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Ayurvedic Pharmacist

Clinical research courses

  • Apply Online for Pharmacists 1002 Posts under Subordinate Services Selection Commission

    The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) is the state organization authorized to conduct civil service examinations for appointments to various Group C and Group D posts. The UPSSSC conducts various examinations within the state of Uttar Pradesh.

    Post : Pharmacist (Ayurvedic)

  • 1002 Pharmacists Recruitment under Subordinate Services Selection Commission

    The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) is the state organization authorized to conduct civil service examinations for appointments to various Group C and Group D posts. The UPSSSC conducts various examinations within the state of Uttar Pradesh.

    Post : Pharmacist (Ayurvedic)

  • Opportunity for B.Pharm as Scientific officer under Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt Jobs

    Online applications are invited from Indian Citizen for recruitment to the Post of Scientific Officer under Director of SPLPIM, Kalyani under Health & Family Welfare Department,Government of West Bengal.

    Post: Scientific officer under directorate of SPLPIM, Kalyani

  • Job for Pharmacist at GSFDCL - Government Job

    Job for Pharmacist at GSFDCL - Government Job

  • Recruitment for Pharmacist at GSFDCL - Government Job

  • Walk in interview for Pharmacist at The Medical Superintendent, ESIC Hospital

  • Recruitment for Pharmacists (10 posts) in NUHM and RBSK

    Self attested copy of required mark sheets and certificates in the following prescribed form from the candidates possessing the above qualification cum eligibility, residential certificate for reservation claim, caste certificate, matriculation certificate related to the date of birth.

  • Job for Pharmacist at Employees' State Insurance Corporation | Government Jobs

    Employees’ state Insurance Scheme of India,  is a multidimensional social system tailored to provide socio-economic  protection to worker population and their dependents covered under the scheme. Besides full medical care for self and dependents, that is admissible from day  one of insurable employment, the insured persons are also entitled to a variety  of case benefits in times of physical distress due to sickness, temporary or  permanent disablement etc. resulting in loss of earing capacity, the confinement  in respect of insured women, dependents of insured persons who die in industrial  accidents or because of employment injury or occupational hazard are entitled to  a monthly pension called the dependents benefit

    Post : Ayush Pharmacist

  • Career for Pharmacist at GSFDCL

    The National Agriculture Commission (NAC) recommended establishment of Forest Development Corporations in each State to accelerate progress and development of the forestry sector. Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Limited (GSFDC) was established in August 1976 and registered under the Companies Act 1956.  In 1979 the Minor Forest Produce (MFP) trade was nationalized in Gujarat. The Corporation was entrusted with the task of its execution. This meant translating on the ground the State Policy of protecting economic interest of STs, SCs and other weaker sections, while justifying its Corporate status. This Corporation gets no grants and budgetary support from the Government.

    Post: Ayurvedic Pharmacist

  • Recruitment for Pharmacist at GSFDCL - Government Job

    The National Agriculture Commission (NAC) recommended establishment of Forest Development Corporations in each State to accelerate progress and development of the forestry sector. Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Limited (GSFDC) was established in August 1976 and registered under the Companies Act 1956.  In 1979 the Minor Forest Produce (MFP) trade was nationalized in Gujarat. The Corporation was entrusted with the task of its execution. This meant translating on the ground the State Policy of protecting economic interest of STs, SCs and other weaker sections, while justifying its Corporate status. This Corporation gets no grants and budgetary support from the Government.

    Post: Ayurvedic Pharmacist

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