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Applications are invited for the posts of Junior Research Fellow at North-East University

Clinical research courses

North-Eastern Hill University was set up by an Act of Parliament and notified on 19th July 1973. The objectives of the University, as laid down in the act, are "to disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional and research facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit; to pay special attention to the improvement of the social and economic conditions and welfare of the people of the hill areas of the North-eastern region, and in particular, the intellectual, academic and cultural advancement".

Post: JRF

Applications on plain paper along with biodata and attested copies of all certificates are invited for the posts of Junior Research Fellow (1 no.) and Lab. Assistant (1 No.) in the DBT funded project entitled “Functional Characterization of an endosperm specific promoter p1028 from common buckwheat and transfer of Bwleg1 gene coding for the buckwheat 26 kDa lysine rich seed storage protein to rice for nutritional enhancement of its grain proteins” under DBT’s twinning programme for NER.

Qualifications: Junior Research Fellow: M.Sc. degree in Botany/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Agriculture Sciences with a minimum of 50% marks in the qualifying examination (NET/GATE/ BET/ BINC candidates will be given preference)
Lab. Assistant: 10th pass (Candidates with experience in laboratory work shall be given preference).

Junior Research Fellow: Rs.16000.00 pm for the Ist and IInd year and Rs. 18000.00 pm for the IIIrd year for NET/GATE/BET/BINC qualified candidates and Rs.12000.00 pm for the Ist and IInd year and Rs. 14000.00 pm for the IIIrd year for Non- NET/GATE/BET/BINC candidates plus HRA as per NEHU rules

Lab. Assistant: Rs. 5000.00 per month
The positions are purely temporary for the duration of the project. The emoluments for JRF/SRF may change as per the norms of DBT, New Delhi.

The appointment does not confer any entitlement or right over the job for absorption in the university service.

Applications can also be sent by Email on the id:

The applications must reach the undersigned latest by Dec. 7, 2011.

Prof. N. K. Chrungoo
Professor, Dept. of Botany &
PI of the Project
North Eastern Hill University,
Shillong- 793022

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