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February 2014



Clinical research courses

Job for Coordinator - Health Programmes in World Health Organization

WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.

Post: Coordinator, Health Programmes

Work as Assistant Director - Tumor Metabolism @ Piramal Life Sciences Limited

Piramal Life Sciences Limited (PLSL) is an independent research-driven drug company that was recently demerged from Piramal Healthcare Limited (Formerly known as Nicholas Piramal India Limited). PLSL was formerly the NCE R&D division of NPIL. PLSL has state-of-the-art R&D laboratories built over 200,000 square-feet of space in Mumbai, India and over 300 scientists engaged in drug discovery and development.

Post: Assistant Director - Tumor Metabolism

Career opportunity for TB Diagnostics Analyst @ Clinton Health Access Initiative

We are a trusted adviser to governments, helping them transform the way they provide health care to their people. We recognize that some of the greatest challenges in fighting diseases of poverty are organizational and managerial, not scientific or medical. With offices in over 25 countries, we partner with governments on a wide range of issues including HIV/AIDS, malaria, and maternal and child health, as well as strengthening in-country health systems, expanding human resources for health, and improving markets for medicines and the efficiency of health resource allocation.

Post: TB Diagnostics Analyst


The Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) is a growing phenomenon. Located in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala, RGCB began in 1990 amongst humble surroundings as a small charitable society called the Centre for Development of Education, Science and Technology (C-DEST). In 1991, recognizing its potential, the C-DEST was made a “Grant-in-Aid” institute of the Government of Kerala and renamed as Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Development of Education, Science and Technology (RGC-DEST), becoming the first institute in the country to be named after Sri Rajiv Gandhi, the young illustrious and visionary former Prime Minster of India.


Vacancy for students eligible to apply for funding of the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) at Ku Leuven

The Laboratory of Experimental Radiotherapy has profiled itself as a translational research lab which is very strongly tied to the clinical Department of Radiation Oncology.

International Symposium on Nature Inspired Initiatives in Chemical Trends-2014 at CSIR-IICT

Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad, a constituent of CSIR is a leading research Institute in the area of chemical sciences. The core strength of IICT lies in Organic Chemistry, and it continues to excel in this field for over six decades. The research efforts during these years have resulted in the development of several innovative processes for a variety of products necessary for human welfare such as drugs, agrochemicals, food, organic intermediates, adhesives etc.

Government releases National Guidelines for Stem Cell Research

Basic guidelines for stem cell research were released in 2007 by joint efforts of DBT & ICMR which are revised in December 2013 after evaluating development in field of stem cell research. These newer guidelines are termed as 'National Guidelines for Stem Cell Research'.

Walk in interview in QC, Production department of in Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited - Government of India undertaking

IDPL is the largest Central Pharma Public Sector Undertaking in India with plants at Rishikesh, Gurgaon & Hyderabad and two Subsidiary Units at Chennai and Muzaffarpur. IDPL played a major role in the strategic National Health Programmes like Family Welfare Programme & Population Control (Mala-D & Mala-N) anti-malarials (Chloroquine) and prevention of dehydration (ORS) by providing quality medicines. During the country’s calamity of outbreak of Plague in 1994, IDPL was the only company which played the sheet anchor role in supplying Tetracycline for the entire Nation. Similarly, company had made uninterrupted supply of Chloroquine to combat Malaria epidemic in different parts of the country.

Applications are invited in IDPL Virbhadra, Rishikesh, Dehradun for posts of Senior Chemist, Chemist, Production Supervisor for one year of contract period. After satisfactory work, contact may extended.

Post: Senior Chemist, Chemist, Production Supervisor

Job for Professional Service Representatives (26 Posts) in KAPL - Government Enterprise

Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., (KAPL) Bangalore is a Government Enterprise.  From a modest beginning in 1984, KAPL has grown from strength to strength in the areas of manufacturing and marketing of various life saving and essential drugs. With an ISO accredition from KPMG, Netherlands, KAPL is recognised for its total commitment to quality and services in domestic and international markets. On profit from inception, KAPL facilities are approved by many international clients.