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Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehra Dun made a humble beginning as Forest School established in 1878. Initially named as Imperial Forest Research Institute, FRI came into being in 1906.  Later renamed as Forest Research Institute and Colleges, with a number of centres located at different places all over the country administering research as well as training of Forest Officers and Forest Rangers.  After reorganization of Forestry Research in the country and creation of Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) in 1988, the training and research centres were given an independent status of institutes. Forest Research Institute, now one of the institutes under ICFRE, was conferred the status of Deemed University in December 1991 on the recommendations of the UGC, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.

The Forest Research Institute Deemed to be University is going to conduct its Ph.D. Entrance Test on 14th July, 2019 for enrolment in Ph.D. Programme in Forestry. The candidates, who are interested for registration as research scholar for the Ph.D. Degree in Forestry in Forest Research Institute Deemed to be University Dehradun for the term of March 2020 are advised to apply in prescribed form latest by 31.05.2019 with a fee of Rs.1500/- through Bank Draft in favour of Registrar, FRI Deemed to be University payable at Dehradun. No application form will be entertained after the prescribed date. The research centre-wise position of seats is mentioned below The seats to reserved categories have been earmarked as per clause 5.2.3 of the Ph.D. Ordinance following 200 point roster as given in Swamy’s Hand Book 2017. Out of the published seats, 3% seats are reserved for the persons with disabilities as per clause 5.2.3(e) (i) of Ph.D. Ordinance. For eligibility please see clause 3 of the Ph.D.

Discipline & No of Seats
Chemistry of Forest Products
Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur : 01 (UR-01)
Forest Research Institute, Dehradun : 12 (UR-05, OBC-04, SC-02, ST-01)
Institute of Wood Science & Technology, Bangalore : 01 (OBC-01)
Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi (Kerala) : 01 (OBC-01)

Qualification for admission in doctoral program
M.Sc. in Chemistry (preferable organic specialization), M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry, Biochemistry, Agricultural Chemicals, Polymer Chemistry, MD in Pharmacology or equivalent in Indian System of Medicine, Masters in Pharmacy, M. Tech in Chemical technology/Chemical Engineering, M.Sc.(Tech) in Pharmaceutical Chemistry

1. The candidate must bring the admit card with him/her to secure admission to the examination hall.
2. Method of answering question is given in the answersheet.
3. No candidate shall bring into the examination hall any article other than those specified in this notice. Calculator/Slide Rule/Mobile is not allowed.
4. No candidate shall copy from the papers of any other candidate or permit his/her own papers to be copied, or attempt to obtain irregular assistance of any description.
5. The doors of the examination room will be opened half an hour before the time fixed for commencement of the examination.
6. No candidate will be admitted to the examination after fifteen minutes of starting of the paper.
7. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall before half an hour of starting of the paper.
8. No candidate, without special permission of the invigilator, shall leave his/her seat in the examination room until the end of the examination.
9. The candidate should not leave the room without handing over papers to the invigilator. No papers can be taken out of the examination hall.
10. The candidate is advised not to scribe or otherwise spoil the furniture and the Roll No. Cards placed at their desks.
11. Each candidate must write his/her own Roll No. at the space provided for.
12. Candidate will be required to sign the attendance when directed to do so by the invigilator.
13. Silence must be observed in the examination hall; any candidate found guilty, disorderly or of improper conduct will be expelled from the examination hall.
14. Candidate, who fails to observe these regulations, may be disqualified and debarred from appearing in this and any subsequent examination held by the Institute FRI Deemed to be University.

Important Dates
1. Last date for submission of form : 31.05.2019
2. Date of Exam of Entrance Test : 14.07.2019


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