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Opportunity for Pharmacists (03 Posts) at National Institute of Ayurveda | Salary upto Rs 92300 pm

Clinical research courses

National Institute of Ayurveda Pharmacist Job

NIA is an apex Institute under the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of INDIA for promoting the growth and development of Ayurveda as a model Institute for evolving high standards of teaching, training, research and patient care and also to invoke scientific outlook to the knowledge of Ayurvedic System of Medicine. The Institute, an Autonomous Body under Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, is registered under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, 1958.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Posts : 3 POSTS : 2 GEN, 1 OBC

Essential Qualification : 1. Pass in 12th Standard from a Central/State Board of Education. 2. Diploma in AYUSH Nursing & Pharmacy of not less than 3 years duration including internship from a recognized University OR B. Pharma (Ayurveda) from a recognized University.

Pay Scale  : Pay Level – 5. Rs. 29200-92300

Maximum Age : 30 Years as on the Closing Date of Receipt of Applications.

1. The candidate must be a Citizen of India.
2. Posts of Lecturer in Dravya Guna(PH-One Leg), Dravya Guna(UR), Prasuti Tantra(UR) and Rasa Shastra(OBC) are subject to outcome of Court Cases.
3. The Caste/EWS Certificate should be in the manner and Form prescribed by the Government of India.
4. Self-Attested Photocopies of Proof of Date of Birth, Caste/EWS, Educational Qualification, Experience etc. must be enclosed with the Application failing which the Applicaton will be straightway rejected.
5. The details of all Research Publications (indexed in index medicus, international/national journals, peer-reviewed etc.), for the Teaching Posts should be clearly mentioned in a separate sheet of paper with proof. Please also attach Copies of Certificates of Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/ CMEs/ ROTPs attended, Key Note/Lead Speeches deivered, Participation as Resource Person etc.
6. 1 Passport Size Self-Attested Photo should be pasted at the Upper Right Hand Corner of the Application Form. 7. 1 same Photo(wihtout Attestation) should be stappled in the Application Form for further use. 8. The Address for Communication should be clearly and legibly written in CAPITAL LETTERS with PIN CODE, E-Mail, Mobile No. etc.
9. The Upper Age Limit prescribed for the Posts shall be relaxed by 5 Years in the case of Applicants belonging to SC, ST, 3 Years for OBC, 10 Years for Physically Handicapped and for Ex Servicemen as per provisions laid down by Govt. Of India. However, the Upper Age Limit prescribed is not applicable to regular employees of NIA for all the Posts except for the Posts of Assocaite Professor for which Relaxation of 5 Years is specifically provided for internal candidates of NIA in the Recrutiment Rules.
10. The crucial date for determining the Age Limit for all Applicants will be the Closing Date of Applications which is 70th Day of Date of Publication of this Vacancy Notification in Employment News (Excluding the Day of Publication).

11. The Pay Scales in NIA carry usual Allowances admissible as per Central Government Rules and applicable to the Institute.
12. New Pension Scheme of Government of India is applicable in the Institute.
13. Applicants already in Govt. Service must send their Applications Through Proper Channel. However an Advance Copy may be sent which must reach by the Closing Date. 14. For Shortlisting Candidates for Interview and/or Selection, Objective-Type Screening Tests will be conducted for all the above Posts(except for the Posts of Associate Professor) depending upon the number of Applications for the Posts. The Syllabus, Duration of the Test, Total Marks, Criteria for Award of Marks and any other information for the Screening Tests will be posted on the Website of the Institute.
15. The following Application Fee is to be paid for each Post by Demand Draft only, in favour of 'Director, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur' : Associate Professor : Rs. 4000/- for SC; Lecturer : Rs. 3500/- for General & OBC and Rs. 3000/- for EWS, SC & ST; Pharmacist, Museum Cureter, Cataloger, Lower Divisional Clerk & MTS: Rs. 2000/- for General & OBC and Rs. 1800/- for EWS, SC,& ST Applicants. However, no Fee is payable by Physically Handicapped and Ex-Servicemen Applicants.
16. The Closing Date for Receipt of Applications for all Applicants, except for the Applicants mentioned in Point No. 17 below, is 60 Days from the Date of Publication of this Notification in Employment News (Excluding the Day of Publication).
17. The Closing Date for Receipt of Applications for the Applicants belonging to Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J&K State, Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep is 70 Days from the Date of Publication in Employment News.(Excluding the Day of Publication).
18. The Filled Application, affixed with 2 recent Passport Size Photographs, the Demand Draft of Fees, Self-attested copies of all the relevant Certificates/Documents etc. should reach the Director, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jorawar Singh Gate, Amer Road, Jaipur 302002 by the Closing Date.
19. The Institute will not be responsible for any delay in receipt of any Application. Applications received after the Last Date or Applications incomplete in any respect will be summarily rejected without any intimation.
20. Applications will not be accepted by E-Mail or Fax. No enquiry will be entertained over Phone, or E-Mail or Fax. Canvassing in any manner will disqualify the candidate.
21. Director reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies, to withdraw the vacancy of any or all the Posts and to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof, whatsoever.
22. Director reserves the right to make any criteria for selection, amendment, cancellation or changes pertaining to this Vacancy Notification in whole or part thereof without assigning any reason thereof, whatsoever.
23. Any corrigendum, amendment, order etc. regarding this Vacancy Notification will be displayed only in the Website of the Institute and will not be published in Employment News or Newspapers.
24. Applicants are advised to access the Website of the Institute frequently for any further information relating to this Vacancy Notification.

Published in Employment News in its Edition of 26-12-2020 - 1-1-2021 and in Newspapers is hereby extended till 11-3-2021. Rest of the said Vacancy Notification will remain the same.

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