PharmaTutor (June- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
Received On: 29/03/2014; Accepted On: 08/04/2014; Published On: 01/06/2014
AUTHORS: Nandu Kayande1*, Pankaj Kushwah2
1HOD Department of Pharmacology
2Department of Pharmacognosy
Nimar Institute of Pharmacy, Dhamnod,
Dhar, Madhya Pradesh, India
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the diuretic activity of glycyrrhiza glabra linn (Mulethi) in experimental animals by following the standard procedure. Randomly selected animals were divided into three groups of six animals each. The root of glycyrrhiza glabra linn was administered orally in the form of Kwatha at a dose of 6.2 ml/kg and 12.3 ml/kg. Parameters like volume of urine, pH of urine and urinary electrolyte concentrations like sodium, potassium and chloride were studied. glycyrrhiza glabra linn Kwatha increased the urine output in a dose-dependent manner. However, it did not affect the urinary electrolyte concentrations. From the present study, it can be concluded that the root of glycyrrhiza glabra linn has diuretic property.
How to cite this article: N Kayande, P Kushwah; Evaluation of Diuretic Activity of Glycyrrhiza Glabra Linn in Experimental Animals; PharmaTutor; 2014; 2(6); 167-170

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