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pharma courses



  • Recruitment for Pharmacists (30 posts) under District Health Society

    Banaskantha District includes the area around the Bank of Banas river. The District is situated between 23.33 to 24.45 north latitude and72.15 to 73.87 east longitude. Banaskantha District lies on north-west side of Gujarat State. The District is surrounded by Marwad and Sirohi regions of Rajasthan State in the north, Sabarkantha District in the east, Mehshana District in the south and Patan District in the west.Border of Pakistan touches the desert. Strategically, Banaskantha District is of much importance because of its sensitive borders.

  • Apply Online for Pharmacists under NHM | Government Jobs

    Banaskantha District includes the area around the Bank of Banas river. The District is situated between 23.33 to 24.45 north latitude and72.15 to 73.87 east longitude. Banaskantha District lies on north-west side of Gujarat State. The District is surrounded by Marwad and Sirohi regions of Rajasthan State in the north, Sabarkantha District in the east, Mehshana District in the south and Patan District in the west.Border of Pakistan touches the desert. Strategically, Banaskantha District is of much importance because of its sensitive borders.

  • Job Openings for Pharmacists (254 posts) under Service Selection Board

    Health and Family Welfare Department has created wide network of health and medical care facilities in the state to provide primary, secondary and tertiary health care at the door step of every citizen of Gujarat with prime focus on BPL families and weaker sections in rural/urban slum areas. Department also takes appropriate actions to create adequate educational facilities for medical and paramedical manpower in the state of Gujarat.

    Post : Junior Pharmacist

  • Job for Pharmacists at District Health Society

    Recruitment under National Health Mission in Banaskantha district RBSK Pharmacist. Candidates who are eligible to fill the vacancies of  Pharmacist for 11 months on contract basis have to be recruited and a waiting list has to be prepared for the vacancies in future.

    Post : Pharmacist cum Data Assistant

  • Vacancy for Assistant Research Scientist at Bio Science Research Centre, SDAU | Pharmacology, Life Sciences apply

    The Government of Gujarat had established the Gujarat Agricultural University in the state vide Gujarat Act, No. 13 of 1969. The Government of Gujarat repealed Gujarat Agricultural University Act, 1969 and promulgated GAUs Act, No. 5 of 2004. Accordingly, Four State Agricultural Universities have been carved out from erstwhile GAU, S. D. Agricultural University being one of them.

    Post : Assistant Research Scientist (contractual) ARS

  • Apply Online for Pharmacists under NHM

  • Apply Online for Pharmacists under NHM | Government Jobs

  • Walk in interview for Ph.D or M.Pharm or M.Sc as Assistant Research Scientist at S. D. Agricultural University

    The jurisdiction of S. D. Agricultural University is Seven Districts of North Gujarat region viz., Banaskantha, Sabarkantha, Mehsana, Patan, Gandhinagar, Kachchh and Aravalli. SDAU is established for the better development of Agriculture and allied sectors in the North Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone. The SDAU is aimed to serve the agricultural interest for the economic development of the farming community of North Gujarat region. S. D. Agricultural University has 8 colleges, 28 Research Stations and 3 KVKs in the jurisdiction.

    Post : Assistant Research Scientist (ARS)

  • Walk in interview for Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow at S. D. Agricultural University

    The jurisdiction of S. D. Agricultural University is Seven Districts of North Gujarat region viz., Banaskantha, Sabarkantha, Mehsana, Patan, Gandhinagar, Kachchh and Aravalli. SDAU is established for the better development of Agriculture and allied sectors in the North Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone. The SDAU is aimed to serve the agricultural interest for the economic development of the farming community of North Gujarat region. S. D. Agricultural University has 8 colleges, 28 Research Stations and 3 KVKs in the jurisdiction.

  • Recruitment for Pharmacists (52 posts) in District Health Society

    National Health Mission Banaskantha invites application for the post of pharmacist on 11 month contract basis.

    Post : Pharmacist cum Data Assistant

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