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Tata Trustsmedical and healthcare scholarships

Clinical research courses

The journey of a million smiles began in 1892 with Jamsetji Tata, the pioneer, visionary and founder of the Tata Group, setting up the JN Tata Endowment for higher education of Indians. Regarded as the 'Father of Indian Industry' and one of the most important builders of the modern Indian economy, Jamsetji introduced the apprentice system at work, crèches and primary classes for children of women mill workers, and free medical help to all employees. Other benefits for the well-being of his staff that were weaved into the policies of several of his propitious ventures included gratuitous pension fund, provident fund, maternity benefit allowance and a compensation fund for accidents for all employees – all of which were ahead of their times.

The Tata Trusts invites applications from undergraduate and postgraduate students in medical sciences and healthcare streams in India for the current academic year 2019-2020. The application forms will be available online from October 16, 2019, till November 6, 2019.

• Bachelor’s candidates should have completed at least the first year of studies.
• Master’s candidates in the first year of their studies are also eligible to apply.
• The eligibility criterion — percentage or CGPA — is mentioned against each stream.

Information and instructions
1) Candidates are advised to read the form carefully before submitting it, as they will not have any access to it after submission.
2) The scholarship partially covers tuition fees and other related academic fees paid to the institute / university.
3) Please select the appropriate academic stream. Inappropriate selection will lead to disqualification of the application.
4) Candidates need to upload scanned copies of documents mentioned in the application form; no other documents must be uploaded. Unclear / illegible / manipulated documents will not be accepted and will be treated as void.
5) Shortlisted master’s candidates may be called for an interview through Skype. (Please create a Skype ID, if you do not have one)
6) Please ensure that bank details (account number, beneficiary name and IFSC code) are correctly mentioned. If the bank details are incorrect, the Trusts will not be responsible for a failed transaction and will not request the applicant for the correct bank details again.
7) The Trusts’ decision on the award of scholarships is final and will be communicated through email. Correspondence in this regard will not be entertained.
8) Tata Trusts do not have any intermediaries / agents. Candidates are advised to beware of such individuals who claim to represent the Trusts and demand a share from the grant, if sanctioned. In case any such demands are made, candidates are requested to bring the matter immediately to the notice of Tata Trusts’ office.

The application forms will be available online from October 16, 2019, till November 6, 2019.


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