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Scientific Positions at Institute of Microbial Technology

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Scientific Positions at Institute of Microbial Technology

The CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH) is a constituent R&D establishment of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) devoted to research in the frontline areas of Microbial Biology and Biotechnology. CSIR-IMTECH has state-of-the art research facilities and conduct multidisciplinary research in the core areas of Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Genetics, Genomics, Host-Microbe Interaction, Pathogen Biology, Cellular Trafficking, Structural Biology, Drug Designing and Development, Applied & Environmental Microbiology, Genetic Engineering, Microbial Diversity & Ecology, Bioinformatics & Large Data Analytics, Biochemical Engineering. The Institute is also home to a world class Microbial Type Culture Centre and Gene Bank (MTCC) – an International Depositary Authority (IDA). The Institute provides a truly world class R&D ambience in an area of over 10,000 sq.ft with a dedicated team of more than 50 highly motivated scientists with a majority of them having several years of training in world renowned laboratories. The scientific staff is supported with more than 270 well trained Technical staff and Research Scholars.

Applications for various Scientific positions are invited from enthusiastic researchers having excellent academic record and proven scientific achievements along with requisite experience and willing to take up challenges and desire to pursue research as a career in the institute. CSIR-IMTECH is looking for bright and talented persons for filling up the following positions for ongoing as well as future activities of the Institute.

Post Code/ Nos. of Positions : Post Code-01 UR-01
Age Limit : 32 Years
Pay Matrix : Rs.67700-208700
Essential Educational qualification & Experience : Ph D (submitted) in any branch of Natural Sciences/ MD with; experience in Microbiome research OR microbial genome sequence analyses and good understanding of NGS platforms and comparative genomics
Desirable Experience : Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer reviewed journals and/or granted patents.
Job Specification/Key responsibilities : Candidate is required to establish his/her independent research program, guide Ph D students and participate in the IMTECH’s Institutional activities.

Post Code/ Nos. of Positions : Post Code-02 (02 posts) UR-01, EWS-01
Age Limit : 32 Years
Pay Matrix : Rs.67700-208700
Essential Educational qualification & Experience : Ph D (submitted) in any branch of Natural Sciences/ MD with; research experience in Virology OR Synthetic Biology OR Microbial Cell Biology OR microbial ecology and/or evolution OR Clinical Microbiology OR high-throughout proteomics or metabolomics
Desirable Experience : Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer reviewed journals and/or granted patents.
Job Specification/Key responsibilities : Candidate is required to establish his/her independent research program, guide Ph D students and participate in the IMTECH’s Institutional activities.

Post Code/ Nos. of Positions : Post Code-03 (03 posts) OBC-01; SC-01; ST-01
Age Limit : 32 Years
Pay Matrix : Rs.67700-208700
Essential Educational qualification & Experience : Ph D (submitted) in any branch of Natural Sciences/MD with; research experience in Molecular Microbiology
Desirable Experience : Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer reviewed journals and/or granted patents.
Job Specification/Key responsibilities : Candidate is required to establish his/her independent research program, guide Ph D students, participate in the IMTECH’s Institutional activities and also dedicate at least 50% of their effort towards MTCC service activities.

Senior Scientist
Post Code/ Nos. of Positions : Post Code-04 UR-01
Age Limit : 37 Years
Pay Matrix : Rs.78800-209200
Essential Educational qualification & Experience : Ph D within any area of Natural Sciences with at least 2 years of post-PhD research experience in emerging areas of modern Microbiology
Desirable Experience : Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer reviewed journals and/or granted patents.
Job Specification/Key responsibilities : Candidate is required to establish his/her independent research program, guide Ph D students and participate in the IMTECH’s Institutional activities.

Principal Scientist
Post Code/ Nos. of Positions : Post Code-05 UR-01
Age Limit : 45 Years
Pay Matrix : Rs.123100-215900
Essential Educational qualification & Experience : Ph D with in Life Sciences with at least 3 years of post-PhD research experience in areas of transgenic animal model research OR Biomedical research using 3D cell culture models
Desirable Experience : Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer reviewed journals and granted patents.
Job Specification/Key responsibilities : Candidate is required to establish his/her independent research program, develop new scientific directions, lead cutting edge research, guide PhD students and participate in the IMTECH’s institutional activities. Candidates considered with transgenic animal model research will be required to dedicate 50% of their effort lead/participate in developing and maintaining IMTECH Transgenic Animal House Facility

Principal Scientist
Post Code/ Nos. of Positions : Post Code-06 UR-01
Age Limit : 45 Years
Pay Matrix : Rs.123100-215900
Essential Educational qualification & Experience : Ph D with in Life Sciences with at least 3 years of post-PhD research experience in areas of Synthetic Biology with microbial/metabolic engineering OR Virology OR Biomedical research using 3D cell culture models OR Human-microbe interaction
Desirable Experience : Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer reviewed journals and granted patents
Job Specification/Key responsibilities : Candidate is required to establish his/her independent research program, guide Ph D students and participate in the IMTECH’s Institutional activities.

