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Apply Online for post of Assistant Pharmaceutical Chemist under Public Service Commission

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Apply Online for post of Assistant Pharmaceutical Chemist under Public Service Commission

The Goa Public Service Commission is a body created by the Constitution of India. The Commission advises the Government on all matters relating to State Civil Services referred to it under Article 320 (3) of the Constitution. The requisitions from the Government are received in the form of proposals indicating number of vacancies in a particular post in a department or cadre and the mode of filling up the vacancies. The mode of filling up the posts is either by direct recruitment inviting applications from the open market or by way of promotion from lower grades which are called feeder grades. 

Post : Assistant Pharmaceutical Chemist

Online applications are invited for the below mentioned posts. The last date for filling up the applications for all posts other than the posts by transfer on deputation is 28.03.2025. The last date for filling up the applications for transfer on deputation post only is 28.04.2025.

No of posts : 2 posts (1-Unreserved, 1-OBC) 

Scale of Pay : Rs. 9,300-34,800+4,200/- (pre-revised) (As per revised pay matrix level 6) 

Age : Not exceeding 45 years. 

Educational & Other Qualifications:- Essential: (i) Degree in Pharmacy; 
(ii) Registered as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (Central Act 8 of 1948); 
(iii) 3 years experience, - (a) in a Hospital Pharmacy/Government Medical Store in planning the requirements of drugs/medicines, monitoring the distribution/consumption of drugs manufacturing stock solutions and galenical preparations. 
Or (a) in a pharmaceutical industry engaged in the manufacturing and testing of drugs. 
Or (a) in a recognized testing laboratory under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (Central Act 23 of 1940), engaged in the testing of drugs. 
Or (a) in the Office of the Drugs Controller engaged in dealing with problems connected with standards of drugs. (iv) Knowledge of Konkani. 

Desirable : Knowledge of Marathi.

1. Candidates should carefully read the “Instructions” available on Commission’s website before filling the application online. 
2. In case of non-availability of suitable candidates with the knowledge of Konkani, the Goa Public Service Commission may recommend a candidate if otherwise found fit and this requirement can be relaxed by the Government, on the recommendation of the Goa Public Service Commission, if the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do in case of Group ‘A’ posts in Professional Colleges and Consultants in the Directorate of Health Services. 
3. Prescribed EQs are minimum & mere possession of same does not entitle the candidates to be called for interview. Where number of applications received is large, the Commission will short list the candidates to be called for interview as mentioned in the “Instructions”.

Note : -
1) Once the application form is filled appropriately, candidates are required to pay application fees as follows : 
a) Online 
• Make online payment 
• Download e-receipt showing successful status. b) Offline 
• Generate e-challan 
• Make cash payment at any SBI Branch situated in Goa only on or before the last date (although the validity of e-challan is seven days from generation of e-challan). 
• Bank Stamp is essential on this e-challan. 
• Stamped e-challan to be produced to the Commission’s office on or before the last date of submission of application. 

2) Only after successful payment candidates can download their application form. 
3) Applications where fee payment has been made after the last date will be summarily rejected and no refund of this payment will be provided. 
4) Email address and mobile number of the candidate should invariably be provided in the application form. The Commission will send all communications concerning the candidates application through the email address/mobile number provided. All candidates are advised to check their email accounts/mobile phones/Commission’s website regularly for updates/notices concerning their application.

Note : If any discrepancy is observed in the translated version of advertisement than English version will be considered as Authentic.

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