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Job Opening for Pharmacists (07 posts) under PMBJAK

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Job Opening for Pharmacists under PMBJAK

Applications are invited from the eligible Registered Pharmacists of District Budgam to work on Profit Sharing basis under Pradhan Mantri Bhartiy Jan Aushadhi Kendras (PMBJAKs) to be set up at various Health Institutions of District Budgam.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 07 [CHC (04) Krermhore / Pakherpora / Chattergam/ Magam PHC (03) Khag / Poshkar / Hardpanzoo. One post for each Health Institution]

Requisite Qualification : Registered Pharmacist with certificate of registration from pharmacy Council of UTof J&K

Selection Criteria :
I. D.Pharma / B.Pharma = 60 points.
II. Experience (Retail) = 20 Points Viva voce = 20 points
Note : - Item (i) on prorate basis.

Eligibility Criteria
1. The applicant must be a permanent resident of District Budgam (Medically), UT of J&K State. Preference shall be given to candidates hailing from same Medical Block / Tehsil
2. The candidates shall be a pharmacist, registered with J&K Pharmacy Council Preference shall be given to the candidates having Diploma in Pharmacy higher related qualification from recognized institute.
3. The expression 'Block Level' wherever used in this advertisement notification would mean ’Medical Block' and not the "C.D. Block*.
A He/She shall have working knowledge of operating computer for billing purpose.
5. He/She shall be unemployed for which he/she has to give an undertaking to the effect on stamp paper duly attested by the 1st Class Judicial Magistrate
6. NOC from District Industry Centre and District Employment Officer

1. PMJAKs shall run on 24x7 basis under the supervision of concerned Block Medical Officer.
2. Engagement of pharmacists in PMJAK is a temporary arrangement for three years on performance basis and shall not conform any right for his/her permanent absorption/regularization in the department and can be terminated any time without notice.
3. Only the medicines supplied by Bureau of Pharma PSUs of india (BPPI) should be sold at PMBJAK.
4. All the billing should be done by using software provided by BPPL No medicines can be sold in the PMBJAK without using the soft ware provided by BPPI.
5. The services of Registered Pharmacists taken up by the department shall be designated as Jan Aushadhi Store Manager having primarily responsibility for day to day operations of Jen Aushadhi Store in accordance with terms and conditions.
6. Registered Pharmacist whose services are taken up by the department to work in the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi Kendra as Jan Aushadhi Store Manager shall have to execute an agreement with the department through the concerned Block Medical Officer attested by 1st Class Magistrate, that he/she will abide by all the terms and conditions as laid down by the de¬partment and shall work under the supervision of the concerned Block Medical Officer and shall not claim any regular appointment/ regularization in the department in lieu of this agreement
7. That Jan Aushadhi Store Manager shall abide by all the terms and conditions of the agreement to be executed between the Block Medical Officer of the concerned Hospital & BPPI.
8. The taxes as payable under rules shall be paid by assesses.
9. Application (s) can be rejected by the Recruitment Committee if found not falling inthe required criteria.
10. Number of posts may increase or decrease de pen ding upon the sanction/approval fromlhe DHSK Srinagar or BPPI, India.

Interested candidates from the District Budgam can only apply by sending their applications on the prescribed format which can be had from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer, Budgam The duly filled in application form along with one recent passport size photograph (attested), should reach in the Office of the Chief Medical Officer, Budgam by or before 10-03-2023 upto 4.00 Pm and shall not be responsible for any postal delays and applicators received after last date shall not be entertained.

The Iist of document s(self-attested) to be attached with the application form are mentioned below:-
a) Domicile Certificate.
b) Degree/Diploma and Marks Sheet(s).
c) Pharmacist Registration Certificate.

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