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Opportunity for Pharmacist at National Urban Health Mission - 2 posts

Clinical research courses

Applications prescribed form are invited from the e ligible candidates for filling  up the following contractual post under NUHM, Sambalpur  with a consolidated remuneration and other incentive admissible as per NUHM norm. 

Post: Pharmacist

No.of post: 02 - UR

Remuneration (in Rs.): Rs. 9,350/- per month

* Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Institute and approved by P.C.I.
Must have registered under Odisha State Pharmacy Council.
* Desirable: Computer proficiency (MS Office / Internet).
* S/he must have passed Odia up to M.E. Standard.
* Applicants shall be in between the age group of 21-32 years.

N.B: Reservation and age relaxation for ST, SC, SEBC, Women, PH, and sport person quota for the post in 1 to 2 is as per ORV act of Govt. of Odisha. 

Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned above are to apply in prescribed a pplication form along with required documents to the office of the Chief District Medical Officer, Sambalpur, DHH, Modipada, Sambalpur, Pin-768002 on or before 25.02.2016 only through Registered post/ Speed Post .

The envelope containing the application should be super scribed with the name of the post applied for. Incomplete application or application received af ter due date shall be rejected. Authority shall not be held responsible for the postal delay. The undersigned reserve the right to cancel any or all the proposal without assigning any reason there of.

The details eligibility criteria, selection procedure, modalities, terms & condition and application form is available and downloaded from the district website

Last Date: 25.02.2016


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