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Start preparing for GPAT-2020

Clinical research courses

NATIONAL TESTING AGENCY (NTA) had successfully conducted the GRADUATE PHARMACY APTITUDE TEST - 2019 (GPAT-2019) for admission to various M. pharma or its equivalent courses across the country. The 800 participating institutes of GPAT-2019 were the institutions which had accepted the GPAT Score.

The GPAT 2020 will be conduct by National Testing Agency (NTA) on the same pattern as per the Year 2019 i.e., Computer Based Test on January 28, 2020 from 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m. for admission to M. pharma or its equivalent courses across the country. The result of GPAT-2020 will be declared by February 7, 2020 as GPAT Score which will be accepted by over 800 participating Institutes. The participating Institutes of GPAT-2020 are the Institutions which will be accepting the GPAT Score. Candidates must apply separately to the desired GPAT-2020 participating institutes with the GPAT Score 2020. Then, each participating institute will release their respective cut – off GPAT Score which candidates should meet to get qualified for admission to that particular institute. Candidates are advised to see the details of the admission process of each participating institute of GPAT-2020 on their respective website.

The candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy (4 years after 10+2, including lateral entry students) or equivalent from a recognized university. Candidates appearing for the final year of bachelor’s degree B. Pharmacy (10+2+4) whose result will be declared before commencement of admission for academic year 2020-21 can also apply for GPAT - 2020 computer-based test (CBT).

B.Tech. (Pharmaceutical and Fine Chemical Technology)/ equivalent candidates are not eligible to apply. The candidate must be a citizen of India.

There is no age restriction for appearing in GPAT - 2020.

For admission to a participating institute, please see the reservations applicable in that particular institute. In case of institutes run by Central Government,10% of the seats are reserved for Category General-Economically Weaker Section(GEN-EWS), 15% of the seats are reserved for the category Scheduled Caste (SC), 7.5% for the category Scheduled Tribe (ST) and 27% for the category Other Backward Classes belonging to the “ Non Creamy layer” (OBC-NCL). Each category will have 5% horizontal reservations for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) as defined in The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPwD Act 2016).

Other Backward Classes - Non Creamy Layer (OBC–NCL) are as per the Central list of Other Backward Classes available on National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC), Government of India website Thus, the candidates falling in this list may mention OBC in the Category Column. State list OBC Candidates who are not in OBC-NCL (Central List) must choose General.

Section 2(r) of the RPwD Act, 2016 states the following:
Persons with benchmark disabilities (PwD) means a person with not less than forty percent (40%) of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms and includes a person with disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the certifying authority. “Specified Disability” means the disabilities as specified in the Schedule of the RPwD Act 2016. The categories of disabilities are:
1. Blindness and low vision
2. Deaf and hard of hearing
3. Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy
4. Autism, intellectual disability, specified learning disability and mental illness, and
5. Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (i) to (iv)
6. Other ‘specified disabilities’ mentioned in the Schedule of the RPwD Act 2016.

Please refer to Office Memorandum issued by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment dated 29 August 2018 (F.No.34-02/2015-DD-III), guideline IV, second paragraph quoted below:
The facility of Scribe/Reader/Lab Assistant should be allowed to any person with benchmark disability as defined under section 2(r) of the RPwD Act, 2016 and has limitation in writing including that of speed if so desired by him/her.

In case of persons with benchmark disabilities in the category of blindness, Locomotor disability (both arm affected-BA) and cerebral palsy, the facility of scribe/reader/lab assistant shall be given, if so desired by the person.

In case of other category of persons with benchmark disabilities, the provision of scribe/reader/lab assistant can be allowed on production of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write, and scribe is essential to write examination on his behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of a Government health care institution as per performa at Appendix I.

The order further allows the candidate to opt for their own scribe/reader provided the qualification of the scribe is one step below the qualification of the candidate taking the examination. The candidate with bench-mark disabilities opting for their own scribe/reader should submit details of their own scribe as per performa at Appendix II.

