Gujarat Technological University is a premier academic and research institution which has driven new ways of thinking since its 2007 founding, established by the Government of Gujarat vide Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007. Today, GTU is an intellectual destination that draws inspired scholars to its campus, keeping GTU at the nexus of ideas that challenge and change the world. GTU is a State University with 486 affiliated colleges in its fold operating across the state of Gujarat through its FIVE zones at Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Rajkot and Surat.
Online application(s) are invited for the various Teaching post of PG schools of Gujarat Technological University (G.T.U.), Ahmedabad on Regular basis.
Post : Professor
No of post : 01 ST (2nd Attempt)
Education Qualification and Experience :
Ph.D degree in relevant field and first class or equivalent at either Bachelor's or Master's level in the relevant branch.
Minimum of 10 years of experience in teaching/research/industry out of which at least 3 years shall be at a post equivalent to that of an Associate Professor.
At least 6 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI journals/UGC/AICTE approved list of journals and at least 2 successful Ph.D guided as supervisor/Co-supervisor.
At least 10 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI Journals / UGC/AICTE approved list of journals.
At the time of appointment selected candidate possesses a certificate of basic knowledge of computer applications of any recognized institute as per resolution no. CRR-10-2007-120320-G5 dated 13.08.2008 of General Administration Department, Gandhinagar.
Working knowledge of English, Gujarati and Hindi.
Pay Scale : 1,44,200-2,18,200 (PAY MATRIX LEVEL 14)
General Information and Instructions to Candidates
1. Application
1.1 For each advertisement separate application is to be made along with the prescribed fee.
1.2 In advertisements there is no reserved post for women candidates, however women candidates can apply against the respective category post and for unreserved post if eligible to apply.
2. Date of Birth
2.1 For the date of birth, GTU considers the School Leaving/ S.S.C.E Board Certificate wherein date of birth is mentioned.
2.2 At subsequent stage, no change in date of birth shown in the application be permitted.
3. Education Qualifications
3.1 Qualifications for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor is prescribed as in respective advertisement and also as per AICTE/UGC Notifications.
3.2 The required qualifications/experience/age shall be considered as on closing date of online application.
3.3 If a class/division is not awarded, minimum of 60% marks in aggregate shall be considered equivalent to first class/division. If a Grade Point
System is adopted the CGPA will be converted into equivalent marks as below :
Grade Point & Equivalent Percentage
6.25 : 55%
6.75 : 60%
7.25 : 65%
7.75 : 70%
8.25 : 75%
3.4 The candidate should produce formula/method of calculation of percentage where percentage of marks is not given by the University.
3.5 Equivalence for Ph.D is based on publication of FIVE International journal papers, each journal having a cumulative impact index of not less than
2.0, with incumbent as the main author and all FIVE publications being in the author's area of specialization. Alternatively, the person should have obtained at least two patents or contributed to the increased productivity in the place of work recognized at state or national level or elected as a Fellow of any of the national academics. However, the procedure of providing equivalence shall be devised by concerned affiliating university.
3.6 Ph.D shall be from a recognized University.
3.7 The qualification of Ph.D acquired for the various level of posts directly after B.E/B.Tech. is applicable in Technical Institutions, provided degree of Ph.D awarded is in relevant discipline by a recognized University following the process of registration, course work and evaluation etc. as prescribed by UGC or has been awarded by the Institutes of national importance (i.e. IITs/IISc, NITs etc.),duly recognized by the MHRD. Further, candidate should have obtained at least first class at Bachelor's level in Engineering/Technology.
3.8 The MS degree shall be considered equivalent to ME/M.Tech for all purposes, provided MS degree has been acquired from the Institutes of national importance as recognized by MHRD and the basic degree should be BE/B.Tech in relevant branch.
3.9 Candidates with requisite qualifications acquired from recognized University/Institutions can only apply.
3.10 If candidate hold foreign Universities degree, he/she shall produce AIU equivalency certificate at the time of submission of application.
3.11 The candidate along with application shall submit self-certified photocopy of mark statement (All years/semesters) and Degree Certificate issued by the recognized University/Institution.
3.12 Major branches of Engineering/Technology and their relevant/appropriate branch of U.G/P.G degree in Engineering/Technology applicable as per AICTE Notification No: F.No.27/RIFD/Pay/01/2017 dtd. 28.04.2017
4. Experience
4.1. The candidate should produce the experience certificate, shown in the application indicating the designation, period, appointment and relieving order and proof of 7th pay matrix Level. Such certificate should be signed with date by the competent authority on the letter-head of the institution. Further Experience will be validated based on the designation and appropriate salary 7th pay matrix Level (as per submitted last month's salary slip).
4.2. At subsequent stage no change in the detail of experience be permitted.
No new experience certificate will be accepted after submission of application.
4.3. The experience gained as Part-time, Daily Wager, Apprenticeship, Trainee, Honorary and Visiting Faculty cannot be considered as experience.
4.4. Experience at diploma Institutions is also considered equivalent to experience in degree level Institutions at appropriate level and as applicable provided scale of pay, qualifications, experience and research contribution are same for the post under consideration as per the AICTE Notification dated 01.03.2019. However, qualifications as above shall be mandatory.
4.5. In support of research publications, the candidate should produce the approved list of SCI/UGC/AICTE journals along with screenshot of each published research paper, mentioning the date of publication failing which the application shall not be considered.
Reserved Category Candidate
5.1. The candidates who belong to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Socially and Educationally Backward classes and Economically Weaker sections of Gujarat origin only can get the benefit as reserved category candidate.
5.2. The candidate should show the respective category in the application.
5.3. If the candidate has not shown the reserved category in the application, then at subsequent stage, the request to consider him/her as reserved category candidate cannot be considered.
