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Steel Authority of India invites for post of Trainee Pharmacist & Para-Medical personnel - 11 posts

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Raw Materials Division (RMD), the controlling unit of captive mines of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) – a Maharatna Public Sector Enterprise and the leading steel maker in India, invites applications from eligible candidates for filling up 11 (eleven) posts of Para-Medical personnel for posting in its various mines as detailed below:

POSTS: Pharmacist Trainee, ECG Technician Trainee, Occupational Health Technician Trainee, X-Ray Technician Trainee, Occupational Health Nurse Trainee, OT Assistant Trainee, Anaesthesia Assistant Trainee, Dental (Hygiene) Trainee

Pharmacist Trainee
Gua Ore Mines (GOM), Jharkhand - 1
Kuteshwar Limestone Mines (KTR), Madhya Pradesh - 1
Degree in Pharmacy or 10+2 with Diploma in Pharmacy of minimum 2 years duration and registered with Indian/ State Pharmacy Council
Minimum 1 year post qualification experience in a hospital / nursing home

ECG Technician Trainee
Bolani Ores Mines (BOM), Odisha - 1
Gua Ore Mines (GOM), Jharkhand - 1
B.Sc with Diploma in ECG Technician course from Govt. recognized Institution/ University
Minimum 1 year post qualification experience in handling different types of ECG machines in a hospital / nursing home

Occupational Health Technician Trainee
Gua Ore Mines (GOM), Jharkhand - 1
Higher Secondary / 10+2 in Science with degree in Occupational Hygiene from a Govt. recognized Institute
Minimum 1 year post qualification experience in a hospital

X-Ray Technician Trainee
Bolani Ores Mines (BOM), Odisha - 1
Bhawanathpur Limestone Mines (BNP), Jharkhand - 1
B.Sc in Radiography from Govt. recognized Institute or Higher Secondary / 10+2 in Science with Diploma of minimum 2 years duration in Radiography
Minimum 1 year post qualification experience of radiography in a hospital / nursing home

Occupational Health Nurse Trainee
Gua Ore Mines (GOM), Jharkhand - 1
B.Sc (Nursing) from an Institution recognized by Nursing Council of India / Diploma of 3 years duration in General Nursing and Midwifery from a Govt. recognized Institute after Higher Secondary or 10+2 Science, valid registration in Nursing Council of India / State Nursing Council
Minimum 1 year post qualification experience in a hospital / nursing home

OT Assistant Trainee
Bolani Ores Mines (BOM), Odisha - 1
B.Sc Operation Theatre Technology or Higher Secondary / 10+2 in Science with Diploma in OT Technician Course (minimum 1 year duration) from a Govt. recognized institute
Minimum 1 year post qualification experience in a hospital

Anaesthesia Assistant Trainee
Bolani Ores Mines (BOM), Odisha - 1
Higher Secondary / 10+2 in Science with Diploma in OT Technician Course (minimum duration of atleast 1 year) from a Govt. recognized institute
Minimum 1 year post qualification experience in a hospital

Dental (Hygiene) Trainee
Bolani Ores Mines (BOM), Odisha - 1
B.Sc in Dentistry from a Govt. recognized Institute / University or Diploma course of Dental laboratory technology from a Dental College recognized by Dental Council of India
Minimum 1 year post qualification experience in a hospital / nursing home

Grade and Scale of Pay    S-3 [Rs.9160 – 3% – 13150/-]. However, Candidates selected for the posts will be required to undergo on the job training for a period of 2 years, which may be extended depending upon requirement. During the training period, the Trainees will be paid consolidated pay of Rs.8,250/- per month for the first year & Rs.9,350/- per month for the second year of training. After successful completion of training, the Trainees will be absorbed in regular Grade of S-3.

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Emoluments & other Benefits & Perquisites    Basic pay ~ DA ~ Free Medical Facilities for self and Family ~ Reimbursement of Local Travelling Expenses for Maintaining Scooter/Motorcycle ~ Difficult Area Allowance ~ Leave Encashment facilities ~ LTC/LLTC ~ CPF ~ Gratuity ~ Entitled accommodation etc. as per rules.
Benefits and perquisites would be applicable after regularization in S-3 grade, as stated above.

Maximum Age as on 30/06/2012
General/Unreserved – 28 Years
SC/ST – 33 Years (Including Relaxation of 5 Years)
OBC – 31 Years (Including relaxation of 3 Years)

Mode of Selection    Written Test and Interview

General Conditions:
A.    Candidates not fulfilling the requirement specified in this advertisement need not apply.
B.    Candidate must be an Indian national possessing requisite qualification from an Institute recognised by State Govt. / Central Govt.
C.    Candidates employed in Govt. Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies shall have to produce NOC from the employer at the time of interview.
D.   Management will have the discretion for rejecting any application without assigning any reason and for fixing higher standards, depending upon response, for calling candidates for written test and interview and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
E.    Candidates fulfilling the prescribed specification for the post would be called for Written Test and Interview, or both, as may be deemed necessary. Intimation for the same would be sent through post.
F.    Reservation for SC/ST/OBC shall be as per Presidential Directives.
G.   Candidature of a candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even on joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria. Bringing influence at any stage of the selection process will disqualify the candidate.
H.   The decision of SAIL-RMD in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance, rejection of application, issue of call letters, mode of selection, verification of testimonials and selection etc. will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection.
I.     SAIL-RMD reserves the right to reject any application or cancel the candidature or the whole process of test/interview, without assigning any reason thereof and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection. No Travelling Expenses would be payable to candidates called for Written Test. Outstation candidates belonging to SC/ST categories, attending the interview will be reimbursed 2nd Class; single to and fro Railway fare/Bus fare from the normal place of correspondence to the place of interview by the shortest route on production of original ticket(s), provided the distance covered by rail or road is more than 30 kilometres each way.
J.     Selection/joining of the candidate will be subject to medical fitness as per rules of the company.
K.    Category (General/SC/ST/OBC) once submitted in the application cannot be changed.

a) Candidates  belonging  to  General/OBC  category  will   be  required  to pay  application  fee  of Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred & Fifty only).
b) Candidates belonging to SC/ST category will be required to pay processing fee of Rs.50/- (Rupees Fifty only).

The applicable fee is to be paid [separately for each mine/post] by way of Crossed Account Payee Demand Draft on any Nationalised Bank or I.P.O. drawn in favour of Steel Authority of India Limited, Raw Materials Division payable at Kolkata.

Application should be sent in sealed envelope mentioning the post applied for, super scribed on the envelope, so as to reach latest by 16.08.2012, to the designated authorities of the MINES, they choose to apply for, as detailed below:
1. BOM – AGM[P&A], Bolani Ores Mines, P.O.Bolani-758037, Dist.Keonjhar, Odisha
2. GOM – SM[P&A], Gua Ore Mine, P.O.Gua-833213, Dist.West Singhbhum, Jharkhand
3. BNP – DM[Mining] & I/c P&A, Bhawanathpur Limestone Mines, P.O.Bhawanathpur-822129, Dist.Garhwa, Jharkhand
4. KTR – AGM[P&A], Kuteshwar Limestone Mines, P.O.Barhi-483770, Dist.Katni, Madhya Pradesh

Candidates applying for one or more mine and/ or post have to pay the applicable fee, separately for each mine and/ or post and send the application(s) to the designated authorities of the MINES, as mentioned above.


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