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November 2011



Clinical research courses

Career opportunity in Cachet Pharma as Product Manager

Established in 1978, "Cachet Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd" is engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of finished pharmaceutical formulations & nutraceuticals in, INDIA and Overseas. The group company ranks among the top 5 pharmaceutical companies in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry.

Multiple Project Vacancies for the post of Research Associate & Post Doctoral Fellow in Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology

Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB), one of the premier constituent establishments of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), is carrying out research and development in the areas of genomics, molecular medicines, bioinformatics and environmental biotechnology. The Institute has played pivotal role in genomics and integrative biology through R & D partnerships and in collaboration with medical institutes, universities and the industry.

Walk in Interview for the post of Customer Support Associate at Tech Mahindra

Tech Mahindra is part of the US $7.1 billion Mahindra Group, in partnership with British Telecommunications plc (BT), the world’s leading communications service provider. Focused primarily on the telecommunications industry, Tech Mahindra is a leading global systems integrator and business transformation consulting organization.

PharmaQuiz- 12 | Find answers of PharmaQuiz - 11

ANSWERS of Previous PharmaQUIZ-11:

1.D    2.D    3.B    4.D    5.A

6.C    7.A    8.B    9.D    10.C

QSAR Analysis on Some Novel 4-Quinolylhydrazone Derivatives as Anti- Tubercular agent

About Authors:
Dr. A. K. Pathak, Parul Sengar, Kamlesh Kumar*
Department of Pharmacy, Barkatullah University
Bhopal, M. P.

A Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship study on a Series of 40 molecules of (4-Quinolylhydrazone compounds) with anti-tubercular activity analogues was made using combination of various physicochemical descriptors (Thermodynamic, electronic and spatial). Several statistical expressions for 2D QSAR & 3D QSAR were developed using stepwise partial least square (PLS) regression analysis and K-Nearest neighboring molecular field analysis (K-NNMFA) respectively. The studies on 2D-QSAR, suggested the four descriptors T_C_C_2, T_C_N_4, Surface area excluding P & S, SsCH3E-index, and H donor count were common and highly contributed the activity. 2DQSAR model developed using partial least square regression approach. Negative logarithmic value of (MIC) was taken as dependent variable and selected discriptors were taken as independent varable. The analysis resulted in the following 2D-equation suggest that, MIC50 = [+0.1587 T_C_C_2- 0.0593 SsCH3E-index- 0.1395 T_C_N_4+ 0.3888 H-Donor Count -3.1556], n =26; Degree of freedom = 22; r2 = 0.75; q2 = 0.67; F test = 22.63;  r2 se = 0.20 ; q2 se = 0.23; pred_r2 = 0.46 ; pred_r2 se = 0.24, a H-donor group at Ar, is important for guiding the design of a new molecule. 3DQSAR model developed using K-nearest neighbour method (training set =33 and test set = 7). The best model derived by the method have q2 = 0.51, q2_se = 0.25, Predr2 = 0.71, pred_r2se = 0.16, n=33, k Nearest Neighbor is 2, Degree of freedom =28. The steric and electrostatic descriptors at the grid points, E_916 (0.1865, 0.3006); S_591 (-0.2851, -0.2580); S_1027 (-0.3273, -0.3090); S926 (30.000, 30.000) plays important role for design of new molecule. 3DQSAR analysis of series of 4-Quinolylhydrazone compounds informed that electropositive and less bulky group increases the biological activity.

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PharmaQuiz- 11 | Find answers of PharmaQuiz - 10

ANSWERS of Previous PharmaQUIZ-10:

1.D    2.A    3.C    4.A    5.A

Applications are invited for the posts of Junior Research Fellow at North-East University

North-Eastern Hill University was set up by an Act of Parliament and notified on 19th July 1973.

Require Junior Research Fellow in the project funded by Department of Biotechnology at NBRC

NATIONAL BRAIN RESEARCH CENTRE (NBRC), Manesar-122 050, Gurgaon, requires a Junior Research Fellow in the project funded by Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India

Work as Executive Quality @ Abbott India

Abbott India Limited is a subsidiary of Abbott Laboratories, USA, a global, iversified health care company devoted to the discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical, diagnostic, nutritional and hospital products. The company now employs approximately 70,000 people and markets its products in 130 countries worldwide.

Projects vacancies in The Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals - total 2 posts

The Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals(RMRCT) at Jabalpur  was established in 1984, under the aegisof the Indian Council of Medical research(ICMR), New Delhi, which is an autonomous body under  the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi. The centre is planning, executing and monitoring the regional health problems of the tribal, in and around central India. Training is being imparted to local expertise for communicable diseases.