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Applications are invited for post of Scientist at RMRC

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for post of Scientist at RMRC

RMRC, Gorakhpur is one of the 26 Institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), under Department of Health Research (DHR), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of Government of India. Initially, in order to understand the problem of persistent acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) in eastern Uttar Pradesh, a Field Unit of ICMR-National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune was established in Gorakhpur in 2008. Since, health indicators of North East region of Uttar Pradesh comprising of 14 districts are prominently poor in comparison to average health indicators of Uttar Pradesh and much lower than the all India figures. Therefore, due to absence of any single biomedical research Institute in this region, Government of India decided to upgrade Field Unit of NIV at Gorakhpur to full fledge independent Regional Medical Research Centre in 12 th Five Year Plan.

Applications are invited in the prescribed format [available on the websites of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), and ICMR– Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), Gorakhpur] for the following temporary and contractual posts. Interested and eligible candidates may appear for Walk-in-Interview on 28 December 2022; at 9 am along with the prescribed duly-filled application, one recent photograph, photocopies of the certificates/testimonials, and the originals for verification before the Selection Committee at Conference Hall, ICMR–Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical College Campus, Gorakhpur.

Project Scientist–C (Medical)
S. No. 1
No. of post : One (UR)
Project 1 : Setting up of Nation-wide Network of Laboratories for Managing Epidemics and National Calamities” State level Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory (VRDL), RMRC, Gorakhpur. (DHR Funded)
Essential Qualifications : Postgraduate degree (MD/MS/DNB) after MBBS with one-year experience OR Postgraduate diploma in medical subjects after MBBS with 2 years experience. OR MBBS degree with 4 years experience in medical subjects after MBBS Degree
Desirable Qualifications
•  MD in the relevant subject from a recognized university with a first-class relevant degree.
•  Additional Post-doctoral research/training experience in relevant subjects in recognized institute(s).
•  Knowledge of Computer Applications or Business Intelligence tools / Data Management.
•  Additional Post-doctoral research/ training experience in viral outbreak diagnosis as evidenced by scientific publication.
Emoluments in Rs. : 67000 + HRA per month
Age Limit : 40 years

Project Scientist–B / Project Research Scientist-II (Non-Medical)
S. No. 3
No. of post : One (UR)
Project 2 : Specifics for COVID-19 Testing Lab (ICMR Funded)
Essential Qualifications : 1st class Master’s degree in Life Sciences from a recognized university with 2 years experience in the related field. OR 2nd class Master’s degree with a Ph.D. degree in relevant subject from a recognized university.
Desirable Qualifications
•  Additional Post-doctoral research/training experience in Virology/ Diagnostics.
•  Knowledge of Computer Applications or Business Intelligence tools / Data Management
Emoluments in Rs. 48,000+HRA per month (corresponding to Pay Band–3, Rs. 15600–39100 + Grade Pay: Rs. 5400 of 6th Pay Commission)
Age Limit : 35 years

Project Scientist-B (Medical/Non- Medical)
S. No. 6
Project 3* : Human rabies deaths and animal bite burden in India: A cross-sectional survey (ICMR funded).
Essential Qualifications Medical : MBBS degree with 1-year Research/Teaching experience. OR MD in Microbiology / Pathology / PSM from a recognized University Non-Medical: First-class Master’s degree in Life Sciences from a recognized University with 2 years experience in related field OR 2nd Class Master’s degree with Ph.D. in relevant subject from a recognized University.
Desirable Qualifications Medical : MD in the relevant subject from a recognized university
Non-Medical : Masters in Public Health / Epidemiology / Post-doctoral research & Teaching experience in relevant subjects in recognized Institute(s). Knowledge of Computer Applications / Data Management. Two years R&D/ Teaching experience in relevant subject after obtaining essential qualification.
Emoluments in Rs Medical : Rs. 61,000 + HRA per month Non-Medical : Rs. 48000 + HRA per month (corresponding to Pay Band–3, Rs. 15600–39100 + Grade Pay: Rs. 5400 of 6th Pay Commission)
Age Limit : 35 Years

*The duration of Project 3 is for four months and the fieldwork will be done in the districts of Sitapur, Prayagraj, Meerut and Mau in Uttar Pradesh. The project is under the supervision of ICMR-NIE, Chennai and the place of posting is Gorakhpur.

Terms & Conditions
1. Qualification & experience should be in a relevant discipline/field and from an Institution of repute. Experience should have been gained after acquiring the minimum essential qualification.
2. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee the selection.
3. Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department / Organization are not eligible.
4. Candidates will be interviewed via walk-in mode (physically) after registration and verification of documents, and if selected they will have to produce/submit original documents of their qualification, age etc. before joining. If they are not found eligible, their selection will be cancelled immediately. No candidate will be allowed to enter after the scheduled date and time.
5. Speed test on computer in English/Hindi will be conducted as qualifying criteria for Data Entry Operator or other applicable post after verification of essential qualification.
6. Candidates applying for more than one post should SEPARATELY apply for each post and project. Failing to do so, the application/s will be rejected.
7. Documents (self-attested) to be enclosed with the application form: (i) Proof of Date of Birth, (ii) Educational qualifications, (iii) Experience, (iv) Caste certificate/PH certificate (if applicable).
8.  Candidates are advised to visit our website ( / continuously to know the any update/ changes result or any other information related with this recruitment process .
9. Age relaxation against post earmarked for reserved candidates will be as per Govt. of India /ICMR Norms. No relaxation will be allowed in unreserved posts.
10. Age will be reckoned on the date of interview.

11. Stipend/consolidated emoluments of the project positions may vary from time to time. Discrepancy if any will be redressed according to the ICMR Hqrs. Project recruitment Guidelines.
12. No TA DA will be paid and candidate has to arrange transport/accommodation themselves for the interview.
13. The Director, ICMR-RMRC, Gorakhpur reserves rights to consider or reject any application/candidature without assigning any reason.
14. Submission of wrong or false information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage.
15. Appointment on project mode is purely temporary and candidates shall have no claim for regular appointment either in ICMR- RMRC Gorakhpur or ICMR or any other govt. organization.
16. Leave shall be as per the ICMR policy for project / COVID staff.
17. No accommodation will be provided to the shortlisted candidate.

Walk-in-Interview on 28 December 2022; at 9 am along with the prescribed duly-filled application, one recent photograph, photocopies of the certificates/testimonials, and the originals for verification before the Selection Committee at Conference Hall, ICMR–Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical College Campus, Gorakhpur

Application Form & More Info

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