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Ph.D or M.Pharm, MSc Job as Research Associate at Kamdhenu University

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Ph.D or M.Pharm, MSc Job as Research Associate at Kamdhenu University

Kamdhenu University has been established and incorporated by the Government of Gujarat as a teaching and affiliating University for the development of Veterinary and Animal Sciences including Dairy, Fisheries and Allied Sciences and for furthering the advancement of learning, conducting need based research and dissemination of findings of research and other technical information (lab to land) in Veterinary and Animal Sciences including Dairy, Fisheries and Allied Sciences in the State of Gujarat.

Post : Research Associate

Kamdhenu University, Under Dairy Science College, Amreli, GSBTM Project, Gandhinagar, in the sanctioned scheme, under the following detailed provisional basis, fixed term candidates are invited to appear on the scheduled date and time. 

Name of the Scheme : Exploration of Biofuel production form cyanobacterial biomass production form dairy effluent treatment
Budget Head : 0306027

Educational Qualification :  Ph.D. in Biotechnology / Microbiology / Life Science / MD  / MS / MDS equivalent degree or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSc./ M.Pharm / ME/ M.Tech with at least one research paper in science citation indexed (SCI) journal as well as experience in  the related field of research is also desired
Age Limit :  40 Years

Remuneration : Rs.47,000 / - Per Month + HRA for qualified fellow or Rs.37,847 / - Per Month fixed for not qualified fellow as per circular No. GSBTM / RSS / JD (R&D) / 610 / 2021-22 / 872 Date 08-10-2021
Duration : 11 months

Thus, candidates possessing the above educational qualifications will have to fill the prescribed form along with original certificates of their date of birth, caste, educational qualification, experience etc. and one set of attested copies of certificates and appear for the oral interview on the prescribed date and time at their own expense.  Names of reserved category and female candidates in upper age limit.  Exemption will be given as per the rules of Govt. 

The appointee is to be appointed only on a temporary basis for the duration of the scheme.  The University is not bound to appoint the candidates appointed in these schemes as permanent employees and once the candidate is appointed, the University cannot make any claim to get any rightful share as an employee.  A candidate so appointed may be discharged from the service on expiry of the term of the scheme or at any time by the appointing authority without giving any notice or compensation.

Walk in Interview
Date : 21/12/2022
Time : 11:30 hrs
Venue of Interview : College of Dairy Science, Rajkot-Amreli Highway, Near Shedubhar, Amreli.

Special Note : The prescribed application form will be provided by Dairy Science College, Kamdhenu University, Gandhinagar on the day of interview and which must be filled and submitted along with Aadhaar by 11:30 am, after which no application form will be accepted.  

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