i. Candidates are required to submit online brief CV (2-3 pages of A-4 size paper) along with a write-up on their vision and ideas, a research proposal that they wish to implement in IMTECH, as relevant to the level/post they are applying for.
ii. Candidates are required to upload testimonials online from 3 researchers who are familiar with their research work and capabilities.
iii. Candidates are required to upload documentary proof in support of essential desirable experience as claimed by them.
iv. Age and experience will be reckoned as on the last date fixed for receipt of application form (i.e. 15/02/2021).
v. In Essential Educational Qualifications and Experience, the period of R&D experience in a discipline or area of work shall be counted from the date of acquiring the minimum prescribed educational qualification for the post. Experience should be evidenced by patent(s)/ publication(s) in International peer reviewed journals.
vi. Candidates of Indian Origin settled abroad of proven merit, as evidenced by their research work/publications, if found suitable for the post applied, may be considered by the Screening/Selection Committee, in absentia, on specific request of the candidate. The final decision however shall rest with the selection committee.
vii. Shortlisted candidates may be required to make a presentation/interact with IMTECH scientist(s) as part of the recruitment process prior to the Selection Committee interviews.

Benefits & Prospects under IMTECH(CSIR):
i. The posts carry usual allowances i.e., DA, HRA, and Transport Allowance etc. as admissible to Central Govt. Employees posted in Chandigarh. In addition to the emoluments, benefits such as Defined Contribution of New Pension Scheme, Leave Travel Concession, Reimbursement of Medical expenses for self and dependents, Conveyance Advance, House Building Advance etc. are available, as applicable to the employees of CSIR as per CSIR rules. Council accommodation will be allotted as per priority to be reckoned from the date of joining/availability, in which case HRA will not be admissible.
ii. CSIR provides excellent opportunities for deserving candidates for career advancement under Assessment Promotion Scheme for Scientists.
3) Relaxations:
i. Relaxation in age limit up to 5 years shall be allowed to the candidates working in CSIR/Labs./Instts. OR Government/Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Units in accordance with the instructions and orders issued by the CSIR/GOI from time to time in this regard.(Notification No. 15012/8/87-Estt(D) dt. 15.10.87).
ii. Upper age limit relaxable by 5 years in the case of SC/ST candidates for the posts reserved for them as per CSIR/GOI orders issued from time to time. (Notification no. 2/101/72-Estt(D) dt.07.03.14). No Relaxation of upper age limit for Ex-servicemen is admissible, as per rules (Notification No.39016/10/1979-Estt( C) dt.15.12.79). However, age limit shall be relaxed upto 45 years (50 years for SC/ST) for disabled Defence Services personnel. (Notification No. 39016/5/1981-Estt( C) dt. 21.02.81) and upto 35 years for Ex-personnel of Army Medical Corps (Short Service regular Commissioned Officers) (Notification No.4/3/55-RPS dt.3/7/56) for posts requiring Medical qualifications. Further, the age shall be relaxed for ECO/SSCO to the extent of Military Service Plus 3 years (Notification No. 39016/15/79-Estt( C) dt.19.05.88).
iii. As per GOI provisions, age relaxation for Widows, Divorced Women and Women Judicially separated from Husbands who are not remarried, the upper age limit is relaxable up to the age of 35 years (upto 40 years for members of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and upto 38 years for members belonging to the Other Backward Classes in respect of the posts reserved for them). The persons claiming age relaxation under this sub-para would be required to produce following documentary evidence:-
a) In case of Widow, Death Certificate of her husband together with the Affidavit that she has not remarried since.
b) In case of divorced Women and Women judicially separated from their husbands, a certified copy of the judgment/decree of the appropriate Court to prove the fact of divorce or the judicial separation, as the case may be, with an Affidavit in respect of divorced Women that they have not remarried since.
iv. Age relaxation to Persons with Disability (PwDs): Age relaxation of 5 years (10 years for SC/ST & 8 years for OBC) is allowed to persons with disabilities. (Notification no. 36035/3/2004-Estt(Per) dt.29.12.05). The persons claiming age relaxation under this sub-para would be required to produce a certificate in prescribed proforma in support of their claims clearly indicating that the degree of physical disability is 40% or more. In any case, the appointment of these candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in accordance with the standards of medical fitness as prescribed by the Government for each individual Group (A, B or C) to be filled by Direct Recruitment by Selection.
v. Relaxation in age, over and above the stipulated limit, educational qualification and / or experience may be considered in case of exceptionally meritorious candidates or if sufficient number of candidates possessing the requisite qualification and/ or experience are not available to fill up the posts. vi. Relaxation of five years will also be permissible to those who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir division of the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from 1-1-1980 to 31-12-1989 subject to production of relevant certificate from concerned authority, as applicable. vii. Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) is applicable as per the directions of Government of India instructions issued vide DoPT OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dated 19th January, 2019.The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority

The candidates applying against the vacancies reserved for EWS must possess Income and Asset Certificate as on closing date of registration of application for this notice. Further, these candidates are also required to produce valid Income and Asset Certificate during document verification. Failing in these stipulations, their claim for reserved status under EWS will not be entertained and the candidature / application of such candidates, if fulfilling all the eligibility conditions for General (Un-reserved) category, will be considered under General (UR) vacancies only.

