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pharma courses



  • Walk in interview in Production, QA, QC at Glenmark

    Glenmark is a leading player in the discovery of new molecules both NCEs (new chemical entity) and NBEs (new biological entity) with eight molecules in various stages of clinical development. The company has a significant presence in branded generics markets across emerging economies including India. Its subsidiary, Glenmark Generics Limited has a fast growing and robust US generics business. The subsidiary also markets APIs to regulated and semi-regulated countries. Glenmark employs nearly 6000 people in over 80 countries. It has twelve manufacturing facilities in four countries and has five R&D centres.

  • Recruitment for Scientist at Indian Council of Medical Research

    Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), an autonomous organization under the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India invites applications for filling up of the post of Additional Director General / Scientist 'H' In Level 15 of Pay Matrix (Rs, 1,82,200 - 2,24,100) at ICMR Headquarter, New Delhi on direct recruitment basis.

    Post : Scientist

  • Vacancy for M.Pharm, M.Sc (09 posts) at DRDO | Ministry of Defence

    Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) works under Department of Defence Research and Development of Ministry of Defence. DRDO dedicatedly working towards enhancing self-reliance in Defence Systems and undertakes design & development leading to production of world class weapon systems and equipment in accordance with the expressed needs and the qualitative requirements laid down by the three services. DRDO is working in various areas of military technology which include aeronautics, armaments, combat vehicles, electronics, instrumentation engineering systems, missiles, materials, naval systems, advanced computing, simulation and life sciences. DRDO while striving to meet the Cutting edge weapons technology requirements provides ample spinoff benefits to the society at large thereby contributing to the nation building.

  • Recruitment for M.Pharm, M.Sc (12 posts) in Drug research at CDRI

    CDRI is considered to be a pioneer research organization in the field of biomedical research where all the infrastructure and expertise are available to develop a drug right from its concept to market. The very latest techniques and methodologies are employed for developing drugs, diagnostics and vaccines to combat diseases prevalent among mankind in general and Indian population in particular. CDRI is a multidisciplinary research laboratory consisting of scientific personnel of various areas of biomedical sciences. For administrative and scientific purposes the Institute's manpower has been grouped into 17 R&D divisions and few divisions providing technical and scientific support.

  • Walk in interview in Production, Packing, QA, QC at Alembic Limited

    Alembic Limited, with an established presence in the Indian pharma  industry has a proud, historical track record going back one hundred years. With a turnover in excess of Rs1000 crores today, Alembic Limited is one of India’s leading integrated pharmaceutical companies. We continue to enjoy leadership positions in antibiotics, anti-infective, anti-cough and also have significant worldwide presence in specialty therapeutic areas such as cardiology, neurology, diabetology, etc. We have also plans for expansion in Ophthalmic etc.

  • Job for M.Pharm, M.Sc (05 posts) as Technical Officer at RCB | Govt. of India

    Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), an institution of national importance established by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, with regional and global partnerships synergizing with the programmes of UNESCO. The primary focus of RCB is to provide world class education, training and conduct innovative research at the interface of multiple disciplines to create high quality human resource in disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas of biotechnology in a globally competitive research milieu. The Centre invites online applications from suitably qualified, dynamic, resultoriented and dedicated candidates for the following posts on Direct recruitment/ deputation/ contract basis.

  • Vacancy for Senior Technical Officer at Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology | 05 posts

    CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad (CSIR-CCMB) is a Premier Research Laboratory under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), involved in multidisciplinary R&D programmes of both basic and applied nature across scientific disciplines of biological science for economic, environmental and societal benefits of mankind.

  • Job for B.Pharm as Scientific Assistant in PBTI - Salary Upto Rs 35,000/- pm

    Punjab Biotechnology Incubator (PBTI) welcomes you to its state-of-the- art Agri & Food Testing Laboratory set up at SAS Nagar (Mohali), the hub of Biotechnology and Information Technology in Punjab. PBTI is a State Govt. Undertaking registered as a ‘Society for Biotechnology Incubator' under the Society Registration Act 1961 and  is professionally governed by Governing Council of the Society under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Govt. of Punjab. The day to day affairs are managed by Chief Executive Officer, supported by technical professionals of high caliber.

    Punjab Biotechnology Incubator (PBTI) invites the applications to fill up the following post purely on contractual basis for a period of 5 years extendable as per requirement of PBTI :

    Post: Scientific Assistant – 01 (One)

  • Applications are invited for Senior Research Fellowships, Research Associateships in Human Resource Development Group - CSIR

    The Human Resource Development (HRD) Group of COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH (CSIR), New Delhi, provides opportunities to bright young men and women in the form of direct Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs) and Research Associateships (RAs) for training in methods of research under the expert guidance of faculty members/scientists working in universities, laboratories and institutes of Government Departments and recognised laboratories of industry in various fields of science and technology.

  • Career for Consultant in Healthcare Technology at NHSRC | Remuneration upto Rs 90,000/- pm

    National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC) has been set up under the National Health Mission (NHM) as an autonomous registered society, to channelize technical assistance and capacity building support to the states for strengthening the public health system. The NHSRC is also mandated to contribute towards National strategic health planning and programme design.

    Post : Consultant - Healthcare Technology

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