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Openings at Regional Medical Research Centre for Life Sciences | Salary upto Rs. 67, 000 pm

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Openings at Regional Medical Research Centre for Life Sciences

The Regional Medical Research Centre, Bhubaneswar is a permanent research centre of Indian Council of Medical Research. The foundation stone of the centre was laid by the then prime minister of India Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi on 29th March 1981.Initially the Center started in a small rental accommodation in 1982 and shifted to the Centre’s own building in year 1990 after completion. The campus of RMRC is located in 20 acres of picturesque landscape in Chandrasekharpur and has its own laboratory –cum- administrative building, animal house, auditorium, guest house & research scholars’ hostel and staff quarters. The concept of Regional Medical Research Centre was evolved during 6th five year plan period in 1980. Under this scheme six RMRCs were set up in different parts of the country. The thrust areas of research and linkages for RMRC, Bhubaneswar have been outlined in the project committee report of ICMR in 1981 under the chairmanship of Prof V Ramalingaswamy and subsequently in the high powered committee report of 1995.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates in the prescribed format [available on the websites of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), and ICMR–Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), Gorakhpur] for the following temporary and contractual posts. Interested and eligible candidates may appear for Walk-in-Interview on 16-17 April 2022; 9 am along with prescribed duly-filled in application, one recent photograph, photocopies of the certificates/testimonials and the originals for verification before the Selection Committee at Conference Hall, ICMR–Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical College Campus, Gorakhpur.

Project-1 : “Setting up of Nation-wide Network of Laboratories for Managing Epidemics and National Calamities” State level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory (VRDL), RMRC, Gorakhpur. (DHR Funded)

Scientist- C (Medical)
No. of post : One (UR)
Essential Qualifications : Post graduate degree (MD/MS/DNB) after MBBS with one-year experience OR Postgraduate diploma in medical subjects after MBBS with 2 years’ experience OR MBBS degree with 4 years’ experience in medical subjects after MBBS Degree
Desirable Qualification : i. MD in the relevant subject from a recognized university for candidates with first class relevant degree.
ii. Additional Post-doctoral research / training experience in relevant subjects in recognized institute(s).
iii. Knowledge of Computer Applications or Business Intelligence tools / Data Management.
iv. Additional Post-doctoral research / training experience in viral outbreak diagnosis as evidenced by scientific publication.
Emoluments in Rs. : 67000+HRA per month Age Limit: Up to 40 years (Relaxation as per GOI/ICMR rules)

Scientist- C (Non-Medical)
No. of post : One (UR)
Essential Qualifications : First class Master’s degree in the relevant subjects (Life Science) from a recognized university with 4 years’ experience in the relevant subject. OR Second class M. Sc. + Ph. D degree in the relevant subject from a recognized University with 4 years’ experience OR BDS / B.V.Sc. & AH degree recognized by DCI / VCI with 5 years’ experience in the relevant subject after BDS / B.V.Sc. degree Desirable Qualification :
 Doctorate degree in relevant subject from a recognized university for candidates with first class relevant degree.
Additional Post-doctoral research / training experience in virology in recognized institute(s). 
Knowledge of Computer Applications or Business
Age Limit : Up to 40 years (Relaxation as per GOI/ICMR rules)
Emoluments in Rs. : 67000+HRA per month

Scientist B (Non-Medical)
No. of post : One (UR)
Essential Qualifications :  1st class Master’s degree in Life Sciences from a recognized university with 2 years’ experience in related field. OR 2nd class Master’s degree with Ph.D. degree in relevant subject from a recognized university.
Desirable Qualification : 
Additional Post-doctoral research/training experience in Virology/ Diagnostics
Knowledge of Computer Applications or Business Intelligence tools / Data Management
Emoluments in Rs. : 56000 + HRA per month
Age Limit : Up to 35 years (Relaxation as per GOI/ICMR rules)

