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Multiple Openings at Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology

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Multiple Openings at Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology

CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad (CSIR-CCMB) is a premier Research Institute under the aegis of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It is a leading research organization in frontier areas of modern biology and involved in conducting high quality basic research and training in multidisciplinary areas of modern biology and to seeking potential applications of the work.

Applications are invited from the eligible Indian National for temporary position(s) on contractual basis as indicated hereunder

Project Associate-I
Total Number of positions : 1
Monthly Emoluments : (i) Rs. 31,000/- p.m. + HRA to Scholars who are selected through (a) National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.
(ii) Rs. 25,000/- p.m. + HRA as applicable/admissible for others who do not fall under (a) above.
Upper Age limit (years) : 35
Post Code/ No. of Positions/ Area : 010324A - 1 Position - Neuroscience, Biochemistry, NMR Spectroscopy
Project Code/ Title & Duration : GAP0623 Exploring Mechanism involved in Rapid Acting Antidepressant Interventions
Essential Qualification : Master's Degree in any branch of Biological Sciences/ Chemical Sciences/ OR Bachelor's Degree in Engineering/ Technology/ Medicine or equivalent degree from a recognized University.
Desirable / Job description : Candidate is expected to perform experiments with rodents. This involves various interventions, and Behavioral and Neurometabolic measurements in mice. Experience in Biochemistry, Neuroscience and NMR will be preferable.
Name of the PI : Dr. Anant Bahadur Patel
Duration of the project : 24.01.2027

Project Associate-I (Pharmacist)
Total Number of positions : 1
Monthly Emoluments : Rs. 25,000/- p.m. + HRA as applicable
Upper Age limit (years) : 35
Post Code/ No. of Positions/ Area : 020324A - 1 Position - Pharmacy
Project Code/ Title & Duration : TSP0006
Essential Qualification : B.Pharmacy degree from a recognized University.
Desirable / Job description : 1 year working experience in Govt. Hospital/ Dispensary Pharmacy or Pharmacies in reputed organizations like Apollo/ Medplus etc
Name of the PI : Dr. V Venugopal Rao
Duration of the project : 31.03.2025

Project Associate-II
Total Number of positions : 2
Upper Age limit (years) : 35

Post Code/ No. of Positions/ Area : 030324A - 1 Position - Parasitology
Project Code/ Title & Duration : GAP0621 Investigation of the functions and regulation of Plasmodium cullin-RING ubiquitin E3 ligases
Essential Qualification : MSc. in biological sciences from a recognized University and two years of research experience
Desirable / Job description : Candidates must have hands-on experience of cell culture, Plasmodium falciparum culture, recombinant protein expression and purification, microscopy, handling of small laboratory animals. Two years of research experience and NET/ Lectureship qualification will be preferred.
Name of the PI : Dr. Puran Singh Sijwali Monthly
Emoluments : 31000/month (+ HRA if eligible)
Tenure of the post : 30-09-2024

Post Code/ No. of Positions/ Area : 040324A - 1 Position - Cell Biology, Cancer biology or Infectious Diseases
Project Code/ Title & Duration : OLP-0021 Functional characterization of crosstalk of NLR-RLR signaling pathways in viral infection
Essential Qualification : Master’s degree in Biology from a recognized University and 2 year experience in a research lab.
Desirable / Job description : Hands on training in Cell biology with publication in peer reviewed international journal. Hands on training in Animal experiment will be preferred
Monthly Emoluments : i) 35,000/- p.m. + HRA to Scholars who are selected through (a) National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions. (ii) 28,000/- p.m. + HRA as applicable/admissible for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Name of the PI : Dr. Santosh Chauhan
Duration of the project : 14.10.2024 (extendable one more year)

