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Career for M.Pharm, M.Sc at CDSCO - Central Government | Pay upto Rs. 92,300 pm

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Career for M.Pharm, M.Sc at CDSCO

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) is the Central Drug Authority for discharging functions assigned to the Central Government under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act. CDSCO has six zonal offices, four sub-zonal offices, 13 port offices and seven laboratories under its control.

Post : Junior Scientific Assistant

Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill up One post of Junior Scientific Assistant, Group B Non Gazetted, in PB-2 , Rs.9300-34800 with Grade pay of Rs 4200 Pre-revised, in the pay Matrix Level-6 Rs.35,400/- 1,12,400/ revised plus allowances as per Central Govt. Rules from time to time in the office of the Director , Central Drugs Testing Laboratory, CDSCO, Zonal FDA Bhawan, Mumbai by Promotion/ transfer on deputation basis including short term contract. The following are the eligibility criteria for appointment on Promotion / deputation.

Promotion :
The Departmental Senior Laboratory Assistants with 3 years regular service in the grade will also be considered along with outsiders and in case he/she is selected for appointment to the post, the same shall be deemed to have been filled by promotion.

Deputation :
Officers of the Central/State Government /Semi Government/ Statutory /Autonomous Research Organizations/institutions.
(a) (i) holding analogous posts; or
(ii) With 3 years’ Service in posts in the pay band - 1 Rs.5200-20,200+ Grade pay Rs.2800/- (prerevised) & Pay matrix level-5 (Rs.29,200/- 92,300/-)(revised)
(b) Essential Educational qualification: -
Masters Degree in Pharmacology / Physiology / Veterinary Science / Pharmacy / Botany / Chemisty / Pharma Chemisty / Biochemistry / Microbiology of a recognized university or equivalent.
(c) The appointment will initially be for one year which may be extended from year to year depending on the performance of the official and administrative convenience. The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post, held immediately preceding this appointment, in the same or some other organization/department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years.

Note :
(a) The Departmental Officials in the feeder category who are in direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation/contract.
(b) The period of deputation including period of deputation in another cx-cadre post, held immediately preceding this appointment, in the same or some other organization/department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed 3 years.

Duties of the post : - To perform analysis of Drugs, Cosmetics & Medical Devices as per compendial & non compendia methods. Maintenance & Calibration of various analytical instruments. Maintenance of records as per GLP etc.
The maximum age limit for appointment on : (a) Promotion: - Not applicable.
(b) Deputation: - Not exceeding 56 years on the closing
date of application.

The Junior Scientific Assistant for appointment on deputation will have the option to draw his pay cither in the existing pay scale plus deputation (duty) allowance in accordance with the DOPT’s OM No.6/98/2009-Estt.(PII) dated 17.06.2010 as amended from time to time or in the pay scale of the deputation post.

The eligible and interested persons may apply through proper channel in the enclosed proforma (Annexure-A) in duplicate which may be downloaded from the CDSCO /MHFW Website The applications should reach the undersigned within forty five days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News along with attested copies of documents /certificates and APARs for the last five years and integrity/vigilance clearance certificates & statement of Major/Minor penalties, imposed if any during last 10 years of service .While forwarding the applications of eligible candidates, department should verify the bio-data and service particulars from their service records and countersign the same.

Applications received after the last date and without the aforesaid documents/certificates and attested copies of APARs will not be considered & will be summarily rejected.

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