1. Eligible candidates are required to apply online only. For details and online application visit website link The last date of online submission of application is 15/02/2021 (1700 hours).
2. If the candidate does not have a valid email ID, they must create a new valid email ID before applying online.
3. Candidates desirous of applying for more than one (post) should submit SEPARATE APPLICATIONS FOR EACH (POST) along with requisite application fee of Rs.500/- for each application. Applications not accompanied with the prescribed fee or incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.
4. Candidates must ensure that application fee (if applicable) has been deposited online as per requirement. If it is found at any stage that applications were not supported with application fee (if applicable), the same shall be rejected. No enquiry/correspondence will be entertained. SC/ST/Women Candidates and CSIR employees are exempt from application fee.
5. Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fee once paid will not be refunded on any count nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection process.
6. Candidates must upload their latest colored Photograph and append signatures. Photograph/Signatures must be clear, otherwise application may be rejected.
7. No withdrawal/modification/cancellation will be permissible after successful submission of the online application form.

1. The applicant must be a citizen of India.
2. The number of vacancies is provisional and may vary.
3. The qualifications prescribed should have been obtained from recognized Universities/ Institutions.
4. Applications received without prescribed fee will be summarily rejected.
5. All testimonials/certificates will be verified later. Therefore, candidates must produce original(s) for verification as and when desired by this Institute. If it is found that they have furnished false information, their candidature shall be cancelled.
6. SC/ST/OBCs, PwD & EWS certificates, whichever is applicable, should be issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format/proforma.
7. Those employed in Govt. Deptt / PSUs /Autonomous Bodies should send their applications through proper channel (advance copy of application should reach before the last date) with a clear certificate that (i) no vigilance case is pending/being contemplated against him/her (ii) the applicant will be relieved within one month of receipt of appointment offer if he/she is selected. If the application is not forwarded through proper channel, the candidates will have to produce a “No Objection Certificate” at the time of the interview, failing which their candidature shall be treated as cancelled.
8. Late applications for whatsoever reason and incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. In case candidates could not submit their online application due to failure of server/any technical defect at the last moment, last date will not be extended. Therefore, candidates are advised to submit online application well in advance before the last date of submission of applications. Institute’s decision will be final and no enquiry will be entertained in this regard.
9. Check list of documents to be uploaded at the time of online application submission:-
a) Application and data sheet
b) Coloured photograph signed across in full
c) Self Attested photocopies of Date of Birth certificate, educational qualification certificates, experience certificates, if any.
d) Self attested copy of Certificate in the prescribed Government of India format signed by the specified authority for the relevant reserved category, as applicable
e) List of publications, copies of reprints, if any
10. Date of Interview/Written Test, as the case may be, will be displayed on the IMTECH website.
11. Admit Cards/Roll Nos will be issued online to hold Examination/Interview. No separate call letter(s) will be issued to candidate(s) and intimation shall be sent by email at the email mentioned by the candidate in the application form.
12. Candidates are advised to keep a copy of submitted application for future reference.
13. Mere fulfillment of educational qualifications and experience does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. The duly constituted Screening Committee will adopt its own criteria for short-listing the candidates and only those candidates who, in the opinion of the Institute, suit the Institutional requirements, will be called for interview. The candidates should therefore, mention in the application all the qualifications and experience in the relevant area over and above the minimum prescribed qualification. Completion of Ph.D. degree will be reckoned from the date of issue of provisional certificate/notification.
14. Candidates may indicate as to whether any of their blood/close relatives is working in CSIR or any other National Labs/Institutes of the CSIR.
15. ONLY outstation (SC/ST) candidates, if called for personal interview will be paid to and fro single second class rail fare/ ordinary bus fare from the normal place of their residence or that declared in the application or from the actual place of undertaking the journey, whichever is nearer to the place of the interview, as per rules. Any discrepancy found between the information given in the application and as evident in the original documents at later stage will make the candidate ineligible for appearing in the interview.
16. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post.
17. In case of any dispute, the decision of the CSIR-IMTECH/CSIR in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, conduct of examination/interview will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual or his/her agency. No Interim enquiries will be entertained.
18. Director, CSIR-IMTECH reserves the right to not fill any or all of the posts advertised.

Note:- In case of discrepancies between the English version of this Advertisement and its Hindi translation, the English version shall prevail.

Submission of ONLINE application will commence on 04.01.2021

Last date of receipt of online applications : 15.02.2021 (1700 hours)


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