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GPAT, Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test -2023 announced

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Inviting Online Applications for Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test -2023

The Ministry of Human Resource Development , which is now known as Ministry of Education, Government of India has established the National Testing Agency as an independent, autonomous, and self-sustained premier testing organization under the Societies Registration Act for conducting efficient, transparent and international standards tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admissions to premier higher education institutions.

Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT) is a National Level Entrance Examination for entry into M. Pharma Programme. Till 2018, the Test was conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). NTA is conducting this Test since 2019.  This Test facilitates institutions to select suitable Pharmacy Graduates for admission into the Masters (M.Pharma) Program. The GPAT is a three hours Computer Based Online Test. A few scholarships and other financial assistance in the field of Pharmacy are also given on the basis of GPAT Scores. The GPAT Score is accepted by all AICTE/Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) approved / affiliated University Departments / Constituent / Affiliated Colleges / Institutions.

Eligibility Criteria
1. The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy (4 years after 10+2, including lateral entry students) or equivalent from a recognized university. Candidates appearing for the final year of Bachelor’s Degree B.Pharmacy (10+2+4) whose result will be declared before commencement of admission for academic year 2023-24 can also apply for GPAT – 2023 Computer Based Test (CBT).
2. B.Tech. (Pharmaceutical and Fine Chemical Technology)/ equivalent candidates are not eligible to apply. The candidate must be a citizen of India.
3. There is no age restriction for appearing in GPAT – 2023.

Fee payable for GPAT – 2023
(through Credit Card /Debit Card (except Master/Visa Card)/ Net-Banking/UPI)
General (UR) : Male- Rs. 2200/- Female- Rs. 1100/-
Gen-EWS/ SC/ST/PwD /OBC-(NCL) : Male- Rs. 1100/- Female- Rs. 1100/-
Third gender : Rs. 1100/-
*Applicable service/processing charges & GST over and above the examination fee, are to be paid by the candidate to the concerned Bank/ Payment Gateway Integrator.

Scheme of Examination
Pattern of Examination

Type of Questions

No. of Questions

Maximum Marks

Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Allied Subjects



Pharmaceutics & Allied Subjects



Pharmacognosy & Allied Subjects



Pharmacology & Allied Subjects



Other Subjects






Syllabus : The syllabus for the exam will be as prescribed by AICTE.
Medium of Question Paper : The medium of Question Paper shall be in English only.

Marking Scheme :
i) Each question carries 04 (four) marks.
ii) For each correct response, candidate will get 04 (four) marks.
iii) For each incorrect response, 01 (one) mark will be deducted from the total score.
iv) Un-answered/un-attempted will be given no marks. v) To answer a question, the candidate needs to choose one option which is most appropriate.
vi) However, after the process of Challenges of the Answer Key, in case there are multiple correct options or change in key, only those candidates who have attempted it correctly as per the revised Answer Key will be awarded marks.
vii) In case a Question is dropped due to some technical error, full marks shall be given to all the candidates irrespective of the fact who have attempted it or notpe of Questions No. of Questions Maximum Marks

General Instructions
1. GPAT 2023 is an Examination for Admission to Pharmacy (PG) Programme Courses for 2023-24 Academic Session.
2. Merely appearing in GPAT 2023 does not make a candidate qualified and eligible for admission in Institutions and it does not confer any automatic rights to secure a PG seat.
3. Online Registration begins on 13 February, 2023 onwards and must be completed by 06 March, 2023.
4.  Fee can be deposited by the candidates till 06 March, 2023 upto 11:50 pm.
5. However, registered candidates can edit their particulars in certain field during the correction window between 07 March, 2023 to 09 March, 2023 upto 11:50 pm. No new registrations will be entertained during the correction period.
6. Applications of candidates producing false or fabricated information will not be considered and candidates may be debarred from appearing in any future examinations conducted by NTA/AICTE.
7. Before initiating registration process, candidates should go through the Information Bulletin carefully for eligibility criteria, scheme, and pattern of examination etc. Any queries and other issues will only be entertained if the requested information is not given in the Information Bulletin.
8. Incomplete application, if not in accordance with instructions, will not be considered and is liable to be rejected. Applicant should carefully fill up all the fields during registration process correctly. Application cannot be modified/edited, after the closing of correction window period.
9. The Examination Fee once paid will neither be refunded nor be carried forward under any circumstances.
10. NTA/AICTE reserves the right to withdraw permission, if any, granted inadvertently to any candidate who is not eligible to appear in GPAT-2023 even though Admit Card/Registration number has been issued or is displayed on website.