Research Assistant
No. of post : One (UR)
Essential Qualifications : Graduate in Science/relevant subjects from a recognized university plus 3 years’ experience from a recognized institution OR Master’s degree in relevant subject.
Desirable Qualification : 1-year experience in diagnostic Microbiology / Molecular Diagnosis laboratory Working knowledge of Computer application (Word/Power point/Excel).
Emoluments in Rs. : 35,000/- per month (consolidated)
Age Limit : Up to 30 years (Relaxation as per GOI/ICMR rules)

Research Assistant
No. of post : One (UR)
Essential Qualifications : Graduate in Science/relevant subjects from a recognized university plus 3 years’ experience from a recognized institution OR Master’s degree in relevant subject
Desirable Qualification : 1-year experience in diagnostic Microbiology / Molecular Diagnosis laboratory Working knowledge of Computer application (Word / Power point / Excel).
Emoluments in Rs. : 31,000/- per month (consolidated)
Age Limit : Up to 30 years (Relaxation as per GOI/ICMR rules)

Project-2 : “Study of prevalence and determinants of anaemia in less than 5 years old children and effect of community-based intervention on the improvement to the cure rate of nutritional iron deficiency anemia in children in Gorakhpur district, Uttar Pradesh, India.” (ICMR Funded)

Project Assistant
No. of post : One (UR)
Essential Qualifications : Graduate in Science/relevant subject from a recognized university plus 3 years’ experience from a recognized institution or Master’s degree in relevant subject
Desirable Qualification : Experience in the field of Microbiology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Life Science Experience in field work will be preferred
Emoluments in Rs. : 31,000/- per month (consolidated)
Age Limit : Up to 30 years (Relaxation as per GOI/ICMR rules)

Project-3 : "Development of PCR based multiplex assay for detection of Orientia tsutsugamushi, Leptospira and Rickettsial pathogens prevalent in India". (ICMR Funded)

Project Assistant
No. of post : One (OBC)
Essential Qualifications : Graduate in Science/relevant subjects from a recognized university plus 3 years’ experience from a recognized institution or Master’s degree in relevant subject
Desirable Qualification : Experience in the field of Microbiology/Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Life Science Experience in molecular biology, bioinformatics
Age Limit : Up to 30 years (Relaxation as per GOI/ICMR rules)
Emoluments in Rs. : 31,000/- per month (consolidated)

Project-4 : “Establishment of a Consortium for One Health to address Zoonotic and Transboundary Diseases in India, including the Northeast Region.” (DBT Funded)

Junior Research Fellow (JRF) / Project Associate –I
No. of Post :
One (UR)
Essential Qualifications :
Eligibility for Junior Research Fellow:
Post-graduate Degree in Basic Science or Graduate/Post-graduate Degree in Professional course selected through a process described through any one of the following: i) Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests– –CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. ii) ii). The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc.
Eligibility for Project Associate-I
Master’s degree in Natural (Life Sciences) or Agricultural Sciences / MVSc or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognised University or equivalent
Desirable Qualification : Degree in Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Life Sciences Capable to carry out PCR, RT-PCR, Protein expression and purification, Serological assay development and/or validation, Serosurvey. Must be able to conduct field survey to collect primary data, documentation of records, report writing etc. Should be ready to travel to rural areas. Shall coordinate with PI for all project related activities
Age Limit : Up to 35 Years (Relaxation as per GOI/ICMR rules)
Emoluments in Rs. : Rs. 31000/- per month plus 16% HRA for 2 years and Rs. 35000/- per month plus 16% HRA for 3rd year

Project-5 : “Hospital-based surveillance of respiratory pathogens in children below 5 years in Gorakhpur region.” (ICMR Funded)

Project Technical Assistant
No. of Post : One (UR)
Essential Qualifications : Graduate in Science/relevant subjects from a recognized university with 3 years’ work experience from a recognized institution OR Master’s degree in the relevant subject.
Desirable Qualification : Master’s degree in Life sciences with experience in molecular biology techniques like, PCR, Real-time PCR, RNA/DNA Extraction, sequencing etc.
Age Limit : Up to 30 years (Relaxation as per GOI/ICMR rules)
Emoluments in Rs. : Rs. 31,000/– pm

