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Faculty Recruitment in Saurashtra University | 24 posts

Clinical research courses

Faculty Recruitment in Saurashtra University | 24 posts

The Saurashtra University was created on a rigorous demand, for a separate university out of Gujarat University (Ahmedabad), from the eminent educationists and freedom fighters of the Saurashtra region. The demand was more prominent after the creation of Gujarat state on May 1, 1961. The Saurashtra University Act was passed by the Legislative Assembly of Gujarat in the year 1965(Gujarat Act No. 39 of 1965). Saurashtra University, established on 23rd May, 1967, having two headquarters in the initial stage i.e. Rajkot and Bhavnagar.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Department

Assistant Professor - 08 posts
Qualification : Pharm.D, M.Pharm
Specialization : Pharmacognosy / Pharmaceutics/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Pharmacology / Regulatory Affairs /Quality Assurance/ Pharmaceutical Bio Technology / Pharnt D /Pharmacy Practices
Fix Remuneration per Months (Rs.) : Rs 25000/-
Date of walk in Interview : 21/09/2020

Professor - 01 post
Qualification : Ph.D in Pharmacy
Specialization : Quality  Assurance
Fix Remuneration per Months (Rs.) : Rs 60000/-
Date of walk in Interview : 21/09/2020

Associate Professor - 02 posts
Qualification : Ph.D in Pharmacy
Specialization : Pharmacognosy / Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Fix Remuneration per Months (Rs.) : Rs 50000/-
Date of walk in Interview : 22/09/2020

Assistant Professor - 04 posts
Qualification : M.Pharm Teaching Experience more than 3 years
Specialization : Pharmacognosy / Pharmaceutics/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Pharmacology / Regulatory Aff airs /Quality Assurance/ Pharmaceutical Bio Technology / Pharnt D /Pharmacy Practices
Fix Remuneration per Months (Rs.) : Rs 40000/-
Date of walk in Interview : 22/09/2020

Assistant Professor - 08 posts
Qualification : M.Pharm
Specialization : Pharmacognosy / Pharmaceutics/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Pharmacology / Regulatory Affairs /Quality Assurance/ Pharmaceutical Bio Technology / Pharnt D /Pharmacy Practices
Fix Remuneration per Months (Rs.) : Rs 25000/-
Date of walk in Interview : 22/09/2020

Assistant Professor - 01 post
Qualification : MBA Teaching Experience more than 3 years
Specialization : MBA with Marketing / Finance with first class or equivalent grade
Fix Remuneration per Months (Rs.) : Rs 40000/-
Date of walk in Interview : 21/09/2020

General Instruction
1. Interested Candidate Should bring, Application with relevant documents and has to produce Original Certificate for Verification .
2. No Corresponds will be made in connection to this employment Notice
3. Candidate should have come with face mask compulsorily and have to follow all the Guideline of Govt. Of Gujarat in reference to CO VID -19
4. All posts are purely on 11 month Contractual Basis with fixed Remuneration only. No any other benefit will be given
5. Selected Candidate will have to Sign the agreement on Stamp paper worth Rs. 300/-
6. No any other leave will be admissible.
7. Candidate should reach the venue before 30 mints prior to the walk-in- interview time.
8. University reserves all rights of filling up or not filling up any or all of advertised contractual Posts.
9. The Candidate will have to travel at their own cost for appearing in the Interview, no TA / DA will be paid to the Candidates for the same.

Time : 11:00 am


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