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Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.Sc Career at National Institute of Virology | Salary Rs. 40,000 pm

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Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.Sc Career at National Institute of Virology

The National Institute of Virology is one of the major Institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). It was established at Pune, Maharashtra State in 1952 as Virus Research Centre (VRC) under the auspices of the ICMR and the Rockefeller Foundation (RF), USA. It was an outcome of the global programme of the RF for investigating the Arthropod Borne viruses. Since the studies on arboviruses and their arthropod vectors involve most of the basic principles and techniques of general virology, entomology and zoology, these viruses were also considered to be an ideal group, to begin with, for intensive training and research in virology in our country. The RF withdrew its support in 1967 and since then the Institute is entirely funded by the ICMR.

Applications are invited in the prescribed format attached herewith for the following temporary contract positions for ad-hoc research projects at ICMR-NIV, Mumbai Unit through written exam/personal discussion which will be communicated later.

Research Associate-III
Essential Qualification : Ph.D./MD/MS/MDS on equivalent degree or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after M.S./M.Pharma/ME/M.Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCT) Journal.
Desirable Qualifications :
• Experience in Cellular or Molecular Immunology/ lymphocyte biology/ Flow cytometry/Tissue culture techniques/ handling infectious agents
• Candidates with experience in flow cytometry techniques will be given priority.
• Knowledge of computer applications and data management
Age Limit : 30 years
Consolidated Salary : Rs. 40,000/- Plus HRA

Project Technician-III
Essential Qualification : 12th Pass in Science subjects and two years diploma in Medical Laboratory Technician or PMW or radiology/ radiography or related subject) or one year DMLT plus one year required experience in a recognized organization or two years field / laboratory experience* or animal house keeping in Government recognized organization. *B.Sc. degree shall be treated as 3 years experience
Desirable Qualifications :
• Master’s degree in Life Sciences/Microbiology/ Biotechnology
• Knowledge of computer applications
• Experience in Research Laboratory and field/handling blood samples, performing serological assays
Age Limit : 30 years
Consolidated Salary : Rs. 18,000/-

Project Assistant
Essential Qualification : Graduate in science/relevant subjects from a recognized university with three years work experience from a recognized institution or Master's degree in the relevant subject.
Desirable Qualifications :
• Master’s degree in Life Sciences/Microbiology/ Biotechnology
• Knowledge of computer applications
• Experience in Research Laboratory and field/handling blood samples, performing serological assays
Age Limit : 30 years
Consolidated Salary : Rs. 31,000/-

Project Technician-II
Essential Qualification : High School* or equivalent with five years experience in related field from a Government institution or recognized institute or certificate of one year training in the relevant area or ITI or National Trade certificate of National Council for Vocational Training and successful completion of ATS in relevant trade from a Government recognized board. *Intermediate wtih science subjects and B.Sc. shall be treated as equivalent to 2 and 3 years experience respectively.
Desirable Qualifications :
• Master’s degree in Life Sciences/Microbiology/ Biotechnology
• Knowledge of computer applications
• Experience in Research Laboratory and field/handling blood samples, performing serological assays
Age Limit : 28 years
Consolidated Salary : Rs. 18,000/-

Terms and conditions
1. Number of vacancies may vary.
2. The position is meant for temporary extramural project for appointment purely on temporary contract basis and co-terminus with the project. 3. Consolidated Salary: The rates of consolidated salary shown in this advertisement are project specific and likely to be modified according to sanction of the funding agency of the Project.
4. Age Concession: Age relaxation will be admissible to various categories of candidates as per GOI and ICMR rules.
5. Cut-off date for age limit is upto the last date of receipt of applications.
6. Qualification & experience should be from an Institution of repute. Experience should have been gained after acquiring the minimum essential qualification.
7. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee the selection.
8. Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department / Organizations are not eligible to apply.
9. The appointment may be renewed as per the need of the project subject to satisfactory performance of the candidate and approval of the competent authority.
10. The institute reserves rights to consider or reject any application/candidature.

11. Submission of wrong or false information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage.
12. Project personnel cannot be permitted to register for Ph.D., due to time constraints.
13. Payment of salary/stipend/consolidated emoluments to the project staff shall be depending upon availability of funds from funding agency of the project.
14. The place of posting will be ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Mumbai Unit, Haffkine Institute Compound, A. D. Marg, Parel, Mumbai – 400 012.
15. The personnel engaged in project mode shall not have any claim on a regular post in this institute or in any Department of Government of India and their project service will not confer any right for further assignment. Benefits of Provident Fund, Pension Scheme, Leave Travel Concession, Medical claim, etc. are not admissible.
16. The Project Investigator and/or Appointing authority reserves the right to terminate the service of project personnel even during the agreed contract period or extended contract period without assigning any reason.
17. Leave shall be as per the ICMR rules applicable to ad hoc project staff.
18. NIV reserves the right to cancel/modify the recruitment process at any time, during the process, at its discretion.
19. The decision of the Director, NIV will be final and binding.
20. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
21. Corrigendum / addendum/further information; if any; in respect of this advertisement, will be published on NIV websites only.

The application without enclosures in the standard format should reach us through google form upto 05:30 pm on or before 28.04.2022.

The relevant documents should not be attached at this stage. The appointment to the respective contract posts will be initially for a period of six months which will be extended further as per requirement / extension of the project.

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