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Clinical research courses

  • Career for Pharmacist(03 posts) in Office of Superintendent at VSS Institute of Medical Sciences and Research

    Applications are invited for the following posts in tne prescribed proforma given below for selection and appointment to the post on contractual basis in VSS Institute of Medical Sciences and Research. Burla.PIN:768017 in the District of Sambalpur through Speed post/Regd.Post only so as to reach the office of the undersigned or. on before 09.01.2017. Application received after the due date shall not be considered under any circumstances.

  • Application are invited for Pharmacist in VSS Institute of Medical Sciences and Research | 04 posts

    Applications are invited for the post of Pharmacist in the prescribed proforma from eligible candidates for this VSS. Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Burla on contractual basis

    Post: Pharmacist

  • Opportunity for Pharmacist at National Urban Health Mission - 2 posts

    Applications prescribed form are invited from the e ligible candidates for filling  up the following contractual post under NUHM, Sambalpur  with a consolidated remuneration and other incentive admissible as per NUHM norm. 

    Post: Pharmacist

  • Career as Medical Representatives in Ar-Ex Laboratories

    We are looking for candidates for the position of Medical Representative with a background education of Diploma in Pharmacy to pursue career in Sales & Marketing in our Organization. We want to select good candidates to work in the field in the assigned territories to promote our products and achieve the sales targets.

    Post: Medical Representatives

  • Walk in interview for Pharmacist (MHU Kuntra & Fashimal) in Office of the CDMO, Sambalpur

    Walk-in –interview for filling up of the following posts will be held on as per the following schedule which is purely on contractual basis under NHM for a period of 11months or completion of the project whichever is earlier in Sambalpur District. Candidates selected shall be paid monthly remuneration & such other allowances/incentives as admissible under the norms of the society.

    Post: Pharmacist (MHU Kuntra & Fashimal)

  • Applications are invited for Pharmacist (5 posts) in Office of the Superintendent, VSS Medical College Hospital

    Applications are invited for the post of Pharmacist in the prescribed proforma given below for selection and engagement to the post on contractual basis as noted below to work in VSS Medical College Hospital, Burla, PIN:768017 in the District of Sambalpur through speed post/Regd. Post only so as to reach the office of the undersigned on or before 06/12/2013
    Application received after the due date shall not be considered under any circumstances.

    Post: Pharmacist

  • Job as Protocol Manager ( 2 posts) in Office of the CDMO, Sambalpur - RSBY for RKS

    Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of the following posts on contractual basis for a period of 11 months with monthly remuneration as noted against each & subject to renewal as per performance & continuance of the Programme only. Other allowances/incentives as admissible under the norms of the society. But in case of PM & DEO, RSBY the service continuance depends upon the concern RKS based on income from RSBY.

  • Opening for B.Pharmacy / D.Pharmacy as Casualty Manager in NRHM - 12 posts

    Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following posts under National Rural Health Mission, Odisha on contractual basis for a period of 11 months with monthly remuneration as noted against each and subject to renewal as per Society norms basing on the performance. Performance Incentives & other benefits are also admissible as per norms applicable and orders issued there-under from time to time for all the posts except SI. No. 07.

  • Walk in interview from Pharmacist- Cum- Logistic Assistant in Zilla Swasthya Samiti

    Walk-in –interview for filling up of the following posts will be held on as per the following schedule which is purely on contractual basis under NRHM for a period of 11months or completion of the project whichever is earlier in Sambalpur District.

    Post: Pharmacist- Cum- Logistic Assistant- 1

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