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Projects vacancies in The Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals - total 2 posts

Clinical research courses

The Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals(RMRCT) at Jabalpur  was established in 1984, under the aegisof the Indian Council of Medical research(ICMR), New Delhi, which is an autonomous body under  the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi. The centre is planning, executing and monitoring the regional health problems of the tribal, in and around central India. Training is being imparted to local expertise for communicable diseases. the thurst areas of research are communicable diseases and Heamogobinopathies.

Following positions are to be filled purely on temporary and contract basis following projects in this Centre :-

Name of Projects – (1) Assessment of the effectiveness of intensive intervention measures on malaria control programme in tribal district, Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh.
(2) To determine the effectiveness of intensive intervention measures on malaria prevalence in tribal District, Dindori, Madhya Pradesh.

Post: Senior Research Fellow (Statistics) - One Post (for Balaghat Project)

Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Statistics/Maths

Desirable Qualification: Knowledge of using any statistical analysis software i.e. SPSS etc. Experience in data analysis and interpretation of results. Experience in Malaria or other vector borne disease will be preferred

Age: Below 35 years (relaxable to SC / ST / OBC candidates as per rules)

Consolidated Pay: 18000/- plus 10% HRA

Work responsibility: Will be responsible for field work and also work in laboratory. Project involve extensive field work in tribal areas.

Period of appointment: One year or till the completion of the project whichever is earlier

Date, Time & Place of interview: 28/11/2011 at 10.00 A.M. RMRCT, Jabalpur

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Post: Project Assistant (RA) - One post (for Dindori Project)

Essential Qualification: Postgraduate degree in Biological Sciences/Zoology/Life Sciences

Desirable Qualification: Experience in field work/laboratory on malaria/other vector borne diseases

Age: Below 28 years (relaxable to SC / ST / OBC candidates as per rules)

Consolidated Pay: 11850/- plus 10% HRA

Period of appointment: One year or till the completion of the project whichever is earlier

Date, Time & Place of interview: 28/11/2011 at 10.00 A.M. RMRCT, Jabalpur

Selected candidates are required to work in the laboratories as well as in field areas of the projects. Age may be relaxed in deserving cases. The posts are purely temporary till the
duration of the project. The selected candidates will have no claim for regular appointment under ICMR. No TA/DA will be paid for attending walk-in-interview.

Interested candidates should walk-in-interview along-with their applications on plain paper giving their bio-data, a passport size photograph and attested copies of certificates and testimonials on the specified date and time in the office of the Director, RMRCT (ICMR), Nagpur Road, Garha P.O, Jabalpur (M.P.). Late entry will not be considered.

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