A total of 05 vacancies for Pharmacist at Government Medical College and General Hospital, Akola are to be filled on a temporary basis through direct interview on contract basis to prevent the spread of Covid-19 disease.
Post : Pharmacist
No of Posts : 05
Qualification : HSC Passed in Science, B.Pharm/ D.Pharm Degree and MSCIT Computer Certificate required
Experience : 1 Year
Salary : Rs 17,000/-
Terms and Conditions:
1) The post is contracted till the onset of "Covid 19".
2) His service will be terminated without giving a reason and at the end of the service he will not have the right to claim appointment in any court or apply to the government,
3) The appointment will be for a period of four months.
4) As the work is unsatisfactory during this period, their service will be terminated immediately without prior notice.
5) Orders issued from the office of the superintendent from time to time will be binding on them.
6) They will get the benefit of public holidays like other government employees.
7) Like other government employees, he was given M.N.S. No. 1981 is not applicable. Retirement insurance scheme / Bhanini or any similar benefit will not be eligible for the post or will not have any rights beyond the term mentioned in the contract and will not be able to claim permanence. .
8) If the terms of appointment are accepted, it will be mandatory for them to write the bond of Rs. 100 / - on stamp paper in the prescribed form before appearing at the place of appointment.
9) This office reserves the right to terminate their service prematurely without giving any reason. Also, if they want to be discharged during the contract period, they will be discharged with one month's notice or one month's salary.
10) As soon as the above contract period expires, their contract appointment will automatically terminate.
11) Candidate will not get any other benefits like pension, group insurance scheme, NPS scheme.
12) Preference will be given to candidates with higher educational qualifications and experience.
13) Candidate for the above post should have knowledge of Marathi language and be able to read and speak Marathi.
14) If the Hon'ble Director, Medical Education and Research, Mumbai fills the above regular vacancies by transfer or by direct service, these orders will come to an end automatically.
15) Wrong information by the candidate If the documents are provided, the candidature will be canceled.
16) Candidate should submit the application by filling the information in the prescribed form of the attached application as given below. A photocopied attestation of all the required certificates should be attached with the application. A) Attested photocopy of required documents and original documents: Certificates of Educational Qualification, School Leaving Certificate / Date of Birth Certificate, Certificate of Experience, Caste Certificate and Caste Validity Certificate, own passport size photo (two).
Note : The superintendent has the right to change or cancel the advertisement or to cancel the selection list at any time.
The interview will be conducted on 02/06/2021 at 12 noon at the Dean's Office, Government Medical College and General Hospital, Akola. The candidate will be required to submit the application and all the educational certificates (original and duplicate) at the time of interview. The post will be recruited on merit basis.
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