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pharma courses



  • Job for Pharmacists (09 posts) under Central Government Health Scheme

    For the last six decades Central Government Health Scheme is providing comprehensive medical care to the Central Government employees and pensioners enrolled under the scheme. In fact CGHS caters to the healthcare needs of eligible beneficiaries covering all four pillars of democratic set up in India namely Legislature, Judiciary, Executive and Press.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Postdoctoral Fellow in Centre of Genomics and Bioinformatics, DDU University

    DDU Gorakhpur University caters 16000 students and 350 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

    In line of our objectives and future prospects, the University invites applicants for position as Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF) in Centre of Genomics and Bioinformatics. The Postdoctoral Fellow is employed for a period of 1 year.

  • Applications are invited for post of Scientist at RMRC

    RMRC, Gorakhpur is one of the 26 Institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), under Department of Health Research (DHR), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of Government of India. Initially, in order to understand the problem of persistent acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) in eastern Uttar Pradesh, a Field Unit of ICMR-National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune was established in Gorakhpur in 2008.

  • Job Openings for Pharmacy graduates (32 posts) at KAPL - Government Enterprise

    Karnataka Antibiotics and Pharmaceuticals Limited, KAPL Bengaluru is a Government of India Enterprise. Karnataka Antibiotics and Pharmaceuticals Limited is a Joint Sector Company of Government of India with shareholding from Government of Karnataka through Karnataka State Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation KSIIDC. From a modest beginning in 1984, KAPL has grown exponentially in the areas of manufacturing and marketing of various life saving and essential drugs.

  • Job for Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer at Tahira Institute of Medical Sciences

    The TAHIRA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, the flagship of Islamia Education Society- Gorakhpur, imparts education in Pharmacy. Situated on a 10-acre campus in BL-2, SECTOR 7, GIDA, GORAKHPUR (UP), TIMS has state-of-the-art infrastructure, creating an environment for progressive learning and development.

    Post : Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer

  • Openings at Regional Medical Research Centre for Life Sciences | Salary upto Rs. 67, 000 pm

    The Regional Medical Research Centre, Bhubaneswar is a permanent research centre of Indian Council of Medical Research. The foundation stone of the centre was laid by the then prime minister of India Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi on 29th March 1981.Initially the Center started in a small rental accommodation in 1982 and shifted to the Centre’s own building in year 1990 after completion.

  • Vacancy for Principal, Lecturer, Assistant Professor at Sardar Patel College of Pharmacy

    Sardar Patel College of Pharmacy, Gorakhpur was established in 2019 and approved by Pharmacy Council of India, Dr. A.P.J.A.K.T.U., Lucknow, A.I.C.T.E. New Delhi, and B.T.E.- Uttar Pradesh. College is dedicated to develop and nurture pharmaceutical education and research.

    Post : Principal, Assistant Professor, Lecturer

    • Pharmaceutics
    • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    • Pharmacognosy
    • Pharmacology

  • Job for Assistant Professor, Lecturer at Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology

    Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur is a non–affiliating, technological University set up by the Govt. of U.P. vide Act no. 22 of 2013 with necessary infrastructural facilities for campus life, teaching, research and development. The University has Ph.D., M. Tech., M.C.A., M.B.A., M. Sc., B. Tech., B.B.A. and B. Pharm. Programmes. The University has progressive, forward looking governance committed to providing ample scope for professional development of faculty members and its students.

  • Job for Lecturer at Sardar Patel College of Pharmacy

    Sardar Patel College of Pharmacy running B. Pharm and D. Pharm Course.

    Lecturer in given following subject in the college of, Sardar Patel college of Pharmacy - Gorakhpur min qualification is B.Pharm with 3 year teaching experience of any pharmacy college.

    Pharmaceutical Chemistry

    Send your Resume at :

  • Vacancy for Laboratory Technician at Sardar Patel College of Pharmacy

    Vacancy for Laboratory Technician at Sardar Patel College of Pharmacy

    Sardar Patel College of Pharmacy, Gorakhpur was established in 2019 and approved by Pharmacy Council of India, Dr. A.P.J.A.K.T.U., Lucknow, A.I.C.T.E. New Delhi, and B.T.E.- Uttar Pradesh. College is dedicated to develop and nurture pharmaceutical education and research.

    Post : Laboratory Technician

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