Date & Time of registration and verification of document & Interview
Registration : 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM (16.04.2022)
Interview : 11:00 AM onwards
Address : ICMR- Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical College Campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh- 273013

1. Interested and eligible candidates possessing the essential qualification and experience can appear for walk-in-interview/personal discussions (as applicable) on the date mentioned against each post along with the duly-filled in prescribed application form. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee the selection.
2. Detailed instruction and other information can be obtained from the RMRC Institute’ website and ICMR website:
3. Interview will be held on the same day after registration and verification of documents. No candidate will be allowed to enter after scheduled date and time.
4. Documents to be enclosed with the application form: Copies of self attested (i) Proof of Date of Birth, (ii) Educational qualification, (iii) Experience, (iv) Caste certificate /PH certificate (if applicable) etc.
5. Candidates applying for more than one post should SEPARATELY apply for each post and project. Failing to do so, the application/s will be rejected.
6. The post is purely on temporary basis and duration of the project appointment will be for one year that may be extended for further period subject to satisfactory performance and requirement.
7. Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department / Organizations are not eligible to apply.
8. Contract appointee shall not have any claim on a regular post in this institute or any other ICMR Institute or in any Department of Government of India and their contract service will not confer any right for further assignment or transfer to any other project or appointment/absorption in funding agency or in this institute. Benefits of Provident Fund, Pension Scheme, Leave Travel Concession, Medical claim, etc. are not admissible. An undertaking to that effect must be submitted at the time of joining.
9. Speed test on computer in English/Hindi will be conducted as qualifying criteria for Data Entry Operator or applicable post after verification of essential qualification at the time of joining. In case it is not found satisfactory, offer of appointment will be terminated.
10. Age will be reckoned on the last date of online submission of application to ICMR-RMRC, Gorakhpur.

11. Age relaxation up to 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates in accordance with the instructions issued by the DoPT& ICMR Guidelines.Moreover, age relaxation may be considered for deserving and highly qualified/experienced person on recommendation of selection committee.
12. Stipend/consolidated emoluments of the project positions may vary from time to time.
13. Reserved category candidates must produce their Caste Validity Certificate. OBC candidates must possess a latest valid non-creamy layer certificate. On selection, these may be produced before the joining during document verification
14. Late received application after due date & time will not be considered.
15. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification and experience does not guarantee for selection.
16. Unsigned/Incomplete application without supportive documents asked for and application received after due date shall be summarily rejected.
17. Candidates selected will have to produce original documents of their qualifications, age, experience, etc. before or at the time of joining. If they are not found in order, their selection will be cancelled immediately.
18. The Director, ICMR-RMRC, Gorakhpur has the right to accept / reject any application without assigning any reason and no request will be entertained.
19. Director/ Selection committee has right to select the candidate taking in account flexibility in age and experience in deserving cases
20. No TA/DA will be paid either for attending the interview or joining the post.
21. Leave shall be as per the ICMR policy for project staff.
22. The number of vacancies may vary according to requirement at later stage.
23. No accommodation will be provided for the shortlisted candidates.
24. In case of non-availability of candidate of the required reserve category then eligible candidate belonging to other category, such as SC to ST and vice versa, OBC to General on the basis of recommendations of the selection committee and future vacancy may be filled from the candidates of relevant categories.
25. Addendum/corrigendum of this advertisement will not be published in newspaper. Please refer to the ICMR’s or Centre’s website ( in this regard.
26. Any matter for which no specific instruction has been given shall be decided by ICMR-RMRC Gorakhpur and the decision shall be final and binding on the candidate.

NOTE : Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with regard to selection/recruitment shall be disqualification. ICMR–RMRC Gorakhpur reserves the right to cancel/modify the recruitment process at any time, during the process, at its discretion. The decision of the Director of this Centre will be final and binding.

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