Gujarat state is one of the highly industrially developed states in the country. Being an industrialized state, migration of laborers from various parts of India is very high. Mobility and migration of people make them more vulnerable, as a result of separation from spouse and release of social sanctions, leading to high-risk sexual practices and consequently they may contract HIV, which in turn is carried to their spouses and to their children. On the one hand, with an increase in urbanization most of the societies are in transition and the young population is under less social restraint. On the other hand, lower literacy level of rural women, especially in the state and local customs & traditions make women more vulnerable to the infection. Large numbers of women suffer from reproductive tract infections (RTIs), which are mainly due to poor sexual hygiene especially during menstruation and sexually transmitted infections from their spouses.
Interviews will be held at the below mentioned addresses for selection/waiting list of the following contractual posts at following ART centers under NACP III. The selection/ waiting list remain valid for a period of one year or till another advertisement published whichever is earlier. All these appointments are purely contractual for a period of 11 months at the fixed remuneration mentioned. If no. of candidates are more for any post, written test may be taken on the date of interview. Details of the posts and interviews is as follows: