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GPAT courses

  • Walk in Drive for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Sc in in Production, QC, Microbiology, QA at Natco Pharma

    Natco Pharma is an Indian multinational pharmaceutical company based in Hyderabad. The company manufactures finished dosage formulations active pharmaceutical ingredients and crop health science products, and also provides contract manufacturing services.

    Post : Operator / Officers / Executive

  • Walk In Drive for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Sc in Production, Packing, QA, QC, Microbiology at Emcure

    Emcure is fast-growing Indian pharmaceutical company engaged in developing, manufacturing, and marketing a broad range of pharmaceutical products globally. With a presence in over 70 countries, Emcure's goal is to constantly innovate and deliver affordable & high-quality healthcare solutions to people.

  • Recruitment of M.Pharm, MSc, MTech under various sponsored projects at IICT, 40 vacancies

    CSIR - Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad is a Premier Research Laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research , which is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. CSIR-IICT is a multi-disciplinary Institute with proven strengths in Organic Chemistry (drugs, agro chemicals and industrial organics), Inorganic and Physical Chemistry including Catalysis, Lipid Science & Technology, Organic Coatings & Polymers, Chemical Biology, Chemical Engineering and Design Engineering.

  • Multiple Openings at Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology

    CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad (CSIR-CCMB) is a premier Research Institute under the aegis of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It is a leading research organization in frontier areas of modern biology and involved in conducting high quality basic research and training in multidisciplinary areas of modern biology and to seeking potential applications of the work.

  • Walk In Drive for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Sc Female Candidates in QA, QC, Microbiology at Alembic Pharma

    Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited is looking for female quality professionals for its API and Formulation sites near Vadodara to enrich further the 2024 International Women's Day theme of Invest in Women: Accelerate progress.

    Walk-In Interview (Exclusively for Female Candidates)

  • Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc, MTech as Scientist at BITS, Salary Rs. 56k plus HRA

    The BITS, Pilani - K. K. Birla Goa Campus, is about 10 kms south of Vasco-da-Gama, 20 kms north of Margaon and 7 kms east of Goa Airport, along National Highway – 17B, Bypass road. In the midst of idyllic, sylvan beauty, the Campus houses the Main building, having academic and administrative offices, Guest House, Hostels for boys and girls, Student Activity Centre, faculty and staff quarters, Medical Centre, Playground and Shopping Complex.

  • Walk In Drive for B.Pharm, M.Sc in AR&D, Microbiology at MSN Laboratories

    MSN Group is the fastest growing research-based pharmaceutical company based out of India. Founded in 2003 with a mission to make health care affordable, this Hyderabad-based venture has nine API and five finished dosage facilities established across Hyderabad, USA and Myanmar. Innovation and speed form the crux of our business strategy.

  • Indian Institute of Chemical Biology looking for JRF - 55 vacancies

    IICB Institute was established in 1935 as the first non official centre in India for biomedical research and was included within the aegis of CSIR in 1956. IICB today is engaged in research on diseases of national importance and biological problems of global interest, employing sophisticated state-of-the-art technology in keeping with the rapid and unprecedented momentum that life science research has gained globally over the last 50 years.

    Post : JRF (Direct)

  • Vacancy for Junior Research Fellow at Institute of Life Sciences

    Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneswar, an autonomous institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India invites applications from Indian Nationals for the appointment of the following position.

    Post : Junior Research Fellow (01 position)

  • Applications are invited for post of Research Scientist at RGCB

    The Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology is an autonomous national institute of the Government of India, Ministry for Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology. The mandate of the institute is discovery, innovation and translation in biotechnology and disease biology. At RGCB, our todays are committed to making discoveries that lead to a better tomorrow. RGCB prides itself for innovative research that integrates theory, modeling, simulation, experimental translational and clinical sciences.

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