One hour compensatory time will be allowed to the Candidates who are availing the facility of scribe/reader/lab assistant. The reservation policy, as announced by the government from time to time will be followed by the admitting institutes. The candidates are advised to look for the details at the time of admission.

Important Note : No change in the category will be entertained after the last date of GPAT 2020 application form.

Candidates have to apply for GPAT- 2020 “Online” ONLY by accessing the website Application Form other than online mode would not be accepted, in any case. Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate. More than one application i.e. Multiple application forms submitted by a candidate will be rejected.

It is suggested that you have the following ready before starting the filling of the application form:
* A computer with good Internet connectivity
* All your qualification details
* Scanned clear passport photograph in JPG/JPEG format (size between 10 kb–200 kb)
* Scanned clear signature in JPG/JPEG format (size between 4 kb–30 kb)
* A valid e-mail Id as all communication will be made on this e-mail Id
* A valid mobile number as all information via SMS will be sent to this number
* A valid debit/credit card or Net banking account for online payment
* A printer connected to your system to print confirmation page

• Download information Bulletin. Read it carefully to ensure your eligibility and acquaint with the requirements for submission of Online Application Form.
• No corrections can be made at a later stage after submission of an application. No change will be accepted through offline mode i.e. through fax/application including e-mail etc.
• Follow following 5 (Five) Steps to Apply Online:
Step-1: Fill in the online Application Form and Note down the system generated Application Number
Step-2: Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Passport size Photograph (between 10 kb–200 kb) and Candidate’s Signature (between 4kb – 30 kb) in JPG/JPEG format.
Step-3: Make payment of fee using Credit/Debit Card, Net Banking, UPI, PayTM and keep proof of fee paid.
Step-4: Print at least four printout of Confirmation Page after successful remittance of fee
Step-5: Choose the city for giving the examination GPAT-2020
• All the 5 Steps can be done together or separately also.

(i) The final submission of online Application form will remain incomplete if Step - 2 Step - 3, Step - 4 and Step - 5 are not completed. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.
(ii) No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained
(iii) The entire application process of GPAT - 2020 is online, including uploading of scanned images, Payment of Fees and Printing of Confirmation page. Therefore, candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) including Confirmation page to NTA through Post/Fax/ By Hand/E-mail.
(iv) Candidates are advised to keep visiting the NTA’s website regularly for latest updates and to check their e-mails.
(v) The NTA can make use of the data generated for the purpose of research and analysis.

All the candidates who have submitted the online application and paid the examination fee till last date will be allowed to appear in GPAT - 2020 and their admit cards will be uploaded on the website as per schedule. The NTA do neither verify the information filled by the candidates in the application form nor verify any certificate of category/educational qualification for deciding the eligibility of candidates. The certificates of educational qualification and category (if applied under reserved category) will be verified by the concerned institution. The candidates are, therefore, advised to ensure their eligibility and the category (if applying under reserved category). The NTA will, in no way, be responsible for any wrong/incorrect information furnished by the candidate(s) in their online application form.

The letter/e-mails in this regard will not be entertained by the NTA. The candidates are required to check the status of fee payment at NTA website ( and if the status is ‘OK’ the candidate will be able to take the printout of Confirmation Page. In case, the fee payment status is not ‘OK’ the candidates are advised as following: -

• If the fee is paid through credit/debit card and status is not OK, it means the transaction is cancelled and the amount will, automatically, be refunded to concerned credit/debit card within 15 days. Therefore, such candidates have to pay the fee once again and ensure the OK fee status.

The medium of Question Paper shall be in English only.

GPAT is an online computer-based test of 3 hours duration with 125 objective type questions.

Important Note:
i) Each question carries 04 (four) marks.
ii) For each correct response candidate will get 04 (four) marks.
iii) For each incorrect response 01 (one) mark will be deducted from the total score.
iv) To answer a question, the candidates need to choose one option corresponding to the correct option.
v) However, after the process of challenges of the key, if more than one option is found to be correct then the multiple correct options will be given the four marks (+4).