11. Candidates must verify criteria of eligibility for admission from the respective institutions where they want to seek admission.
12. The existing schedule, pattern, policy and guidelines are for ready reference only but in no way, they are or ought to be treated as representative or acknowledgment of fact that NTA/AICTE is bound to follow the same in future.
13. In case of any ambiguity in interpretation of any of the instructions/terms and conditions/rules/criteria regarding the determination of eligibility/conduct of examinations/registration of candidates/information contained herein, the interpretation of the NTA/AICTE will be final and binding.
14. Requests shall not be entertained for change in date or subject of examination.
15. Absentees from the examination will forfeit their examination fee. No further communication will be acknowledged in this regard.
16. Result for GPAT 2023 will be available on the website only.
17. Candidates should ensure before applying for online registration that their degree is recognized as per provisions of AICTE. If it is found at any time that degree is not recognized, the candidature/result of the candidate shall be cancelled.
18. All the correspondence should be addressed by e-mail. The e-mail query shall be addressed only if it is not anonymous and contains the name, postal address and contact number of the sender. An e-mail containing vague or general queries and other queries as contained in the Information Bulletin shall not be entertained. Queries shall not be entertained from person claiming themselves to be representative, associates or officiates of the applicant candidate.
19. The following information shall not be revealed by phone or email:
a. Internal documentation /status of NTA
b. Internal decision-making process of NTA/AICTE, Any claim/counter claim thereof
c. Dates and venue of internal meetings or name of the staff/officers dealing.
d. Any information which in the opinion of NTA/AICTE cannot be revealed.
20. Terms & Conditions of GPAT 2023 as mentioned in the Information Bulletin shall apply.

21. GPAT 2023 will be conducted by NTA at exam centers engaged for the purpose. Candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with the route and location of the exam centre. (Refer to Annexure V for List of Exam cities)
22. Candidates are advised to look into the website regularly for various information, updates and notices pertaining to GPAT 2023 examination.
23. Kindly note that by registering for the GPAT 2023, candidates are covered by Non- Disclosure Agreement (NDA). As per NDA, candidates cannot disclose any question or contents of question paper in part or otherwise with any person or party or website or such other media/publication. Any act in breach of the NDA shall be liable for penal action as per law. Kindly note that this is a punishable offence and shall lead to cancellation of candidature.
24. Candidates are deemed to have read, agreed and accepted the contents of Information Bulletin and the terms and conditions in the information bulletin for GPAT 2023 on completing the registration/Online Application Form by the candidates.
25. Candidates can register for GPAT 2023 only once.
26. Possession/Use of mobile phone or any such electronic devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of GPAT 2023 Test Centers. Candidates shall be liable for penal action for Possession/ Use of Mobile phones/ Electronic devices.
27. The jurisdiction for court cases/disputes shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts at Delhi/New Delhi only.

The schedule of Examination activities is as follows
Online Submission of Application Form through Website ( : 13.02.2023 to 06.03.2023 (upto 05:00 P.M.)
Last date of successful transaction of fee through Credit/Debit Card/NetBanking/UPI : 06.03.2023 (upto 11:50 P.M.)
Correction in Particulars of Application Form on the website only * : 07.03.2023 to 09.03.2023
Downloading of Admit Cards from NTA website :  Will be announced later on website
Date of Examination : Will be announced later on website
Duration : 180 minutes (03:00 Hrs)
Timing of Examination : Will be announced later on website
Language of the Paper : English Only
Website(s) :,

More Info

Prepare for GPAT - Test Series + Study material + Previous Years paper | GPAT Coaching