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Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences Organized M.Pharm Admission Test - 2012

Clinical research courses

The Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences was established by the Government of Puducherry to develop the requirements of health care personnel by providing health care educational courses for the Union Territory of Puducherry. The Institution was started in September, 1991 as ‘Pondicherry Centre for Paramedical Education’ at the Government General Hospital, Puducherry with the four Diploma courses of Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT), Certified Radiological Assistants (DCRA), Multipurpose Health Worker-Male (DMPHW-M) and Multipurpose Health Worker-Female (DMPHW-F). In the subsequent academic year the two degree courses of Bachelor of Nursing (B.Sc.Nursing) and Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) were started along with two diploma courses of Pharmacy (D.Pharm) and Paramedical Opthalmic Assistant (DPOA). The diploma courses of D.Pharm. and D.M.L.T were upgraded as degree courses from the academic year 2001-02.

Government of Pudhucherry funds this institute. Finally, in 2008 this institute changed its name to Mother Theresa Post Graduate & Research Institute of Health Sciences. In 2007, this institute started offering M.Pharm course, having duration of two years with the approval from Pondicherry University. Pharmacy council of India (PCI) and All India Council of Technical Education have also approved these courses. For further health care studies in Pudhucherry, this exam will provide an opportunity to the candidates.

Structure of MTPG & RIHS M.Pharm Test
The test scheduled is in the pattern of objective type. This examination incorporates about hundred questions with specified time period of ninety minutes. The score of the candidates will determine their entry to the admission. This test is only for the candidates who do not have GPAT score.

Syllabus for MTPG & RIHS M.Pharm Test
The candidates can expect questions from the following concepts,
* Pharmaceutical Analysis
* Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
* Biochemistry
* Pharmaceutical Technology
* Hospital pharmacy
* Pharmacognosy
* Remedial Mathematical Biology
* Advanced Mathematics
* Medicinal Chemistry
* Medicinal Chemistry
* Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethics
* Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics
* Chemistry of Natural Products
* Clinical Pharmacy & Drug Interactions
* Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
* Medicinal Chemistry
* Pharmaceutical Industrial Management
* Anatomy, Physiology & Health Education (APHE)
* Physical Chemistry
* Organic Chemistry
* Pharmaceutics
* Pharmacognosy
* Physical Pharmacy
* Pathophysiology of Common Diseases
* Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Eligibility Criteria
Those who want to pursue M.Pharm course in MTPG & RIHS should qualify B.Pharm course from any university having approval from All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI). Candidates who possess 55% marks in that course are only eligible to apply.


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How to Apply?
Candidates can collect Application form and Information Brochure from the Registrar, Mother Theresa Post Graduation and Research Institute of Health Sciences, Indira Nagar, Gorimedu, Puducherry -605-006.Demand draft of Rs.750 from whichever nationalized bank in the name of The Dean, Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences have to be taken. On sending this DD to the specified address of Registrar, candidates can take delivery of application. This draft should be payable at Puducherry. With the caste certificate, SC/ST candidate can have relaxation by paying only Rs.350.Candidate should place a self addressed envelope having size 30 x 12 cms with a stamp of Rs.40 along with the DD sent to Registrar, if they want application form by post. Online facility is provided for candidates to apply. The application form is available in the website In this case, application along with DD should submit. Filled application form should be send to The Dean, Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences along with the requirements specified.

How will fill the form?
Application should be a complete one, as institute strictly specifies the rejection of incomplete submission. Late submission of application is also not allowed. Institute suggests that the Information Brochure be read in detail before filling the application form. Whatever entered should be clear and should be in capital letter. Overwritten entries will be rejected. Photograph of passport size should be affixed on specified place in the application form. It is compulsory to get the photography attested by Gazetted officer.

Important Dates
Date from application available: 3rd Week of July 2012

Last Date of application submission: 2nd Week of August 2012

Issue of Hall Ticket: 3rd or 4th Week of August 2012

Entrance Examination: 4th Week of August 2012

Results of Exam: 4th Week of August 2012

Merit list publishing: 4th Week of August 2012

Counselling date (temporary): 2nd Week of September 2012

Date of commencing classes (temporary): 3rd Week of September 2012

MTPG & RIHS M.Pharm Test Center: Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, Puducherry

Contact Address for the MTPG & RIHS M.Pharm Test
* Address: Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, Indira Nagar, Gorimedu, Pudhucherry- 605006
* Phone No: 0413-2271200, 0413-275566, 0413-227308
* E-mail:
* Website:

Reference Books for MTPG & RIHS M.Pharm Admission Test
* Comprehensive GATE Questions by Vidya Sagar
* Comprehensive Pharmacy Review by Leon Shargel
* GATE – A Companion by N.N. Inamder
* Industrial microbiology by Cascida
* Industrial microbiology by Prescott & Dunn
* Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis by B. K. Sharma
* Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis by Chatwal
* Microbiology by Pelzar
* Spectroscopy by Silverstein
* Text Book of Pharmaceutical Analysis y K. A. Connors
* Text Book of Pharmacognosy by C. K. Kokate
* Text Book of Pharmacognosy by T. E. Walis
* Text Book of Pharmacognosy by Treas and Evans
* The Science and Practice of Pharmacy by Alfonso R Gennaro
* The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy by Lachman

How and Where To Get the Results?
The results of the test will be accessible from their official website. Their official website is

Score Validity
Candidate can attain a score from this examination. This score will determine their entry to the course. However, the validity of this score is only one year.

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