Project Technical Support-III
Total Number of positions : 1
Upper Age limit (years) : 35
Monthly Emoluments : Rs. 28,000 + 27% HRA
Post Code/ No. of Positions/ Area : 060324A - 1 Position - Cell Biology & Microbiology
Project Code & Title : GAP0622 Combating antimicrobial resistance in medical Implant infections using novel functionalized polymer nano structure coating
Essential Qualification : PG in Life Sciences
Desirable / Job description : M.Sc in Biotechnology/ Microbiology with prior experience in cell culture/ animal handling/ basic microbial handling will be given preference
Name of the PI : Dr C.B. Tripura Duration of the project 14.02.2027

Project Research Scientist-I
Total Number of positions : 3
Upper Age limit (years) : 35
Monthly Emoluments : 56000 INR+27% HRA 5% increment=Rs. 74,676/-pm (for 3rd year) subject to performance appraisal

Post Code/ No. of Positions/ Area : 070324A - 1 Position - Cell Biology, Cancer biology or Infectious Diseases
Project Code & Title : GAP0626 A novel approach to safely induce immunogenic cell death in the tumor microenvironment as potential breast cancer therapy
Essential Qualification : 1. First class post graduate degree including the integrated PG degree. 2. Second class PG degree including the integrated PG degree with PhD.
Desirable / Job description : Experience (~2 years) in handling and manipulation in mice. Experience in molecular biology. Wetlab experience in cancer biology or cell biology or virology. At least one first author paper in reputed international journal in relevant area.
Name of the PI : Dr Santosh Chauhan
Duration of the project : 06.02.2026

Post Code/ No. of Positions/ Area : 080324A - 2 Position - Cell Biology and Animal handling
Project Code & Title : GAP0625 Oral care by 3D printed biomaterial mesh for dento-alveolar bone bed regeneration towards osseointegration of dental implant
Essential Qualification : 1. First class post graduate degree including the integrated PG degree. 2. Second class PG degree including the integrated PG degree with PhD.
Desirable / Job description : Experience in working with 3D bioprinters or/and molecular docking will be an added advantage. Candidates with international exposure will be given preference.
Name of the PI : Dr Ira Bhatnagar Duration of the project 14.02.2027

Junior Research Fellow (Project)
Total Number of positions : 2
Monthly Emoluments : 37,000/- p.m. + HRA as applicable/admissible to Scholars who are selected through (a) National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.
Upper Age limit (years) : 35

Post Code/ No. of Positions/ Area : 090324A - 1 Position - Ecology and Evolutionary biology
Project Code/ Title & Duration : GAP0563 A multidisciplinary framework to examine speciation mechanisms in the ancient terrestrial arthropod in a tropical forest.
Essential Qualification : Master’s degree in any branch of biology or equivalent degree from a recognized University.
Desirable / Job description : Masters in any branch of biology or equivalent degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent GPA score Research in our lab deals with multiple research questions pertaining to speciation, diversification, biogeography and community assembly in the Asian tropical forests using molecular phylogenetic comparative methods. More details on the past and ongoing research are here. The Western Ghats (WG) of peninsular India, a global biodiversity hotspot, has experienced complex geological and climatic history. It also has a climatically and topographically complex landscape. Thus, we studied the influence of ecological and geological factors in shaping the diversity and distribution of its biota using ancient centipedes as a model system. We showed that both geological processes (e.g., Deccan Volcanism) and climatic gradients (precipitation and temperature) influenced the biogeography and diversification patterns. Among these Scolopendrid centipedes, there were ancient species-pairs which are morphologically cryptic. Interestingly, cryptic species-pairs occupied distinct climatic niches either in sympatry or allopatry, indicating that natural selection may not be on external morphology. Given that centipedes are venomous arthropods, the logical next step is to examine the role of venom composition, venom gland morphology, and diet in speciation in centipedes. Therefore, we aim to test the ecological speciation hypothesis among multiple closely related species of Scolopendridae. Job description: Research work will involve field and lab work. In the field, researcher will help in sampling for soil arthropods, associated climatic variables, and geographic distribution data. The lab work will involve, light microscopy, and gut dissection, DNA extraction, PCRs, library prep, and sequence generation via Sanger and next-generation sequencing methods. Desirable qualification: A strong motivation for research in Evolutionary Biology is essential. Experience in such molecular ecological techniques and fieldwork will be strongly preferred, but is not mandatory. Strong work ethics and ability to work well alone as well as collaborating as part of a group would be necessary.
Name of the PI : Dr. Jahnavi Joshi
Duration of the project : December 31, 2025

