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Recruitment for Consultants (08 posts) at DFSS | Government of India

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Directorate of Forensic Science Services, Ministry of Home Affairs. Govt, of India invites applications from Indian Citizens/individuals/institutional consultants for the posts of Forensic Consultants on contractual basis for undertaking day today scientific activities such as preparing proposal on department policies and Forensic domain specific plans & proposals. Quality Control and Quality Assurance in the Labs, Laboratory Accreditation, implementation of work relating Police Modernization Grant Scheme to the States, State Action Plan for Forensic Science Development, execution and monitoring the Nirbhaya funds, procurement of equipments, Cyber forensic /networking, Forensic Training, dispensation of legal issues and dealing with courts related matters including legal service and advice, handling of the work concerning Budgetary aspects. Financial matters and General administrative issues.

Forensic Consultant
No of posts : 06
Nature of duties : To provide assistance in execution and monitoring the Nirbhaya funds. To assist in monitoring and implementation of State Action Plan. To maintain Quality Control and Quality Assurance in the laboratory. Laboratory Accreditation.To prepare training needs/ requirement for the experts viz-a-vis training of State FSLs. To set network linkage of States with CFSLs. Provide assistance in execution of Police Modernization Grants Scheme by MHA. To provide inputs of respective jurisdiction of CFSL with regard to development of Forensic Science services. To prepare proposals for effective policies required to be made for development of forensic science. Act as a Nodal officer for preparation of proposals for procurement of major equipments for setting up new divisions in the respective laboratories, dispensation of legal issues and dealing with courts related matters including legal service and advice, handling of the work concerning Budgetary aspects. Financial matters and General administrative issues. Any other work/ activity assigned by the CFSL/DFSS/MHA.
Place of posting : DFSS Headquarters, New Delhi or its outlaying units.
Monthly remuneration : 60000/- per month; (in case of retired government servant the remuneration shall be as per prevailing DOPT norms)

Forensic Consultant
No of posts : 02
Nature of duties : To co-ordinate with outlying units with regard to Quality Control and Quality Assurance in the respective Lab. To compile & assess the training needs/ requirement for the Experts of CFSLs vis-a-vis training of State FSLs in consultation with CFS. DFSS. To compile/ prepare  various reports & publications on the data provided by the outlying units/ Forensic Consultants attached with each CFSL and assist in formulation of further course of action/ policy by DFSS/MHA, Implementation and monitoring of e-Forensics, identification of growth areas of R&D, preparing proposal on department policies and Forensic domain specific plans & proposals, Laboratory Accreditation, Any other work/activity assigned by DFSS/MHA.
Place of posting : DFSS Headquarters, New Delhi or its outlaying units
Monthly remuneration : 60000/- per month;( in case of retired government servant the remuneration shall be as per prevailing DOPT

Nature of appointment : On contractual basis

Tenure : One year.

Educational Qualification (for all 8 posts)
a) Graduate/ Post Graduate/ PhD preferably in Science stream
b) Desirable: Sufficient experience and knowledge in the field of Forensic Science and Laboratory management. Certification in Quality Assurance and Quality Control in testing laboratories, Laboratory Accreditation, knowledge and experience in legal matters especially in Govt, sector as well as legal advice, sufficient knowledge and experience in budgetary planning, financial matters and general administration as well as rules pertaining to these aspects.

Age limit : Between 35 to 65 years

Mode of selection
The applications received will be placed before the Screening Committee as approved by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
The shortlisted applications shall be placed before the Evaluation Committee as approved by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
The selection will be on the basis of Personal Talk.

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Benefits other than remuneration :
The consultants will not be eligible for government accommodation or House Rent Allowance, CGHS, DA etc. However, they will be eligible for identity card issued by the DFSS/CFSLs.

The consultants shall be allowed to undertake domestic tours as required by their duties for which TA/DA and Hotel accommodation shall be paid as admissible to the Government servants in Level 11 of" Pay Matrix (Grade Pay Rs. 6600/-)

Other conditions
i) The consultants shall be entitled to leave of 8 days in a year on pro-rata basis. Additional leave without pay would be permitted upon approval by the competent authority.
ii) The consultants shall be expected to follow all the rules and regulations of Government of India. He/she will be expected to display utmost honesty, secrecy of office and sincerity while discharging his/her duties. In case the services of the consultant are not found satisfactory or found in conflict with the interest of the Government, his/her services will be liable for discontinuation without assigning any reason.
iii) The Police verification of the consultants shall be done as per the latest instructions issued by the MHA.
iv) The consultants shall not, except with the previous sanction of DFSS or in the bona fide discharge of his or her duties, publish a book or a compilation of articles or participate in radio broadcast or contribute an article or write a letter in any newspapers or periodical either in his own name or anonymously or pseudonymously in the name of any other person.
v) The DFSS/MHA can cancel the appointment at any time without providing any reason for it. However, in the normal course, it will provide one month’s notice to the consultant. The consultant can also seek for termination of the contract upon giving one month’s notice to the DFSS.

Submission of application : Application complete in all respect (as per Annexure-A) to be submitted by registered post/ speed post/ by hand to: The Senior Scientific Officer Gr. 1 (FS), Directorate of Forensic Science Services, Block 9, 8th floor, CGO Complex, New Delhi 110003.

Last of submission : 31/10/2019

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