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1002 Pharmacists Recruitment under Subordinate Services Selection Commission

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Pharmacist Recruitment under Subordinate Services Selection Commission

The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) is the state organization authorized to conduct civil service examinations for appointments to various Group C and Group D posts. The UPSSSC conducts various examinations within the state of Uttar Pradesh.

Post : Pharmacist (Ayurvedic)

Under Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission, Lucknow's Advertisement No. 01-Exam/2024, Pharmaceutical (Ayurvedic) Main Examination (P.A.P.-2023)/01, on a total of 1002 vacant posts of Pharmacist (Ayurvedic) under the control of Directorate of Ayurveda, Uttar Pradesh. Online applications are invited from citizens of India for selection. Shortlisting of candidates for the Pharmaceutical (Ayurvedic) Main Examination (P.A.P.-2023)/01 will be done on the basis of their Preliminary Eligibility Test-2023 (Preliminary Eligibility Test-PET-2023) score, hence only those candidates can apply online for participation in this examination. Those who have appeared in the Preliminary Eligibility Test- 2023 (PET-2023) can apply and have been issued a score card (with valid numerical score) by the Commission. Candidates who score zero or less/negative marks in absolute score or normalized score in Preliminary Qualifying Examination-2023 will not be shortlisted for the Main Examination.

Provided that until the final decision is taken at the Commission level in the cases of candidates of Under Investigation (UI) and Provisional categories, the candidates of these categories will also not be allowed to appear in the various main examinations conducted by the Commission. Provisional permission for application is given with the restriction that further action regarding shortlisting and selection of such candidates for the main examination will be subject to the result/decision of the investigation being conducted by the Commission.

No of posts : 1002 (UR-448, SC-291, ST-37, OBC-126, EWS-100)
Department : Directorate of Ayurveda Uttar Pradesh
Pay Scale : Pay Matrix Level-5, Rs.29,200-92,300

Mandatory Qualification (Educational) According to Rule 8 of Part-4 of Uttar Pradesh AYUSH Department Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Services Rules, 2023 as amended (First Amendment-2023), a candidate for direct recruitment to the post of Pharmacist (Ayurvedic) in the service should not have secondary education Council. Uttar Pradesh with Science (Biology or Mathematics stream) or any equivalent examination recognized by the Government and the candidate must have passed Ayurveda from a recognized institution registered with the Board of Ayurvedic and Unani-Tibbi Medical System, Uttar Pradesh. Must hold Diploma in Pharmacy and must be registered with Ayurvedic and Unani-Tibbi Medical System Board, Uttar Pradesh.
Preferential Qualification - According to Rule 9 of Part-4 of Uttar Pradesh AYUSH Department Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Services Rules, 2023 as amended (First Amendment-2023), other things being equal, in the case of direct recruitment, preference will be given to such a candidate who-
1- Must have served in the Territorial Army for a minimum period of 02 years, or
2- Must have obtained 'B' certificate of National Cadet Corps.

According to Rule 10 of Part-4 of Uttar Pradesh AYUSH Department Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Services Rules, 2023 as amended (First Amendment- 2023), for direct recruitment to the post of Pharmacist (Ayurvedic), it is necessary that the candidate has completed the post of Pharmacist (Ayurvedic) in the calendar year in which the Commission The vacancies for direct recruitment are advertised by, must have attained the age of eighteen years and not more than forty years of age as on 1st July:
Provided that in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and such other categories as may be notified by the Government from time to time, the upper age limit shall be higher by such number of years as may be specified.

