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Clinical research courses

  • Job for B.Pharm to develop accurate equation to estimate glomerular filtration rate at JIPMER

    Towards accurate determination of burden of kidney disease in India, Development and validation of accurate equation to estimate glomerular filtration rate, GFR, for Indian population. A three year bachelors degree in Paramedical sciences/ Life Sciences / B.Pharm/ B.Sc Nursing
  • Walk in Drive for M.Pharm, B.Pharm in Packing Department at Strides Pharma
    Planning and execution of batch packing activities such as Dispensing & Line clearance. Expertise in handling Blister, Bottle and Sachet packing machineries like BQS, CAM, Maspack, Auto Cartonator etc.
  • Research Scientist job at JIPMER - salary Rs.66,080 month
    Ph.D. degree in Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Veterinary Sciences subject from a recognized University with one year R&D/Teaching experience in the relevant subject. Plan, design, and conduct an EQA program. Tasks include preparation of a sample bank, characterization of EQA samples, preparation and validation of the EQA panel, distribution of the panel, data collection, result analysis, and report and manuscript writing. Additionally, training subordinates etc
  • JIPMER recruitment as Research Scientist | salary 66000 month

    Applications are invited from eligible candidates to work on the following post(s) on a contract basis in a research project funded by an external agency at the Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry/Karaikal, as per the details below

    Post: Research Scientist I (Non medical)

  • Job for M.Pharm in Technology Transfer at Strides Pharma

    Incorporated in 1990, Strides Pharma Science Limited is a global pharmaceutical company headquartered in Bangalore, India. The Company has two business verticals, viz., Regulated Markets and Emerging Markets. Strides has a global manufacturing footprint with eight manufacturing facilities spread across four continents, including five US FDA approved facilities and two facilities for the rest of world markets. The Company has a dedicated R&D facility in India with global filing capabilities and a strong footprint across 100 countries.

  • Job for M.Pharm, B.Pharm in Packing Department at Strides Pharma

    Incorporated in 1990, Strides Pharma Science Limited is a global pharmaceutical company headquartered in Bangalore, India. The Company has two business verticals, viz., Regulated Markets and Emerging Markets. Strides has a global manufacturing footprint with eight manufacturing facilities spread across four continents, including five US FDA approved facilities and two facilities for the rest of world markets. The Company has a dedicated R&D facility in India with global filing capabilities and a strong footprint across 100 countries.

  • Vacancy for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Sc as QC Executive at Strides Pharma

    Incorporated in 1990, Strides Pharma Science Limited is a global pharmaceutical company headquartered in Bangalore, India. The Company has two business verticals, viz., Regulated Markets and Emerging Markets. Strides has a global manufacturing footprint with eight manufacturing facilities spread across four continents, including five US FDA approved facilities and two facilities for the rest of world markets. The Company has a dedicated R&D facility in India with global filing capabilities and a strong footprint across 100 countries.

  • Aurobindo Pharma walk in for Production, Pharma Packing, QA, QC department

    Founded in 1986 by Mr. P. V. Ramprasad Reddy, Mr. K. Nityananda Reddy and a small group of highly committed professionals, Aurobindo Pharma was born of a vision. The company commenced operations in 1988-89 with a single unit manufacturing Semi-Synthetic Penicillin (SSP) at Pondicherry.  Aurobindo Pharma became a public company in 1992 and listed its shares on the Indian stock exchanges in 1995.

  • Strides Pharma Hiring Packing and Production Executive, Warehouse Executive, PPIC Executive

    Incorporated in 1990, Strides Pharma Science Limited is a global pharmaceutical company headquartered in Bangalore, India. The Company has two business verticals, viz., Regulated Markets and Emerging Markets.  Strides has a global manufacturing footprint with eight manufacturing facilities spread across four continents, including five US FDA approved facilities and two facilities for the rest of world markets. The Company has a dedicated R&D facility in India with global filing capabilities and a strong footprint across 100 countries.

  • Walk in for M.Pharm, B.Pharm in IPQA, Production, Packing at Strides Pharma

    Incorporated in 1990, Strides Pharma Science Limited is a global pharmaceutical company headquartered in Bangalore, India. The Company has two business verticals, viz., Regulated Markets and Emerging Markets.  Strides has a global manufacturing footprint with eight manufacturing facilities spread across four continents, including five US FDA approved facilities and two facilities for the rest of world markets. The Company has a dedicated R&D facility in India with global filing capabilities and a strong footprint across 100 countries.

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