war industrial development in India. The 22 member committee headed by Sri N.R.Sarkar, in its report, recommended the establishment of four Higher Technical Institutions in the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern regions, possibly on the lines of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, with a number of secondary institutions affiliated to it.

    Post : Senior Research Fellowship - Research

  • Multiple Job openings in Baxter | M.Pharm, M.Sc, B.Pharm

    A leader in healthcare for more than 75 years. Baxter assists healthcare professionals and their patients with treatment of complex medical conditions. Information on our business and leadership is available here.

  • Walk in interview for Project Assistant at NRCPB

    National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology (NRCPB) is a premiere research institution of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The institute was founded in 1985 as the ‘Biotechnology Centre’ of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) for molecular biology and biotechnology research in crop plants. The prescience of the role of biotechnology in agriculture led to a bigger responsibility for this centre and it was elevated as National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology in the year 1993.

    Post : Project Assistant

  • Walk in interview for Junior Research Fellow at Institute of Chemical Technology

    The Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) Mumbai was established as the Department of Chemical Technology on 1st October 1933 by the University of Mumbai, through active support of industries and philanthropists. The Institute was most popularly known as UDCT, Mumbai. Research has been an integral part of ICT since its inception and it has created over 500 first generation entrepreneurs. The UDCT grew significantly in stature and was granted autonomy under UGC regulations by the University of Mumbai and further converted into an Institute on 26th January 2002. Under the World Bank TEQIP programme, the Maharashtra government granted it full autonomy in June 2004.

    Post : Junior Research Fellow

  • Opportunity for M.Pharm, M.Sc to work in URDIP | 21 posts

    CSIR-URDIP works in the area of Scientific Informatics (ChemBioinformatics / Patent Informatics / Phytoinformatics / Toxinformatics) and related software development projects. We believe in delivering outstanding knowledge-based services and solutions with high quality and unmatched standards.  CSIR-URDIP has a vibrant scientific community consisting of Scientists, Intellectual Property Specialists, Technologists and Project Assistants.

    CSIR has set up a Unit for Research and Development of Information Products (CSIR-URDIP) at Pune to work in the area of Scientific Informatics - Patent Informatics.

    Applications are invited from Qualified Candidates who meet the following educational and experience requirement for consideration as Project Assistants to work on existing and new projects at CSIR-URDIP.

  • Walk in interview for Senior Research Fellow, Project Assistant at IVRI

    Eligible candidates are invited to attend “Walk-in-Interview” for contractual positions of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Project Assistant on 25/06/2018 at 10.00 AM for the project “ICAR-Consortia Research Platform on Vaccines & Diagnostics” at ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Hebbal, Bengaluru-560024. The appointment of the posts is for a specific period of the project and the service will automatically stand terminated at the end of the contractual period.

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