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Myriad Genetics announces New riskScore™ Test


Clinical courses


Clinical research courses

Myriad Genetics, Inc a leader in molecular diagnostics and personalized medicine, announced that two important studies will be featured in podium presentations at the 36th annual conference of the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) in Columbus, OH.

“We look forward to presenting our pioneering research at NSGC this year and bringing forward new innovations that are changing how a woman’s risk of breast cancer is being managed and improving the lives of even more people,” said Johnathan Lancaster, M.D., Ph.D., chief medical officer, Myriad Genetics.


“We are particularly excited to present the results of a large study of our new hereditary cancer test, called riskScore, that we believe will help genetic counselors and doctors improve care for their unaffected patients who test negative for a hereditary mutation. We’re also looking forward to presenting data from a study that evaluated variant reclassification in 1.4 million patients tested for hereditary cancer risk assessment over a 10 year period.”

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