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Job for Pharmacist at Employees' State Insurance Corporation | Government Jobs

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Employees’ state Insurance Scheme of India,  is a multidimensional social system tailored to provide socio-economic  protection to worker population and their dependents covered under the scheme. Besides full medical care for self and dependents, that is admissible from day  one of insurable employment, the insured persons are also entitled to a variety  of case benefits in times of physical distress due to sickness, temporary or  permanent disablement etc. resulting in loss of earing capacity, the confinement  in respect of insured women, dependents of insured persons who die in industrial  accidents or because of employment injury or occupational hazard are entitled to  a monthly pension called the dependents benefit

Post : Ayush Pharmacist

No of post : 01

Age : Age not exceeding 32 years as on the date of interview

Qualification : Diploma in Ayurveda from a recognized Board Three years experience in Ayurvedic Pharmacy in recognized institution Registered under Pharmacy Act 1948

Emoluments : Rs.11,360/- per month (5 hrs 6 days in a week)

Terms and conditions
1. The number of vacancies may be changed without any prior notice.
2. No. TA/DA will be admissible either for the ‘Walk- in- interview’ or for joining the post.
3. The Competent Authority reserves the right to fill up all or not to fill up any post.
4. Selected candidates will have no claim for regularization of the service in the hospital.
5. Hostel accommodation/quarters/uniform will not be provided.
6. The selected candidates’ will have to join within 07 days from the date of receipt of the Selection order.

7. The selected candidate (For Ayush Pharmacist) will have to furnish a DD/Bankers Cheque for an amount of Rs.2,000/-(Rupees Two Thousand Only) drawn in favour of ‘ESIC A/c No 1’ payable at Tirunelveli, towards security deposit. However, this amount is refundable without any interest after furnishing the “No Objection Certificate” from the concerned Departments of the hospital at the end of tenure of 1 year or resignation or removal whichever is earlier.
8. In case of misconduct by part time Ayurvedic Pharmacist, his/her service will be liable to be dispensed with on that ground. Non compliance of the instructions of this Hospital, irregularity in attendance will constitute misconduct and on the ground the engagement as part time Ayurvedic Pharmacist could be terminated after giving a Show-Cause Notice.
9. The selection is subject to the candidates proving their medical fitness & verification of their Character & Antecedents.
10. The appointment shall not offer any right or preference for regular appointment.
11. In case regular candidate in, the appointment shall be terminated as per the condition of the contract.
12. No claim for any service benefit like, PF, Pension, Gratuity, medical Allowance, Seniority, Promotion and leave will be admissible.
13. Candidates must be registered with Tamilnadu Ayurvedic Council.
14. The candidate who is in the Government Service should submit “No Objection Certificate” from the employer at the time of interview.
15. Candidate seeking reservation benefits for SC/ST/OBC must ensure that they are entitled to such reservations per eligibility prescribed in the Notice. They should also be in possession of the required certificates in the prescribed format in support of their claim as stipulated in this Notice. OBC candidates should ensure that they are in possession of valid OBC Certificate issued with in the due date issued by the authority mentioned in the format.
16. The candidate claiming reservation / age relaxation on grounds of belonging to OBC should submit the community Certificate in Annexure “A” prescribe vide Govt. Of India, Department of Personnel and Training OM No.36036/2/2013-Estt(Res). Date 30.05.2014 failing which the benefit of reservation / relaxation will not be given or their application shall be rejected and no request/ correspondence will be entertained. Certificates issued in other format will not be accepted and the candidates will be treated as “General Category” for all purpose.
17. The candidates are advised to bring their application/Bio data and original certificates.
18. All the candidates are directed report in the office of the Medical Superintendent ESIC Hospital, Vannerpettai, Tirunelveli as per the timing mentioned above.
19. On selection candidates has to open an SB Account in the State Bank of India any Branches (This is applicable to cases where SB account is not held in State Bank of India).
20. The decision of the selection board will be final on all aspects of selection and no further correspondence will be entertained under any circumstance.
21. The engagement is temporary and will be for 12 months period from the date of engagement or till the postings of regular Ayurvedic Pharmacist whichever is earlier.
22. The contractual appointment for part time pharmacist will be for one year extendable on annual basis, subject to satisfactory performance upto a period of 1 year or the age limit, whichever is earlier.
23. The candidates shall be governed by the relevant Rules and Regulations adopted by the ESIC in this regard.

1. Duly filled in applicant form in the prescribed format as per Annexure – 1.
2. The candidates should attend the interview with photocopies of Matriculation certificate (for proof of Age), MBBS, Diploma/Degree certificate, SC/ST/OBC certificate, registration certificate and two passport size photographs., experience certificate along with originals.

How to apply:
The eligible candidates, along with their application filled properly in prescribed proforma should appear for a walk in interview on the appointed date & time. They should also bring two recent passport size photographs along with one set of attested photocopies and originals of testimonials.
Documents to be submitted:
1. Two passport size Photographs.
2. Two sets of the following testimonials along with the originals for verification:
a) Proof of Date of Birth
b) SSLC/Matriculation Certificate or equivalent
c) Certificate of Qualification
d) Certificate of registration with concerned Medical Council
e) Caste certificate
f) Experience Certificate
Note: Selected candidates have to report for duty immediately or the date mentioned in offer letter , failing which it will be presumed that they are not interested in joining and their appointment will be deemed to be considered as cancelled without any correspondence in this regard.

Date of Interview : 20-09-2019

Reporting time for Registration : 09.00 AM to 10.30 AM

Application Form & More Info>>

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