Any incorrect option marked will be given the minus one mark (-1). Un-answered/Un-attempted will be given no marks. In case, a question is dropped/ignored, all candidates will be given four marks (+4) irrespective of the fact whether the question has been attempted or not attempted by the candidate.

At the test Centre, each candidate will be seated at a desk with a computer terminal and he/she will be provided with rough papers for calculations and a PEN. After the test, candidate must leave the rough papers at the desk. Rough work cannot be done on any other paper/sheet, as nothing will be allowed inside the examination room/hall.

Candidates are NOT allowed to carry Instrument/ Geometry/ Pencil box, Handbag, Purse, Any kind of Paper/ Stationery/ Textual material (printed or written material), Eatables and Water (loose or packed), Mobile Phone/ Ear Phone/ Microphone/ Pager, Calculator, Camera, Tape Recorder, any metallic item or electronic gadgets etc. in the examination Room/ Hall.

Candidates MUST bring the following documents on the day of examination at the test centre. Candidates who will not bring these will not be allowed to sit in the examination.
• Print copy of Admit Card downloaded from NTA’s website.

One passport size photograph (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form) should be taken for pasting on the specific space in the attendance sheet at Centre during GPAT Examination.
Any one of the authorized photo IDs (must be original, valid and non-expired) – PAN card/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/ Ration Card
PwD certificate issued by the authorized medical officer, if claiming the relaxation under PwD category

The candidates shall report at the Examination Centre two hours before the commencement of the examination so as to complete the frisking and registration formalities well before the time. Registration desk will be closed 60 minutes prior to the commencement of examination.

Candidates shall not be permitted to enter in the Examination Center after 8:30 a.m. The candidates are advised to read the instructions on the admit card carefully and follow them during the conduct of the examination.

The candidate must show, on demand, the Admit Card downloaded/printed from the NTA’s website for entry in the examination room/hall. A candidate who does not possess the valid Admit Card shall not be permitted for the examination under any circumstances by the Centre Superintendent.

A seat indicating roll number will be allocated to each candidate. Candidates should find and sit on their allocated seat only. Any candidate found to have changed room/hall or the seat on his/her own other than allotted, his/her candidature shall be cancelled and no plea would be accepted for it.

No candidate, without the special permission of the Centre Superintendent or the Invigilator concerned, will leave his/her seat or Examination Room/Hall until the full duration of the paper is over. Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as instructed by the Centre Superintendent/Invigilators. Candidates should not leave the room/hall without handing over their rough sheets to the invigilator on duty in the Room/Hall.

Smoking, chewing gutka, spitting etc. in the Examination Room/Hall is strictly prohibited.
For those who are unable to appear on the scheduled date of tests for any reason, the NTA shall not be responsible for conduct of re-test, under any circumstances.

On-line submission of Application Form (Upto 11.50 p.m.) : 01.11.2019 to 30.11.2019
Date for successful final transaction of fee : 01.11.2019 to 01.12.2019
(through Credit/ Debit Card/ Net Banking/UPI/PayTM service up to 11.50 p.m. up to bank hours)

General/Gen-EWS/OBC (NCL) : Boys - Rs 1600/- ; Girls – Rs. 800/-
SC/ST/PwD/ Transgender : Boys - Rs 800/- ; Girls – Rs. 800/-

Service/Processing charges & Goods & Service Tax (GST) are to be paid by the candidate, as applicable.

Date for Choice of City : 01.11.2019 to 02.12.2019 (11.50 p.m.)
Date of Examination : 28th January, 2020 (Tuesday)
Timing of Examination : 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
Printing of Admit Cards from NTA’s website : From 24th December, 2019
Display of recorded responses and Answer Keys for inviting challenges on NTA’s website : Date shall be displayed on the NTA’s website
Declaration of Result on NTA’s website : By 07th February, 2020

Procedure for Payment of Fees and Service/ Processing Charges & Goods & Service Tax (GST) to be paid, are given in Appendix-IV.


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