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Recruitment for Pharmacists (10 posts) in NUHM and RBSK

GPAT courses

Self attested copy of required mark sheets and certificates in the following prescribed form from the candidates possessing the above qualification cum eligibility, residential certificate for reservation claim, caste certificate, matriculation certificate related to the date of birth.

National Urban Health Mission (NUHM)
Post: Pharmacist
No of post: 03
Job Description:
1. Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized institute
2. Registered under Jharkhand State Pharmacy Council
3. Computer Proficiency (MS Office) and Internet
Preference will be given to those who worked in Health or Social Sector.
Salary: Rs. 10973 per month

Under NHM
Post: Ayush Pharmacist
No of post: 02
Job Description:
1. Ayurvedic Compounder: Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy from Govt, recognized Institute
2. Unani Compounder: Diploma in Unani Pharmacy from Govt, recognized Institute.
3. Homeopathic Compounder: Diploma in Homeopathic Pharmacy from Govt, recognized Institute
Salary: Rs. 10000

Rashtriya Bal Surksha Karyakram (RBSK) 
Post: Pharmacist
No of post: 05
Job Description:
1. Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized institute should have registered under Jharkhand State Pharmacy Council.
2. Computer proficiency (MS Office) & Internet
Salary: Rs. 11550

Terms of Selection
01. vacancies are on contract basis and will be contracted to work against the accepted honorarium.
02. Indemnity Bond is mandatory to be attached to the representation, that they will not claim regular appointment.
03. The name of the post applied for should be clearly mentioned on the envelope. 
04. A simple envelope with a stamp of Rs. 25 / - on which the correspondence address is inscribed is compulsory.
05. The contract will be valid for one year.  It can be increased on the basis of Annual Performance / Appraisal once in a year.
06. Contract can be terminated by giving one month notice or one month honorarium to the contractual workers on contract basis.
07. Candidates who are presenting CGPA-score card for educational qualification will also submit CGPA Conversion Chart along with the mark sheet.
08, A candidate cannot apply for more than one post, otherwise his application will be rejected and will not be considered later.
09. Shilisted others will be included in further selection process by the committee according to the qualification advertised, qualification.
10. The decision of the committee in the appointment process will be final and binding.  11. Some amendments to the terms of the advertisement, as required, shall be reserved with the power to cancel the advertisement.
12. No personal correspondence contact regarding the appointment will be valid.
13. In the light of the petition filed in the Hon'ble High Court, Jharkhand Ranchi against the decision taken by the Selection Committee to comply with the local policy and accordingly to release the service to certain ineligible candidates in the light of advertisement number 02/2018 issued from Ramgarh district.  The passage of any such order shall be binding on the Hon'ble Court of Justice, if the appointment to a post is effected by the order of the Hon'ble Court and if the appointment of the Hon'ble Tribunal is canceled by the Hon'ble Court. Accordingly, the appointment can be canceled / changed accordingly without any prior notice and any other reason.
14. Only local residents of Ramgarh district are eligible to apply for all posts.  Local resident certificate issued from the level of Zonal Officer / Sub-Divisional Officer will be valid.

Process of Selection: The process of selection is determined as follows.
01 application form will be accepted only through registered post / speed post.
02. Candidates were selected on the basis of marks obtained in the academic and technical examinations or written test (on the basis of the course and general knowledge as per the post) or Skill Test or Interview (one or more as decided by the Selection Committee)   In the event of conducting the Wntten Test, the committee will give information related to the exam date later.
03 Lastly the Megha list prepared will be published for a week in the office of Civil Surgeon / Deputy Commissioner.  Information about publication of the Megha list on the notice board will be given through the newspaper.

Process of application:
01 Self attested copy of required mark sheets and certificates in the following prescribed form from the candidates possessing the above qualification cum eligibility, residential certificate for reservation claim, caste certificate, matriculation certificate related to the date of birth. Applications can be submitted in the prescribed form on 06.07.2020 till 03:00 PM, attaching self attested two passport size photographs with all educational qualification certificates and application forms. Applications received after this will not be accepted.
02 Candidates who have qualified for the post of technical, according to the technical marks of the year-wise separate marks certificates, marking the first year, second year and third year (as applicable) marks in the application form, self attested photocopy with the application  Attachment is mandatory.
 03 Civil Surgeon, application of Ramgad to any office other than the office / direct mail will automatically be rejected.
 04. Application fee: - For each post, it will be compulsory for applicants for general category / OBC to be attached with a demand draft of Rs. 400 for SC / ST applicants along with a demand draft application of Rs. 200. The payment of the draft will be paid in the name of 'District Rural Health Committee Ramgarh.
05. All the completed applications can be submitted in the closed envelope, postal / speed post, the correspondence address of the application - in the office of Civil Surgeon cum Chief Medical Officer, (Chattarmandu) Ramgad-825101.

Last date: 06.07.2020


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