Post Code/ No. of Positions/ Area : 100324A - 1 Position - Ecology and Evolutionary biology
Project Code/ Title & Duration : GDA00018 Insights from a phylogenetic framework: Examining the role of evolutionary processes in shaping the richness, assembly, and diversification patterns of woody plants in the Western Ghats, India
Essential Qualification : Master’s degree in any branch of biology or equivalent degree from a recognized University.
Desirable / Job description : Masters in any branch of biology or equivalent degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent GPA score The examination of rainforest assembly from a biogeographic perspective remains limited, especially in the wet tropics of South Asia. Here, we propose to examine the roles of geoclimatic and biogeographic processes in the diversification of woody plants in an ancient mountain system. The Western Ghats (WG) is considered to be one of the oldest regions of differentiation of flora and fauna in Asia and is also a global biodiversity hotspot. While there have been several taxonomic studies, the use of an integrative phylogenetic framework to infer diversification patterns and processes is still in its nascent stage for the WG biota, especially for woody plants. This study aims to work on this gap by creating robust species-level phylogenies for select clades with high endemism to understand the biogeography and diversification trends and their drivers in the WG. Time-calibrated species-level molecular phylogenetic trees and distribution data will be used with historical biogeography and diversification analyses to infer diversification patterns and associated processes for the select clades. This will be one of the few studies from the region to study the evolution of woody plants at a large geographic scale (the entire extent of the WG, spanning ~ 1600 km from 8°N–21°N) with nearly complete taxonomic sampling using phylogenetic comparative methods. The results from this study will shed light on how past processes have shaped the extant diversity in this biodiversity hotspot. Furthermore, our results will demonstrate the roles that mountains play in both the persistence of lineages and as an engine for diversity. The project is currently in its 4th year and the primary data collection is mostly done and the lab work is currently underway. Additional details regarding the lab and the work done are here and here. Job description: The work will primarily involve extensive lab work entailing DNA extraction, running PCRs, purifications for Sanger sequencing and library preparation for NGS sequencing. In addition to the lab component, there is a field component (optional) and desk-based work entailing the compilation of data from online flora and other sources. The applicants are also expected to go through literature regarding the project during their tenure. Desirable qualification: A strong motivation for research in evolutionary biology is essential. Prior experience in fieldwork or molecular ecological techniques is mandatory and will be strongly preferred. Strong work ethics and ability to work well alone as well as collaborating as part of a group would be necessary. Prior experience in fieldwork and analytical skills in R and statistics is preferred but not mandatory.
Name of the PI : Dr. Jahnavi Joshi
Duration of the project : March 31, 2025

Research Associate-I
Total Number of positions : 1
Upper Age limit (years) : 40
Monthly Emoluments : Rs. 58,000/- + HRA
Post Code/ No. of Positions/ Area : 110324A - 1 Position - Cell Biology and Infectious Diseases
Project Code/ Title & Duration : GAP 0618 Understanding the role of type 1 interferon response in SARS-CoV2 infection using transgenic mice models
Essential Qualification : PhD in Life sciences from a recognized University or equivalent
Desirable / Job description : Experience in handling mice, experience in molecular biology, cell biology, and virology. Atleast one first author paper in reputed journal in relevant area.
Name of the PI : Dr. Santosh Chauhan
Duration of the project : 12.11.2026