5.4. To get the benefit as reserved category, the candidate should produce a photocopy of caste certificate issued by the competent-authority. If such certificate is not submitted along with the application which cannot be accepted later on and application shall be liable to be rejected.
5.5. The candidate belonging to S&EBC should produce Non-Creamy layer certificate in the prescribed form.i.e"Parishisht-Ka" (issued in Gujarati language) as prescribed vide resolution dtd. 6-2-96 of Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Govt, of Gujarat or in the recently prescribed Parishisht-4.
(a) Benefit of the reservation shall be granted to the candidate provide that the valid Non-Creamy layer certificate issued by the competent authority of the state of Gujarat.
(b) The married women candidate should submit Non-creamy layer certificate obtained on the basis of the income of her parents. If such certificate obtained on the basis of the income of her husband shall not be considered and application liable to be rejected.
(c) If the candidate attached NCLC issued in the English language i.e. Annexure-A (which is for recruitment under Government of India) shall not be considered except that the caste of the candidate included in the list of OBC of Government of India and S&EBC of Government of Gujarat.
5.6 The candidate belonging to EWS should submit certificate in Annexure Kh (English) or Parishisht-G (Gujarati) as prescribed vide Government of Gujarat, Social Justice and Empowerment Department-GR dated 25.01.2019.
5.7 If the reserved category candidate selected on merit as per the standards of the unreserved category without applying any relaxations standards (i.e. Age, qualifying marks etc.) be considered against unreserved post.
5.8 No request for change of category be entertained at subsequent stage.
Important Instructions
(1) The applicant must ensure that he/she fulfill the eligibility criteria for the post.
(2) The prescribed qualifications and experience are minimum and the mere fact that a candidate possesses the same does not entitle him/her for being called for Interview.
(3) For all the mentioned teaching posts, the norms of AICTE/UGC/ State Government and University will be applicable from time to time.
(4) Candidates called for written test/interview shall have to appear at their own cost.
(5) Applicant must produce original testimonials, certificates and other documents at the time of interview, if called.
(6) The University shall verify the antecedents and documents submitted by a candidate at any time, at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. In case if it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidate are fake or the candidate has undesirable clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, his/her services shall be liable to be terminated.
(7) In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issuance of appointment letter, and/or after appointment, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidate.
(8) The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all posts.
(9) Canvassing in any form on behalf of or by any candidate will disqualify him/her from being considered.
(10) If any additional information is to be given, the information in separate sheet should be provided.
Filling up and mailing the application form
(1) Online Application Login (
Once the online application form is completely filled, submit it and get printout of the same and send it along with two photographs, self¬attested copies of all necessary certificates including in support of the evidence of Age, Educational Qualifications, Caste, Physical Disability, Experience, all supporting documents related to Academic Performance Indicators (if applicable), endorsement from the current employer (if applicable) and proof of fees paid etc. with the applications, only through Speed post/Registered Post of India Post to The Registrar, Establishment Section, Gujarat Technological University, Nr. Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, Visat Three Roads, Visat Gandhinagar Highway, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad - 382 424. It should reach on or before last date (i.e.24/03/2025) up to 18:00 hours as prescribed for receiving the application. Applications received after the last date will stand rejected automatically.
(2) Applicants are advised to submit their application by clearly mentioning the name of applied post on the top of sealed envelope and well in advance without waiting for the last date to avoid postal delay or any other unforeseen problems. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage.
(3) Documentary proofs of experiences, academic qualifications and Research Publications indicated in the application should invariably be sent along with the application, failing to which it will be considered that you do not possess the same and the application shall be treated as incomplete and will be rejected.
(4) Fees once paid shall not be refunded in any circumstances.
(5) Before filling / submitting the application form you are advised to go through the qualifications/Experience mandatory for the post and make sure that you possess the same.
(7) Candidates employed in Govt. /Quasi Govt. /Public Sector undertaking should forward their applications (hardcopy) through proper channel. In case the applicant is in service and delay is expected in getting endorsement of the concerned employer on the original application, the applicant may submit advance copy of the application along with all the enclosures directly (without the employer's endorsement on the advance copy). If the original application through proper channel has not been received on or before last date mentioned, the applicant will have to submit a 'NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE' from his/her employer to the University at the time of interview.
(8) Separate application is required to be sent for each post, otherwise application will be rejected.
(9) As per the instructions of the State Government and accepted by the university, the waiting list shall be prepared in all of the above mentioned post.
(10) University shall update all the Applicants about the date, time, and place of examination / personal interview in due time limits through circular on its official website from time to time. Hence, all the applicants are advised to check the university website for future updates related to the recruitment process of the above mentioned positions.
(11) Entry in the compound of the examination center with mobile / cell phone/Smart Watch/ tablets/ laptop/ electronic gadgets etc. is strictly prohibited. If candidate who is found breaching this instruction or found to be indulging in 'unfair practices' viz. copying or misconduct during the course of the examination, using electronic gadgets or mobile phone etc. tempering with question and/or answer paper, influencing any person concerned with primary examination / written examination / test or interview will be debarred either in that examination process or for any number of years or permanently as decided by BOG.
(12) In case of tie in the final merit list score, appropriate policy decided by the university / selection committee shall be employed. And in case of any discrepancy in the above mentioned guidelines, the decision of the university / selection committee shall be considered as final.
(13) Mere success in the examination appointment and no candidate shall university is satisfied, after such shall not confirm any right to be appointed to the post unless the inquiries as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the post.
(14) Result will be published after completion of selection process on the website of the GTU.
Last Date : 24/03/2025 upto 18:00 hours
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