Application Procedure
Candidates can download/view the said advertisement by clicking on the relevant advertisement under Live Advertisement Segment on the homepage of the Commission's website All the procedures for filling the application form can be completed by the candidate in one go. In the application process, instructions are given below to the candidates regarding filling the online application. Therefore, before applying, candidates should read the application process carefully and understand it thoroughly.
1. Candidates are expected to read the advertisement carefully and ensure that they possess the required essential qualifications (educational) and other qualifications for the advertised posts and fall within the prescribed age limit. Candidates should start the process of filling the application form only if they possess the prescribed qualifications and educational qualifications mentioned in the advertisement.
2. It is mandatory for the candidate to acquire/possess the relevant essential qualification (educational) and other qualifications and related certificates till the last date of application (03-03-2024).
3. Candidates seeking the benefit of reservation/relaxation in age limit should submit the caste certificate/reservation related certificate issued by the competent authority on the prescribed format printed in the appendix of this detailed advertisement and available on the website in support of the respective reserved category, which is valid till the date of application or Must have obtained the certificate issued by the last date of application mentioned in the advertisement and will have to present the said certificate to the Commission when it is expected from them.
4. Those applicants who are willing to apply under the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category are expected to apply between 01-04-2023 to 03-03-2024 (last date of application). Make sure to hold the EWS certificate issued, which is based on you for the financial year 2022-23 and is valid for the financial year 2023-24. Applicants of this category are required to submit certificate on the format prescribed by Uttar Pradesh Government Personnel Section-2 Government Order No. 3/2019/4/1/2002/Ka-2/19TC-11, dated 14-03-2019. It will be mandatory to do this. (Please see paragraph 11.14 of the advertisement)
5. Only one application is required for the advertised post.

Instructions regarding application process
1. Authentication/Login of the candidate with the registration number of Preliminary Eligibility Test (Applicant Authentication/Login Through PET Registration Number) - Provide two options to the candidate for authentication of the registration number of Preliminary Eligibility Test-PET-2023. Have gone-
2. Through Personal Details – Candidates can login for the application by filling the preliminary qualifying examination-2023 registration number, date of birth, gender, domicile and category details.
3. Through O.T.P.- O.T.P sent on the registered mobile number/email against the registration number of the candidate Preliminary Qualifying Examination-2023. You can login through O.T.P

I. After login, in this section the candidate has to enter his/her personal information recorded in the Preliminary Qualifying Examination-2023 like name, father/husband's name, mother's name, details related to being a resident of Uttar Pradesh, category, EWS, horizontal Details related to reservation, date of birth, gender, marital status, contact mobile number, email etc. will be displayed automatically.
II. In this part, the candidate will have to fill the details related to the mandatory qualification (educational) published in the advertisement. After selecting the Yes/No option regarding holding the educational qualification, the candidate has to enter the name of the board/institution/university, year of passing, certificate/roll number, date of issue of qualification certificate and details regarding marks obtained etc. have to go.
III. After filling the above information, the candidate will have to enter the verification code shown in "Enter Verification Code" at the bottom of the registration page and click on the "Submit" button. Once the form is submitted, "Candidate's Application Form" will be displayed, which will contain 11 digit registration number and other details. Candidates should print a copy of it and keep it safe with them, which will have to be presented if required.
Photo and Signature – In this section, the photo and signature uploaded by the candidate in the Preliminary Qualifying Examination-2023 will be automatically displayed. No amendment or change can be made in it by the candidate. After viewing the photo and signature, the candidate will go to the next page after clicking the “Continue” button.
Other Details – In this section the candidate will have to choose any one option from Yes/No regarding preferential qualification (if any). In this part, the permanent and correspondence address entered by the candidate in the Preliminary Qualifying Examination- 2023 will also be automatically displayed.

Application Fee
Only online processing fee will be charged from the candidates for online application at the application stage, the category wise details of which are mentioned in the table below. In case of being shortlisted for the main examination, the examination fee for the main examination will be payable separately by the shortlisted candidates, which will have to be paid before downloading the admit card for the main examination.
Fee Total (Application Fee + Online Processing Fee)
Unreserved/General : Rs. 25
Other Backward Classes : Rs. 25
Scheduled Caste : Rs. 25
Scheduled Tribe : Rs. 25
• Dependents of freedom fighters, ex-servicemen, women, disabled and outstanding sports candidates will have to pay fee as per their original category mentioned.
• Examination fee for Main Examination will have to be paid separately only by the candidates shortlisted for Main Examination. The examination fee for the Main Examination (as determined by the Commission/Government) will be paid by the candidates shortlisted for the Main Examination before downloading the admit card for the Main Examination.

Date of publication of advertisement : 01-02-2024
Starting date of online application/fee submission : 12-02-2024
Last date for online application/fee deposit/application submission : 03-03-2024
Last date for fee adjustment and amendment in application : 11-03-2024

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