General terms and conditions
1. How to apply Candidates who fulfill the criterion to fill up the ONLINE APPLICATION format by clicking on the following link……..
2. Number of posts Director, CCMB reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of positions and also cancel the recruitment process for the positions mentioned above at any stage of the recruitment process. The decision of the Director, CSIR-CCMB will be final and binding.
3. Age relaxation Age relaxation as per CSIR/Govt. of India guidelines. Age will be calculated as on the last date of receipt of online applications.
4.Awaiting result/ Pursuing degree Those candidates who are still pursuing/ awaiting result for their degree M.Sc./ B.Tech./ PhD or any other qualification for the above post(s) as on the date of application will not be considered.
5. Eligibility criterion Candidate should note that non-fulfillment of the eligibility criterion will result in cancellation of candidature at any stage
6. Experience The period of experience in a discipline / area of work, wherever prescribed, shall be counted after the date of acquiring the minimum prescribed educational qualifications prescribed for that post.
7. Screening of applications The applicants will be subjected to short listing by CCMB scientists/designated committee according to the current requirement and the candidate’s shortlisted for interview will be displayed on CCMB website.
8. Selection procedure The candidate(s) shortlisted by CCMB scientists/designated committee have to appear for interview in person/online before the Selection Committee. The date, time and venue of the test/interview will be notified in due course through email only.
9. Result / Panel for waitlisted candidate Based upon the performance of candidates in the interview, result of selected candidates against the number of post available in the project for each post code, will be declared and posted on CCMB website. A panel of waitlisted candidates in order of merit will also be formed for each post code, which will be valid for one year. The panel may be operated on the recommendation of Project Investigator for meeting out any future requirement in the project arises due to resignation of incumbent/ non-joining of selected candidates/ further unforeseen/urgent requirement of project manpower for the same position in same project.
10. Engagement The engagement shall be initially for a short duration based on availability of funds which may be extended or curtailed based on the conduct and the performance of the incumbent as well as requirement of the institute. However, the engagement will not be beyond the tenure of the project and shall expire automatically on the expiry of project tenure, in which candidate has been selected. The engagement under projects does not confer any right/claim whatsoever, either explicitly or implicitly on the appointee for regular appointment in CSIR/CCMB, against any post or otherwise under any legal conditions or precedent. The engagement of project staff in different projects either in same Lab/Instt. or different Lab.Instt. of CSIR taken together shall not exceed 5 years in any case.

11. Leave The incumbent would not be entitled to any kind of regular leave. However, they would be allowed for one-day Leave for each completed month.
12. TA/DA No TA/ DA admissible for attending test/interview, joining the position.
13. Office timings/ Working hours The incumbent is required to perform the assigned duties during working hours i.e. from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM on working days. The incumbent will not be allowed to take up any other assignment during the period of engagement. He /She may be required to work on Saturday/Sunday/other Gazetted holidays and beyond working hours also if need be.
14. Tax deduction at source The Income Tax or any other tax liable to be deducted, as per the prevailing rules will be deducted at source before effecting the payment.
15. Confidentiality of data and documents The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of the data collected as well as the deliverables produced for the office shall remain with this office. No one shall utilize or publish or disclose or part with, to a third party, any part of the data or statistics or proceedings or information collected for the purpose of this assignment or during the course of assignment for the office, without the express written consent of the office. The incumbent shall be bound to hand over the entire set of records of assignment to the Office before the expiryof the contract, and before the final payment is released by the office.
16. Termination of Service The performance of project personnel would be reviewed periodically so that candidates not found up to the mark, could be terminated. The engagement may be terminated at any time by the office without assigning any reasons by giving a one month notice. In case, the person desires to leave the assignment, he/she may also do so by giving one month notice or payment of one month stipend in lieu of, which can be condoned/ curtailed/ extended depending upon the discretionof the Competent Authority.
17. DISCLAIMER Candidates who are applying for any of the above post shall ensure that they fulfill the essential qualifications. If they apply without fulfilling the essential qualifications then it will be considered that they are giving wrong/misleading information. The ONUS OF THIS ACTION WILL BE ON THE CANDIDATE and not on the Institute. In case they are found not fulfilling the essential criteria or that they have provided misleading information, then their candidature for the post may be rejected at any stage of selection or after selection.
18. Disqualification Canvassing in any form and / or bringing any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post.

Last date to submit application through online: 13th March 2024

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